Smoke shrouded between the men's angular features are showing a strong sadness.

However, Jing bao'er didn't see it at all.

Jing bao'er directly closed his eyes and didn't want to see Jing Rong.

"They'll be here in a moment, and then you'll hear them explain to you." Jingrong road.


Jing Baoer did not respond.

She is too lazy to talk to Jingrong about these things.

If she doesn't believe it, she doesn't.

Even if Jingrong moves down Laozi, she won't believe it.

Jingrong said those things, in jingbao'er's opinion, are really too much.

His lies are full of holes!

Even if he carefully weaves out the lie, it is also full of loopholes, there is no credibility!

What does he think he's doing?

What about urban dog blood love stories?!

Shenjing disease.

Now Jing bao'er feels that his whole brain is about to be blown up by Jing Rong.

She even felt her brain buzzing all the time.

She needs to be quiet now.

Be quiet!

She needs absolute silence!

After Jing bao'er calmed down, Jing Rong didn't speak any more.

He just sat quietly beside Jing bao'er, looking at her face and smoking.

After smoking a cigarette, Jingrong lights another one.

In this way, Jingrong kept smoking.

Now, Jingrong feels that his heart is in a mess, and his mood is extremely bad.

He needs nicotine to anesthetize his nerves.

Now, it seems that only nicotine can make him a little more comfortable.

Jingrong feels really tired, especially tired.

Apart from the mess that happened in the capital these two days, jingbao'er has already made him feel exhausted.

He even felt as if he was going to be unable to hold on soon.


About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door.

Hearing the sound, Jing Rong immediately put out his cigarette butts with his bare hands, then slowly poured out the smoke in his mouth and said to the door, "please come in!"

I'm glad the shutter is open.

Yeming comes in with song Mingyang, Meng Yaodong and Su Ju.

Yeming walks in the front, and the other three follow Yeming.

As soon as Meng Yaodong came in, he was shocked to see Jing bao'er tied to the bed.

Meng Yaodong knows about bao'er's reunion with Jing Rong.

But Jing Rong finds Jing bao'er again. Meng Yaodong doesn't know about it.

Seeing jingbao'er, Meng Yaodong felt both surprised and happy!

Song Mingyang felt the same way.

Jingrong stood up slowly when he saw them. Then he took a long breath and said, "how can I explain to her what happened in those years, she won't believe me. Now please do me a favor and help me explain to her what happened in those years."

Jing bao'er opened her eyes slowly.

Seeing Meng Yaodong and song Mingyang, jingbao'er feels very kind.

But no matter how kind, jingbao'er also knows that they are Jingrong's good brothers, and they share the same nostril with Jingrong.

No matter what they say, they must be towards Jingrong.

But even so, out of politeness, Jing bao'er smiles at Meng Yaodong and song Mingyang and says, "Hello, brother Dong, brother song, little brother Yeming..."

As for the Su Bureau, Jing bao'er just took a cold look, but did not speak.

She didn't want to talk to the Soviet Union.

No matter what it was, Su Ju was the main culprit who directly attacked her children.

In the face of his enemy, Jing bao'er is too lazy to say a word to this man.

"Dear, long time no see..." Meng Yaodong took the lead to jingbao'er and looked at jingbao'er.

Then, song Mingyang, Yeming and Su bureau also came to jingbao'er.

"Yes, it's been a long time." Jing Baoer looks at Song Mingyang and Meng Yaodong and says.

"Jingrong, don't tie bao'er all the time. How miserable she should be. Untie her quickly. Are you afraid that bao'er will run away when so many of us are here?" Song Mingyang looked at the rope tied to Jing bao'er's body and said with heartache.

Especially when he saw that jingbao'er's skin was red by the rope, song Mingyang was even more reluctant.

For song Mingyang, jingbao'er is a very good sister and a relative.

Jing Rong frowned, "this girl is very powerful. Before she doesn't believe what I say, I can't let her go.""Dongzi, Mingyang, suju and Yeming, tell her what happened in those years and how I came here in these two years!" Jing Rong and Dao.

With that, Jing Rong left the room directly.

After Jing Rong left the room, Su bureau took the lead in telling Jing bao'er the whole process of taking medicine to Jing bao'er, word for word.

Looking at Su Ju's face and listening to Su Ju's words, Jing bao'er wants to kill this man.

If he had been a little kind to her child, her child would not have died.

She's a killer! A murderer!

If it wasn't for being tied up, jingbao'er really wanted to kill the man directly.

In fact, Jing bao'er had planned it. After she killed Jing Rong, she went to kill Su Ju, who used to take medicine.

Over the years, Jing bao'er has forgotten a lot of things, but only Su Ju and Jing Rong can't forget what they have done to themselves.

Su Bureau has been explaining to Jing bao'er all the time, pushing everything to master Jing.

But even if the description of the Soviet Bureau sounds so true, Jing Baoer still doesn't believe him at all.

Jingbao'er still thinks that the Soviet bureau is just excusing Jingrong.

With Jingrong's strength, it's easy for him to reverse right and wrong, black and white, right and wrong.

Jingrong is a man who turns his hand over to cloud and covers it with rain.

After su Ju finished, Jing bao'er didn't make any reaction, just looked at his face coldly and said nothing.

If eyes could kill people, the Soviet Bureau would have died countless times.

This kind of look frightened Su Ju.

After meeting Jing bao'er's eyes for a second, Su Ju directly "plops..." He knelt down to the ground and looked at Jing bao'er's pious confession. "Miss Jing, I had to do it. It was not my intention to do those things to you. It was because master Jing threatened me, so I had to do that. You know, people like me have such a low status. I dare not refuse him."

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