Jing bao'er's happiness is his happiness.

"Luo Er Chen, you You Are you serious? You Are you angry? I'm sorry, rolchen. I I'm such an asshole There was a serious cry in jingbao'er's voice.

Hearing Jing bao'er cry, Luo Erchen's heart began to ache again.

Luo Erchen really doesn't like to hear Jing bao'er cry. When Jing bao'er cries, he will panic.

"Good baby, don't tell me I'm sorry. Love is selfish. I'm not surprised that you would choose this way. If there was no misunderstanding between you, you would never choose to be with me, would you? Two years ago, because of a misunderstanding, you separated. Now that the misunderstanding has been lifted, you naturally want to start over This is very normal... "

"I can understand your feelings, and you don't have to feel guilty for me, let alone cry for me Baby, you know, I don't like you crying, even for me... "

"Baby, no matter when, no matter under what circumstances, I will support any decision you make. As long as you can be happy, I'm Luo Erchen, even if I go to the top of the mountain and go to the bottom of the sea of fire, I will not refuse."

Luo Erchen once again said every word affectionately,

every word is from the heart, not half false.

On the other side of the phone, jingbao'er's cry has aggravated a lot.

Rolchen grinned bitterly and comforted him seriously. "Well, little fool, don't cry any more. If you really feel sorry for me, you'll treat me to a bar some other day and have a drink with my brother for the last time, OK?"

"Rolchen, why are you so good?" Asked Jing bao'er.

Unable to lean against the glass, Luo Erchen lit a cigarette and began to smoke. With a tired face, he replied, "because I love you, jingbao'er, because I love you, I am willing to do anything for you. As long as you can be happy, I will do anything Love a person is not like this? As long as the other party can be happy, he will feel very happy too.... "

"Luo Erchen, I'm really sorry for you. I owed you a lot in the past, but now I owe you more. I'm doomed to be unable to repay you for the life I owe you. In the next life, I'll be a cow and a horse, and I'll repay all the debts I owe you." Jingbao'er said again.

"Well, if you still remember me in the next life, you must give me a chance, you know?" Luo Erchen joked.

His eyes are raining, and his heart is dripping blood. But on the surface, he still pretends to be indifferent, trying to suppress his crying voice and joking with Jing bao'er over there.

Because Luo Erchen knows that only if he doesn't care so much, will Jing Baoer be less sad

Rolchen knew that Jing bao'er was extremely emotional.

If he is too sad now, jingbao'er will cry too much to stop.

Now Jing Rong is in such a bad mood.

If he continues to show his extremely sad side in front of her, the girl's mood will be even worse.

Rolchen knows that jingbao'er is strong on the surface, but fragile in the heart. Her heart can't bear too many things.

No matter how tough on the surface, in fact, there is a fragile little girl in her heart who needs to be taken care of by others.

"Well, in the next life, if I still remember you, I will leave a place for you, and I will repay you well. Luo Erchen is really sorry for the debt I owe you in this life When the storm is over, I'll buy you a drink. We'll have a good chat then... " There's another way.

Luo Er Chen once again wry smile, trying to wipe away the tears on his face, pretending to be nothing happened, and then said to the other side, "well, I'm looking forward to drinking with you By the way, I know some top experts in China. Do you want me to take them to Black Hawk island to help you see the situation of Jingrong? If anything happens again, they can also help. No matter how powerful the doctors in Black Hawk island are, they can't be as good as the ones I said... "

"I'll tell you if I need to..." That way.

"Good Let's do this first. You are busy. Call me whenever you have something to do... " Rolchen also said.

"Goodbye, rolchen..."


After hanging up the phone, rolchen's mood was suddenly out of control, and the sadness at the bottom of his heart turned into a river in an instant.

Unable to put his cell phone on the ground, Luo took a deep breath of his cigarette

The more tears flow, the more fierce.

Flow of the entire eye socket are acid swelling hair tight!

Crying, he began to smile bitterly again.

Ha ha

I thought that I and Jing bao'er could achieve the right result.

Originally with full expectations, looking forward to the sweet days after their marriage.

I'm looking forward to staying with jingbao'er for a lifetime.He even fantasized about how many children they would have after marriage.

I also imagined that the two of them took their children together and traveled all over the world.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment

He is just like a man who was suddenly slapped into the mud from the cloud

Such a strong gap makes rolchen have no way to accept it!

But he also knows that even if he can no longer accept it, he will try to accept it.

After all, it's true.

As long as Jingrong wakes up, jingbao'er will be with that man for a happy life.

He is destined to be a passer-by in jingbao'er's life.

Doomed to this life can only stand quietly behind her, looking at her happiness with others, looking at her smile, burning in other people's eyes, but never get a hug from her.

But even so, he still hopes Jingrong can wake up.

Even if what Jingrong does to him is really too much, even if Jingrong wakes up, he will completely become an outsider, and he also hopes that Jingrong can wake up.

After all

Jingrong is the love of jingbao'er in this life.

Jing bao'er has been deeply in love with men since she was nine years old.

If Jing Rong is dead, Jing bao'er will not be happy.

He wants Jingbao to be happy, and he wants Jingbao to be happy all his life.

He hoped that Jing bao'er would be forever immersed in the honey pot and not be eroded by the wind and rain in the world.

He hopes that Jing bao'er can spend his long life in peace and security, and walk the future road hand in hand with Jing Rong.

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