After dinner with Luo Er Chen, Jing bao'er went upstairs to take a bath and lay down in bed.

Because she slept too much during the day, she couldn't sleep at all for a while while while lying in bed.

After tossing and turning for a while, jingbao'er finally gave up.

Turning on the light, she poured herself a glass of wine, and then stood in front of the French window to see the night scene outside.

It's still snowing outside. From her point of view, the yard and the street outside are all white.

At this time, the city is picturesque and beautiful.

The night was beautiful, but her mood was not.

Originally, she was not in a good mood. After she met Jingrong at home, her mood became even worse.

Slowly swallowing a mouthful of red wine, jingbao'er begins to plot revenge for Jingrong in her heart.

All night long, standing in front of the window, jingbao'er thinks about it and finally comes up with the best way. She doesn't need a soldier, as long as she is alone.

Make a good plan, jingbao'er will lie back in bed.

It's already early to seven o'clock.

The snow stopped outside. Ah Leng and they began to sweep the snow in the yard. The yard was full of their voices. They sounded very happy.

Jingbao was a little sleepy, so she closed her eyes and fell asleep.


It was noon when Jing bao'er woke up again.

When they went downstairs, ah Leng had already had dinner and went out. Luo Erchen seemed to have gone too. There was lunch in the kitchen pot.

Lunch is her favorite Sichuan food. After smelling it, Jing bao'er knows that it must be made by rolchen.

After a brief heat, Jing bao'er had a quick meal.

Then she went upstairs to dress herself up.

She changed into her favorite wine red fishtail mid slim coat, with long waist hair naturally draped over her shoulders, and her face painted with fine make-up.

sprayed some love Dior perfume on her body, and Jing Bao went straight out of the door.

She's going to finish her plan.

She must kill Jing Rong, avenge her children and seek justice for herself.

After today, she will no longer have to hold back and live, all the backlog of things in her heart, can completely vent ~ out.

As soon as Jing bao'er got to the door, a shot rang.

Jing bao'er hides at the door subconsciously.

The next second, a bullet hit on the iron door frame

At that moment, Jing bao'er's nerves immediately tensed.

She immediately frowned, retreated to an evergreen tree behind the door and hid carefully. Then she quickly took out her pistol from her pocket and loaded it quickly!

Soon, several men and women in black clothes, black trousers and black veil came into the yard

From their eyes and feet, jingbao'er knows that these people must be some well-trained experts.

Now she's the only one in the family and she can't take risks.

She should protect herself well. She hasn't got revenge yet. She must keep her life

Even if it's dead, we have to wait for Jingrong to die.

The group of people swept around the yard, found no one, and then quickly walked towards the main building of the villa.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately flashed out of the door.

As soon as he went out, Jing bao'er called ah Leng directly. After telling ah Leng the situation, Jing bao'er quickly pressed hang up.

As soon as the phone was hung up, jingbao'er saw several helicopters flying towards her villa.

Intuition tells Jing bao'er that those people in the helicopter are by no means good!

Aware of the approaching danger, jingbao'er quickly finds a tree by the side of the road to cover himself.

Just after hiding under a tree, several helicopters began to drop bombs

For a moment, the explosion drowned everything,

"bang -"

with a loud noise, a bomb quickly exploded beside Jing bao'er

At that moment, jingbao'er's ears were buzzing.

Bomb power is very strong, a landing, her side of the ground will be blown open a pit!

Soon Jing bao'er saw that the helicopters were getting closer and closer to him!

Then she quickened her pace and ran quickly with the help of the tree as a cover!

The explosion continues

Bomb after bomb fell on the ground, the ground was smashed open a pit!

At the most dangerous time, a bomb just landed half a meter away from her.

Fortunately, she ran very fast, but she was hurt by the stones splashed by the explosion, but it didn't matter!

The explosion continues.

Jing bao'er has been struggling to run forward.

If she wants to run for her life, she must live!The belief of wanting to live supports Jingbao's unlimited physical strength!

These people are very arrogant. Even if Jing bao'er runs to the gate of the community, they are still chasing her

Jingbao'er always skilfully dodges the bombs that fall to the ground, but several security guards at the door can't escape, all of them are blown up.


Passers by in and out of the community were also affected. They were killed and injured by bombs

This group of people is obviously desperate to kill her, at any cost to take her life!

Running to the gate of the residential area, Jing Baoer sees rolchen's black Land Rover driving towards him, and Land Rover follows ah Leng's black Audi.

Seeing this, rolchen rushed to jingbao'er regardless of everything

Even if the danger was in front of him, he still ran to jingbao'er regardless of everything!

Carrying jingbao'er on his shoulder quickly, rolchen doesn't speak much, but crazily holds jingbao'er on the bus.

As soon as they got on the bus, a bomb exploded in front of the car

Rolchen then quickly backed up, stepped on the accelerator, carrying Jing bao'er to escape quickly.

Ah Leng and they followed.

In this situation, they can't fight hard because the other side has so much firepower.

If you fight hard, it will be a dead end!

All they have to do is run! Escape until the bombs are exhausted!

In order to avoid further injury to more innocent people, Luo Erchen specially drove his car to the road with few pedestrians

Even so, there are still many pedestrians injured and blown up!

At this moment, the whole world is in a thick smoke of gunpowder!

The air was full of the cruel smell of smoke, and the smell of blood.

Even rolchen, who is used to the big wind and waves, is frightened by the pursuit.

In fact, he is not afraid of death. What he is afraid of is Jing bao'er's death.

At this time, he had a very firm belief in his heart, that is, he must do everything to protect the scenery!

Anyway, he can't let Jing bao'er die

Police nearby heard the explosion and rushed to the scene!

However Just on the way, the police car they were driving was exploded by a bomb

All the police in the car are alive!

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