Now he's got it.

"Well, I really love her. What's the matter, dad? Do you want to let us get married? Or do you want to object? I'll sue you. It's certainly ineffective to oppose it. I won't listen to it. " Luo Erchen said directly.

When Luo Yaohua heard the speech, he had no choice but to shake his head? You see how excited you are. "

Luo Yaohua's words surprised Luo Erchen.

"What? Do you have any objection? " Asked rolchen.

Rolchen couldn't believe his ears.

Luo Yaohua nodded heavily. In Luo Erchen's suspicious eyes, he replied, "naturally, he won't object. You can marry whoever you want to marry. This is your freedom. You have the right to choose your own partner. I have no right to interfere in your freedom of marriage."

"Besides, I like Jing bao'er very much. Even if many people in our circle are saying that Jing bao'er and Jing Rong were not clean before, I don't mind. Who hasn't gone there yet? It's normal for children to fall in love several times before they get married. " Luo Yaohua added.

What Luo Yaohua said is totally beyond the imagination of rolchen.

That's not what he imagined.

He imagined that his father should be firmly opposed.

He never thought that his father should be so open-minded!

"Dad, why are you so open-minded all of a sudden? I always thought you were an old-fashioned person Rolchen said with a smile.

"Who? You call me old-fashioned? Are you out of your mind? I'm very open-minded at first sight. " Luo Yaohua Road.

"Cut..." Rauchen shook his head.

"Anyway, Dad, thank you for agreeing to our marriage. I'm going to get married with bao'er after I leave hospital. You should go back and make a hotel reservation and an invitation first." Rolchen added, "I have to marry Jing bao'er to my family. Everything needed for the wedding should be in accordance with the highest standard. I will pay for the money myself, but you don't have to pay for it."

"What do you say? It's natural for me to pay for my son's marriage. I'll take care of your wedding." Luo Yaohua Road.

"Well, everything should be the best. By the way, Dad, you'd better find someone to come out on a good day." Rolchen also said, "we must choose a good day to get married."

"You boy, when did you become so superstitious? Didn't you despise these things before? " Asked Luo Yaohua.

He remembers that before he moved into the presidential palace, he specially went to a master to choose a good day for him, so as to ensure that he could live in the presidential palace. At that time, rolchen was sneering at his behavior.

Luo Er Chen even said that he was superstitious at that time. At that time, his eyes were full of contempt.

Luo Yaohua was really surprised at the great transformation of rolchen.

"Disdaining before doesn't mean disdaining later Marriage is a big event. You have to choose an auspicious day to ensure a stable marriage. " Rolchen also said.

He is willing to do anything to stabilize his marriage with jingbao'er.

He didn't mind even doing the feudal superstition he despised most.

For the sake of Jing bao'er, Luo Erchen is willing to become the person he once hated the most.

"You boy, it seems that you really love this girl to the extreme. You have to do even the feudal superstition you despise most." Luo Yaohua added.

"It must be." Rolchen road.

"When you go back, you can send the eight characters of your two birthdays to my wechat, so that I can go to the master to count a good day for you." Luo Yaohua Road.

Rolchen nodded, "thank you, Dad."

"You son of a bitch and your father, what are you polite about?" Luo Yaohua Road.

"You are willing to make up your mind now. I'm so happy about your father." Luo Yaohua added.

"Just be happy." Rolchen road.

"Happy, so happy." Luo Yaohua said with a smile.

"I thought you would object. Your reaction surprised me." Rolchen also said.

"Children's marriage is decided by their own children. Parents have no right to oppose it. Life is your own life, not our help..." Luo Yaohua added.

"That's what I like about you, Dad." Rolchen said with a smile.

Although he was seriously injured, he was still in pain, but at this moment, rolchen's complexion was very good. He was not pale in the daytime at all.

Because I'm in a good mood, I look better.

"By the way, it's an injury today. What's the matter with you? You and bao'er just passed that road, and then they were hurt? " Asked Luo Yaohua.

Rolchen nodded.

"Oh, so it is. Well, I won't disturb you to have a rest. Please lie down and go to sleep. I'll go." Luo Yaohua patted Luo Erchen on the shoulder and said.Rolchen nodded.

After Luo Yaohua helped Luo Erchen lie down, he went straight away.

Before leaving, Luo Yaohua also turned off the light for Luo Erchen.

The ward darkened.

Only the outside road light is dimly penetrated, so that the interior can not be out of sight.

As soon as the light went down, jingbao'er opened his eyes.

Just now, as soon as Luo Yaohua came in, Jing bao'er woke up.

Because Luo Erchen is still in the critical period of wound recovery, Jing Baoer does not dare to slack off and even dare not let himself sleep too much.

Because the nerves are too tight, so she has been in a light sleep state.

Shallow sleep state of the people, as long as a little bit of small voice will wake up.

Jing bao'er heard the conversation between Luo Yaohua and Luo Erchen.

For Luo Yaohua's openness, jingbao'er never thought of it.

Jing Baoer has always thought that if they want to get married smoothly, rolchen must have to persuade Luo Yaohua over and over again.

It's so smooth that Jing bao'er can't believe it.

"Luo Erchen, I didn't expect uncle Luo to be so open-minded." Jingbao'er lies on his back and looks at rolchen.

Hearing Jing bao'er's voice, Luo Er Chen immediately opened his eyes, "did you hear our father and son talking? How dare you just pretend to be sleeping all the time? "

"That's not..." Jingbao'er said, "if you want to pretend to sleep, let your two father and son have a good talk."

"This girl, you are a real traitor." Rolchen road.

Jing bao'er smiles and doesn't speak.

"Yes, my father can be so open-minded, which I did not expect at all." Rolchen road.

"Uncle Luo is very nice." Jingbaoer road.

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