"Go away!" Jing Rong shouts coldly, and doesn't want to hear anything from Meng Yaodong!

The more Meng Yaodong talks, the more upset Jing Rong feels.

“……” Meng Yaodong didn't speak any more. He just pointed to Jingrong's face with his right index finger!

Then he went straight away with his cell phone in his heart full of anger!

Meng Yaodong didn't say a word before he left.

Seeing this, song Mingyang immediately sighed, looked at Jing Rong and said, "no matter what, Dongzi is also for you. How can you talk to him like this..."

"You all go. I want to be alone." Jing Rong Leng Dao.

I'm not in a good mood, and I've just been nagged by Meng Yaodong. Now Jingrong feels that his brain is almost exploding!

He really wanted to be quiet. He was alone, cooking for Jing bao'er and being quiet at the same time!

Hearing Jingrong say this, song Mingyang and Yeming immediately get up.

Song Mingyang goes to Jingrong, taps Jingrong on the shoulder, and then takes Yeming with him.

After everyone left, the huge living room was quiet.

At that moment, Jing Rong felt that his brain was not so swollen.

After smoking out the cigar between the fingers, Jingrong slowly presses out the cigar, gets up and walks into the kitchen to make her favorite food for jingbao'er.

Jingbao'er's favorite food is Sichuan cuisine. Jingrong takes a look at the rich ingredients in the refrigerator and decides to make something she likes for jingbao'er.

Looking at the food in a refrigerator, Jing Rong couldn't help laughing.

Even if jingbao'er is not around for two years, the things in his refrigerator are always jingbao'er's favorite.

Yogurt, carbonated drinks, and some spicy snacks are all popular brands of jingbao'er.

And some common ingredients in the refrigerator are also what Jing bao'er likes.

Whether it's seafood, vegetables or meat, it's all Jing bao'er's favorite.

Jingbao'er likes to eat shrimp, squid and fish, so he keeps them in the refrigerator all the year round. Even if jingbao'er is gone, he habitually keeps them in the refrigerator.

Jingbao'er likes spicy and spicy food, so his refrigerator has all kinds of peppers, chili powder, chili section, chili pepper, chili powder all year round.

Without knowing it, Jing bao'er's habits have all become his.

No matter what he bought, he would habitually buy what Jingbao liked.


Jingrong cooked three Sichuan dishes for jingbao'er.

One is boiled fish, one is spicy shrimp, and the other is spicy squid.

These three dishes are all very popular with jingbao'er. In order to make jingbao'er eat more delicious, Jingrong specially adds a lot of pepper.

Carrying his own food, Jingrong went upstairs.

As soon as I opened the door, I felt the smell of blood.

Looking at the startling corpse of Su Ju on the ground, Jing Rong frowned slightly.

Calm from the body across, things on the bedside table, Jing Rong in front of a bodyguard cold voice: "the body why not deal with?"

"Didn't you tell us that no one should leave Miss Jing, so So we don't dare to leave her easily and move the body without your order! " The bodyguard who was questioned nodded respectfully and said carefully.

When Jing Rong heard the words, the Sichuan characters between the eyebrows gradually deepened.

No one in his group is as smart as Yeming. Except Yeming, all the others are in robot mode. They don't know how to be flexible. They only know how to respect orders.

"Deal with it quickly..." Jing Rong pointed to three bodyguards and said to them.

The three appointed people immediately nodded respectfully and said, "yes!"

Then two of them walked away carrying Su Ju's body, while the other squatted on the ground and wiped the blood stains on the ground with a rag

The bloodstain on the ground is stained with a dishcloth with water, and the smell of blood is even stronger.

The smell made Jing bao'er retch.

Noticing Jing bao'er's discomfort, Jing Rong immediately unties Jing bao'er and holds her out.

Walking to the door, Jingrong looked at a group of bodyguards inside and said, "if you don't hurry up, the food will be served by the way..."

Afterwards, Jing Rong took Jing bao'er directly to the next room.

The room next door is the one that Jing bao'er lived in the shoal Villa during the period when he had never colluded with Jing Rong.

Here is still the same as before, all her things in the room are still there, even the position has not changed.

After Jing Rong put Jing bao'er on the bed, a bodyguard immediately handed over the rope.

When Jing Baoer saw this, he was struggling

But it didn't help.

Jing Rong divided her into two and tied her firmly to the bed once again!Tied here again, jingbao'er is burning with anger!

She felt like a bird whose wings had been cut off by Jingrong. She wanted to fly but couldn't.

What she yearns for is the blue sky and white clouds outside, but she has to be here and face the four walls!

Jing bao'er feels like she's going crazy.

And now rolchen in the hospital must have woken up. When he wakes up, if he can't find her, he will be worried

If he can't find her for a long time, Luo Erchen will surely know that something has happened to her.

At that time, he will not care, in order to save her painstakingly!

If so, what about rolchen's body!

Thinking of this, jingbao'er would like to leave here immediately and go to rolchen's side.

If she could, jingbao'er would like to have magic. In this way, she could escape easily.

Now I want to kill Jingrong, but I can't. I can only bear Jingrong's imprisonment here.

Clearly hate Jing Rong hate teeth itch, but can't do anything to him.

This kind of feeling, jingbao'er really feels terrible!

"Woman, stay with me. Don't think about running away. You can't escape." Jing Rong spoke lightly, then picked up chopsticks and carefully sent spicy squid to Jing bao'er's mouth.

"Your favorite food I've specially added a lot of peppers. Try them. You must like them... " Jingrong road.

But Jing bao'er's teeth were closed, and he didn't want to eat at all.

Even if it's something that he likes to eat, Jingbao's interest is gone now.

As long as it's scenery, it's disgusting!

"Good, take a bite, eh?" Jing Rong spoke carefully.

The gentleness of Jing Rong surprised the bodyguards on the scene.

Everyone couldn't believe that the scene they saw was true.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have thought that the president, who is popular in daily life, has such a gentle side.

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