His girl.

It really hurt him.

Jing Rong once again increased the strength of embracing Jing bao'er.

"Honey I'm sorry. I hurt you so much. I didn't protect you. If I protected you, you wouldn't be like that... "

"As for Luo Erchen, I believe that he is a man and a man of indomitable dignity. He will not commit suicide easily because of his feelings If you don't really trust me, I can send Yeming to follow him secretly and guard him, so as to avoid his son's extreme behavior during this period, OK? "

As Jing Rong spoke, he kept kissing Jing bao'er's forehead.

When he said this, Jingrong's mind was still constantly emerging. Jingbao was in great pain when she was seriously depressed.

At the thought of that picture, Jingrong's heart immediately pulled up like tearing and cracking.

Jingbao'er nodded his head, looked at Jingrong with red eyes, and said, "fourth uncle, if you can do this, it's the best. Please let Yeming's little brother follow Luo Erchen 24 hours. How can Yeming's little brother keep Luo Erchen for more than three days After being lovelorn, the first three days are the most painful. If you can get through the first three days, there should be no problem in the back. "

Jing bao'er, I really feel that with the degree of Luo Er Chen's affection for her, now she suddenly treats her like this. It's really possible for her to commit suicide directly.

Jingbao'er must not allow such a tragedy to happen.

Rolchen such a good person, really can not disappear from this world.

Besides, she has owed rolchen a lot of feelings. She can never owe rolchen another life.


This is absolutely not possible.

Jingrong nodded heavily, then looked at jingbao'er and said, "give me your mobile phone, I'll call Yeming now..."

Jing bao'er nodded heavily, then quickly handed his mobile phone to Jing Rong.

Jingrong takes the mobile phone and dials Yeming's phone quickly.

As soon as he got there, Jingrong ordered him to do what he wanted to do at night.

As soon as Yeming heard this, he immediately agreed and said that he would leave for the capital immediately.

Hearing Yeming's reply, Jingrong quickly hangs up the phone and gives Jingbao her mobile phone.

Jing Baoer's mobile phone screensaver photo is a group photo of Jing Baoer and rolchen.

When I saw this picture, Jingrong felt very uncomfortable.

Then he frowned slightly, pointed to the picture of the screen saver and said, "hurry up, let's change this picture..."

Jing bao'er nodded and explained, "this is what Luo Er Chen had to set up two days ago..."

"Change it quickly. It's dazzling." Jingrong road.

After hearing the speech, Jing Baoer quickly changed the screen saver and screen photos of her mobile phone into her own.

Then Jing bao'er turned his eyes toward Jing Rong and asked, "is it ok now? Asian vinegar king

Jing Rong nodded faintly, "OK..."

"Jingrong, you are really a big vinegar king, the biggest vinegar king in Asia. You are still angry about such a thing..."

"What is such a thing? It's a big deal, okay? My woman's screensaver photo is a group photo of herself and other men. I can't stand such a big event, OK

"At the time of setting, I was not your woman, OK?"

"No matter what, it's not good..."

Jing Rong said this, and his face became gloomy.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er sighed helplessly, and then continued to lean on Jing Rong's shoulder.

Two people's distance is very close, close to can clearly hear each other's heartbeat, as well as breathing.

Jing Rong's body is full-bodied with the smell of medicine, and there is a faint smell of blood in the middle.

The taste is a little pungent, but Jing bao'er doesn't dislike him at all.

"By the way, four Next, how should we solve our problems? " Jing bao'er looks at Jing Rong and asks.

"What's the matter?" Jing Rong said, "let's just be together. How can we solve this problem?"

"No, people all over the world have been completely bombed because of your marriage snatching. Yeming little brother tried to buy a water army a few days ago to guide the public opinion, but the effect is very little. Now the public opinion is still not suppressed, and the popularity of netizens is not abating..." Jing bao'er added, "now there are still many people who scold you and shout you to step down..."

"Whatever they scold, if they want me to step down, I'll step down. I don't care. As long as I can be with you jingbao'er, I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do..." Jing Rong lightly stroked Jing bao'er's cheek and said.

Hearing Jing Rong say this, Jing bao'er immediately frowned, then quickly sat up straight with a serious face, looked at Jing Rong and said, "but I don't want you to step down because of this, I don't want you to sacrifice so much for me, so I will feel very guilty.""What's more, you are a rare good president. After you came to power, the living standard of the people of Z country has improved a lot. Moreover, the international status of Z country has improved a lot. As a good president like you, you must always be in power, because only when you are in power all the time can our country become stronger and our people's life become better and better ”

"now country Z is in a period of rapid development, with all kinds of industries blooming. You can't step down at this time. It's really irresponsible to yourself and the people..."

"What we need to do now is to find a way to let everyone's anger go down a little, and then continue to guide the public opinion to a correct direction..."

Jingbao'er clenched Jingrong's hand, with a serious face.

Jingrong is a good president. Jingbao'er must not let Jingrong step down because of this.

Besides, jingbao'er also deeply understands Jingrong's ambition and ideal.

Jingbao'er knows that Jingrong wants to take this country to the top of the world.

Jingbao doesn't want to. Jingrong's ideals and ambitions are completely destroyed by her alone.

In that case, Jing bao'er will feel guilty all her life.

Now think about it, jingbao'er really regrets inviting so many reporters on her wedding day.

If you don't make the scene so big that day, and don't invite reporters to come, even if Jing Rong comes to rob the wedding, it won't make the matter so well known and the world explodes.

Jing bao'er's guilt for Jing Rong is really getting deeper and deeper.

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