Meng Yaodong knows Lan Lan's preferences like the back of his hand.

Lan Lan opens the mobile phone box with a smile.

What comes into view is a very beautiful new large screen mobile phone.

"Thank you, brother Dong. How much is it? I'll transfer it to you... " Landau.

"Come on, it's just a mobile phone. I'm so polite with my brother. There's no need to change the money. Please treat me to dinner tomorrow." Meng Yaodong added, "we haven't had dinner for a long time."

"I want to be a bridesmaid when I get married tomorrow. I don't have time. The day after tomorrow. Is that ok?" Landau.

Hearing Lan Lan say this, Meng Yaodong's smile suddenly faded

Meng Yaodong's heart was even more clattered.

"Yes Bao'er, that ignorant girl, is going to get married tomorrow. Ha ha... " Meng Yaodong sneered.

When it comes to Jing bao'er, Meng Yaodong is really full of opinions. He is dissatisfied with all kinds of things.

This woman, let his good brother so painful, Meng Yaodong really don't like her.

Especially after seeing her paranoia that day, Meng Yaodong didn't like it any more.

In fact, if you think about it, it's OK for her to get married.

Married, everything has become a foregone conclusion, then Jing Rong will not think about her.

On second thought, Meng Yaodong thought that jingbao'er's marriage was very good.

At least that way, we can break the thought of Jingrong.

It's just that he's a little worried.

I'm worried that Jingrong will do something extraordinary at the wedding tomorrow.

"Brother Dong, can you stop saying that, baby? Baby is very good." Blue blue discontent, Daimei micro Cu.

Lan Lan doesn't like anyone to speak ill of Jing bao'er in front of her, even Meng Yaodong.

"She just doesn't know what's good Ha ha I'm not wrong. I'm telling the truth. " Meng Yaodong added, "I really don't like her now."

"Don't say any more, brother Dong, will you?" Lan Lan Dai frowned and said.

Hearing the speech, Meng Yaodong shrugged helplessly and raised his hands to LAN LAN to make a surrender, "OK, you don't like it, then I won't say it, just don't say it."

"Ha ha..." Meng Yaodong smiles bitterly.

"Lan Lan actually has a lot of things that you don't understand..." Meng Yaodong added, "if you know everything, you will not feel that what I said today is wrong."

Lan Lan immediately looked at Meng Yaodong curiously and asked, "brother Dong, what do you mean?"

"Forget it, it's not interesting Anyway, she's going to get married. No matter how much I say, it won't help Meng Yaodong said again.

Thinking about jingbao'er, he didn't love Jingrong at all, so he decided not to tell Lanlan about those things.

Since Jing bao'er no longer loves her, it's unnecessary to tell her more.

Moreover, even if he said everything to LAN LAN, and LAN LAN told Jing bao'er, Jing bao'er would not believe it.

Meng Yaodong has seen Jing Baoer's stubbornness for a long time.

Such Jing bao'er, Meng Yaodong knows that even if Lan Lan goes to her again, she will not believe everything is true.

On the contrary, she even felt that Lan Lan was just cheating her with them.

"What do you mean?" Lan Lan asked.

"It doesn't mean much. Forget it. Let's go and take you home." Meng Yaodong road.

Next, Lan Lan asked Meng Yaodong all the way what he meant. Meng Yaodong didn't say

Meng Yaodong does not say, Lan Lan continues to ask.

When he finally sent LAN LAN to his home, Meng Yaodong was really annoyed by LAN LAN. He just looked at LAN LAN and said, "it's really nothing I just think it's too much for Jingrong to make up with her this time. "

"What? Fourth uncle, have you made up with her? " Lan Lan's face was shocked, "how can I know what I have after I lose it, so I want to be a prodigal? What he thought was really beautiful... "

"Forget it, don't say that. Go down It's late. Go home early and have a rest. " Meng Yaodong said again.

Lan Lan didn't want to say any more, so she said, "OK, I'll get off first, brother Dong. Good night."

"Good night..."

After waving with Meng Yaodong, Lan Lan got out of the car.

Meng Yaodong had been sitting in the car until Lan Lan came into the big villa she had bought. Until Lan Lan's figure completely disappeared in his sight, he recovered and started the car to leave.

Along the way, Meng Yaodong was thinking about jingbao'er's wedding.

There are all kinds of restlessness in my heart.

To be fair, judging from the current trend, Meng Yaodong very much hopes that Jing Baoer will marry Lili and Luo Erchen, and then they will be together forever.At least in that case, Jingrong will no longer have to think about jingbao'er, and Jingrong will die.

Only when Jingrong gives up, can he really put down everything in the past and look for his own happiness.

Meng Yaodong doesn't want to look at Jingrong any more. He really doesn't want to see Jingbao any more.

In the following days, Meng Yaodong only hopes that Jingrong can always be very happy.

In Meng Yaodong's opinion, any man in the world can be unhappy, but Jing Rong can't.

Because his good friend Jingrong is the best man in the world.

No one else can be as good as this.

Now Meng Yaodong only hopes that their wedding will start and end smoothly tomorrow.

Meng Yaodong believes that when Jing Rong really sees that Jing bao'er is married to someone else, he will no longer worry about the past, let alone the explanation.

Meng Yaodong doesn't want Jingrong to explain anything to jingbao'er, because he won't believe jingbao'er

"I hope everything goes well tomorrow." Meng Yaodong sighed and said.

With that, Meng Yaodong was agitated, lit a cigarette and smoked deeply.

Between the smoke, the man's angular features, stained with infinite melancholy.

"Damn it Meng Yaodong scolds!


On this day, the whole country of Z was enveloped in an atmosphere of joy.

From early in the morning, the news of the wedding of former president's son rolchen has dominated the front page of the major mainstream media all over the world!

On this day, the sky above the capital, where the wedding of rolchen and jingbao'er was held, has been surrounded by a strong atmosphere of joy.

In the early morning, the church where Luo Erchen and Jing Baoer held their wedding was surrounded by reporters.

This time the Luo family's wedding is particularly high-profile, and even allows reporters to live broadcast the whole process. Naturally, reporters will not miss this good opportunity!

So big church, inside and outside, almost all by reporters surrounded by a watertight!

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