Jing Rong has been watching Jing bao'er finish the nutrient solution, and then he calls the bodyguard to come in. Then he goes back to the office to deal with his business.

He spent too much time for jingbao'er, and there are too many things waiting for him to do.

Now he has to hurry.

Children's private affairs are as important as state affairs.

Jingrong was busy until two o'clock in the morning.

Jing bao'er was so busy at night that Jing Rong forgot to eat all day.

Think of their own day did not eat, Jing Rong's stomach has begun to colic.

Struggling with a stomachache, he went downstairs to the kitchen and warmed up some food.

After dinner, the stomach is still not good, Jingrong will be ready to go upstairs to eat that little stomach medicine.

As soon as he pushed the door open, Jingrong was directly silly

Jingbao'er is gone

More than 20 bodyguards on the ground, all lying there, as if in a coma!

In this picture, the heart of Jingrong mentioned his voice instantly!

A strong sense of loss, torture Jing Rong almost breathless.

Jing Rong knows that someone must have saved Jing bao'er!

In order to prevent Jing bao'er from being rescued, he has done so.

But still can't prevent!

Suppressing his anger, Jingrong quickly walked to the bodyguards, raised his foot, and kicked them hard. While kicking, he said: "get up! Get up

Jingrong kicks harder and harder, kicks harder and harder!

The more you kick them, the more angry Jingrong feels!

Rubbish! waste material!

It's all a bunch of crap!

By Jing Rong continuous rough kick for a long time, the bodyguards on the ground slowly opened their eyes.

Open your eyes, we see Jing Rong, is a face of muddled force yawn, and then slowly stood up.

Noticing that Jing bao'er had disappeared, a bodyguard held his hand nervously and said, "God, what's the matter? How can we fall asleep What about Miss Jing? Why is Miss Jing missing? "

In the face of this situation, the bodyguards are all scared!

Next, all the people dare not be angry!

Jingbao'er, that's the person on Jingrong's heart! If you lose Jing bao'er, everyone will have bad luck.

Bad luck!

"You ask me? I told you to watch her for me! What are you doing! There are more than 20 of you, but you can't look after Jing bao'er alone! " Jing Rong asked in a cold voice and smashed the ashtray on the bedside table!

Now Jingrong is furious.

Raise the foot, Jing Rong is a foot will be from the nearest bodyguard to kick fly!

"Waste! You are a bunch of rubbish! Twenty people to see a little girl, actually can let that girl to me see lost! You rubbish Jing Rong scolded again.

Jingbao'er is gone again! Damn it! Jingrong is crazy!

After her last escape, he finally found her and brought her back!

Just brought back one day, unexpectedly let this wench to escape!

Jingrong really doubts, what do these security personnel in the presidential palace do? Is a group of people rubbish?

These 20 people in the room are all rubbish, and those outside are all rubbish!

The bodyguard of such a big presidential palace can't see a Jing bao'er!

It's a big joke when it comes out!

The more Jingrong thinks, the more angry he is. The more he thinks, the more angry he is!

One didn't hold back, Jing Rong raised his foot again and kicked another bodyguard away!

Jingrong has put too much fire in her heart today. Once Jingbao disappears like this, the fire in Jingrong's heart can't be contained.

Naturally, he wants to vent his anger through these bodyguards!

Jingrong now feels like he's going crazy!

Noticing half of the incense at the window sill, Jingrong's eyebrows frowned and went to the window sill.

He took the incense in his hand, looked at it, and then sniffed it. Jingrong knew why all the people fell asleep

The people who came to save Jing bao'er used Mi Xiang! And it's the best one! This incense is called Requiem incense! As long as the incense is ignited, the person who smells it will be in a coma for more than ten hours!

After crushing the incense in his hand, Jingrong looked at the bodyguards and said, "a group of rubbish, get out of here! I don't want to see you again! This month's salary, no one wants to get, all deduction! "

When the bodyguards heard this, they didn't dare to speak out. After they looked at each other sympathetically, they ran away.

Knowing that the president is furious now, we have to run away.After all, the way Jingrong just kicked people was too fierce!

"Jingbao'er, I already know that you are with rolchen. Do you think you can escape? You can't escape Even if I run away, I can also catch you back! "

"Jingbao'er, as long as I don't want you to fly away, even if you fly, I have a way to catch you back!"

"Aren't you going to have a wedding with rauchen? Good You can hold it. The day of your wedding is when Jingbao comes back to Jingrong again! "

Jing Rong said word by word.

Every word of a man is loud! The bottom of the eye and the tip of the brow are firm!

"If you ask me what love is in the world, I will occupy you by all means! Jingbao'er, no matter what means I use, I will prevent you two from getting married! You are mine all your life. The first time you are mine, you are destined to be my woman forever Jing Rong and Dao!

Looking at the empty big bed, and the rope tied to the big bed, Jing Rong's fire starts to come out again!

Jingbaoer!! Jingbao'er!!!

"Rauchen! You wait for me! " Jingrong gritted his teeth and scolded!

In the past, Jing bao'er always followed in his footsteps. As soon as he got home, he could see her. Sometimes he could see her when he turned around.

But now what about Jingbao?

She doesn't want to be with him at all now. No matter what he does, it doesn't work.

Now Jing bao'er just wants to escape from his world and control!

Now Jingbao is not good at all!

"It doesn't matter, jingbao'er. You can run away and escape to the horizon, and I will catch you back. Next time, catch you back, you won't be able to escape so easily..." Jing Rong said to himself.


The next day, the whole presidential palace was in a mess.

All the security personnel in the presidential palace were fined a month's salary by Jing Rong, and some were even dismissed.

The whole presidential palace was turned upside down because Jing bao'er ran away again!

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