The cold bullet mercilessly hit the back of his heart

Red blood gushed out in an instant

Severe pain, let rolchen can't help but dull ~ hum!

Bearing the pain, rolchen pulls Jing bao'er to the back of a big tree and uses the tree as a cover for them!

Touching the blood on rolchen, jingbao'er exclaimed, "rolchen, you've been shot!"

At this moment, jingbao'er's heart suddenly hung to his throat!

"Yes..." Luo Erchen's smile was pale and powerless. As soon as his voice fell, he fell on Jing bao'er

Luo Erchen 185's big man, so straight down on himself, jingbao'er need to work hard to ensure that the two of them do not fall down!

"Luo Erchen Luo Erchen, wake up, you hold on, you I I'll call 120 now! " Jingbao'er cried.

With that, jingbao'er took out her mobile phone and dialed 120

Jingbao'er finished the call and saw countless military helicopters appear in the smoky sky!

Soon, the helicopter began to drop bombs!

Panic, ah Leng, they and the enemy began to run crazy!

Ah Leng, they are very close to the roadside! As soon as the explosion started, they went straight into the trees by the side of the road!

But the enemy is not so lucky!

Soon, all of them were wiped out!

It's a mess. The whole world is in a mess.

But Jing bao'er still didn't see much. Her mind is all on Luo Erchen.

Carefully holding Luo Erchen to sit down, Jing bao'er also directly sits beside Luo Erchen, letting him lean against himself.

Rolchen has been bleeding, his white coat has been dyed bright red!

The dazzling red and the dazzling white on rolchen's face hurt Jing bao'er's eyes deeply!

At that moment, jingbao'er felt that he was about to suffocate!

Although the situation was chaotic just now, she also knew that rolchen's shot was for her! Luoerchen blocked a shot for her! Otherwise, she must be the one who is falling here now!

Just thinking of Luo Erchen's appearance of protecting her, Jing Baoer's heart began to bleed.

There is a deep love, called rolchen.

Just as he sat down with Luo Er Chen, Jing bao'er saw that the place where Luo Er Chen was injured was just the back of his heart

This bullet, impartial, hit in the position of his heart!

If the bullet hit his heart now, rolchen would die in a few minutes!

The thought that Luo Erchen might die made Jing Baoer's heart ache even more.

Jingbao'er can't imagine how desperate, heartbroken and guilty luoerchen will be after her death.

He is still so young, and his life has unlimited possibilities.

What a pity if she died here!

"Luo Erchen You Wake up You don't sleep, you get up, you get up... " Jing bao'er shakes Luo Erchen with all his life to open his eyes.

But rolchen didn't respond at all.

The bombing on the road nearby ended and the whole world began to calm down.

Jingbao'er hears police cars and ambulances running towards their location

The sound of the sirens of the ambulance and the police car is very harsh!

Ah Leng and several of them quickly gathered around.

Every one of them was slightly injured!

Every face is painted!

"Luo Shao was shot? Where did it hurt? " Ah Leng asked nervously.

"The bullet hit in the back of the heart." Jingbaoer road.

Ah Leng immediately took a breath.

"And you? Are you all right? " Asked Jing bao'er.

"We're fine. We're just slightly injured." A cold road.

Noticing that the ambulance was coming, Jing bao'er immediately looked at ah Leng and said, "ah Leng, you go back first. I'll just watch Luo Erchen alone. You go back and deal with the wound."

Ah Leng, they immediately bow respectfully and quickly leave the scene!

After ah Leng left, several medical staff rushed to Jing bao'er with a stretcher.

Everyone was shocked to see that it was rolchen!

As the son of former president Luo Yaohua and the young master of the former presidential palace, Luo Erchen is more famous in Z country than most popular stars!

We didn't ask any more questions. We just quickly carried Luo Erchen to the ambulance.

After Luo Erchen got on the bus, Jing Baoer also got on the bus quickly!

Soon, the ambulance began to gallop!

Jingbao's mood collapsed as soon as he got on the bus.

Looking at the appearance of the medical staff carrying out the temporary emergency rescue for jingbao'er, jingbao'er's tears immediately came down.Rolchen's pale face is like a knife, deeply stabbing Jing bao'er's eyeball!

It really hurts

When putting on the oxygen mask, Luo Er Chen slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing jingbao'er, rolchen immediately frowned slightly and waved his hand to jingbao'er.

Jing bao'er saw Luo Er Chen open his eyes, immediately excited to get close to him, half kneeling on the ground, put his ears on the outside of the oxygen mask!

"Er Chen, tell me what you want to say!" Jing bao'er said, "Luo Er Chen, listen, I don't allow you to die. You must insist. I don't allow you to die. Do you hear me?"

"Jing bao'er If I don't die, will you marry me? " The man whispered.

The strong sense of weakness makes him weak. His voice is very small. Jingbao'er needs to be very careful to hear it clearly.

"Good As long as you don't die, I'll marry you... " Jingbao'er is crying and nodding

At this time, there was only one thought in Jing bao'er's mind, which was to hope that Luo Erchen would survive.

So, she wants to give rolchen hope and motivation!

Besides, this time, Jing bao'er was completely moved by rolchen.

She doesn't want to let rolchen be the relative standing behind her. She wants to make him her man as he wishes!

From the moment rolchen blocked the gun for her, jingbao'er was completely moved!

The inner glacier has been completely melted by rolchen!

"Really?" The man is pale smiling, ask a way with gas voice.

Jingbao'er nodded, "really As long as you can survive, I will marry you. What I said is true. Luo Erchen, I will marry you. I will not only marry you, but also give you many babies, OK? Please, you must survive and marry me... "

"Rolchen, don't you always want to melt me? Now that I'm melted by you, don't you always want me to be your woman? Now I tell you I'd like to... "

"Luo Erchen, as long as you don't die, as long as you can survive bravely, I'll be your woman for the rest of my life! Luo Erchen, you must survive. Please... "

Jing bao'er is sincere in every word.

As he spoke, Jing bao'er choked several times.

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