"But you are not in good health now. There are some things you can't do by yourself..." Jingbaoer road.

"Since I can't do it myself, I wish I could command my subordinates to do it by remote control. What I want to do next really doesn't need me to do it myself." Jingrong road.

Jingbao'er nodded, "do you have any way? You have an idea, haven't you? "

Jing Rong just smiles, then reaches out his hand and gently scrapes Jing bao'er's nose. His eyes are full of spoiling and he says in a soft voice, "well, I think of a way, little thing."

"Really? Fourth uncle, you really deserve to be the president of a country. You are really smarter than most people. Tell me, what's the way you think of? Say it, or let me help you... " Jingbao'er asked with interest.

Jingrong's method came so fast that Jingbao was really surprised.

Jingbao'er didn't expect that Jingrong could think of a way so quickly.

"Well, keep it a secret for a while. When you get there, just watch it." Jing Rong makes a mystery.

"What are you doing? Why don't you tell me now?" Jingbao'er wiped her eyes and asked.

Jing Rong shook his head, "no, it's not fun to say it now. The probability that I can successfully reverse everything with this method should be 90 percent."

The more Jing Rong said, the more curious Jing bao'er became.

Jingbao'er is really curious. What kind of method is it?

Jingbao'er believes that it must be a very, very good way.

The more Jingrong makes a mystery, the more curious Jingbao is.

The more curious Jing bao'er was, the more itchy he was.

Jingbao'er really wants Jingrong to tell himself everything right now.

What Jing bao'er doesn't like most is that other people make a fool of themselves.

"What is such a good way? Fourth uncle, oh, please tell me quickly... " Jingbaoer road.

"You will soon know what this method is. It may take a few hours or an hour..." Jingrong road.

Jing Rong said that, Jing bao'er became more curious.

Jing bao'er wants to break his head, but he can't think of it. What is the way that Jing Rong thinks of.

"Oh, fourth uncle Why are you so boring? Please, just tell me... " Jingbao'er constantly shakes Jingrong's hand, pitifully moves towards Jingrong.

It's been a long time since she really spoiled him like this.

This picture is full of emotion.

Jing Rong was moved by this picture and became red in eyes.

He really missed jingbao'er's soft and coquettish appearance in front of him.

In the past two years, he never doubted Jing bao'er's appearance.

Especially after the reunion, when I saw Jingbao's domineering appearance, Jingrong missed Jingbao's coquetry with herself.

"Now that I've told you, there's no surprise. Really, wait for a moment, eh?" Jing Rong deliberated carefully.

When Jing bao'er heard this, he saw that Jingrong really wanted to insist on not telling himself. He had no choice but to sigh and say, "well, Jingrong, since that's the case, it's up to you..."

"I'll wait and see what you can think of." Jingbao'er said, "I believe your method is absolutely effective. After all, Jingrong is an omnipotent man."

"If it doesn't work, if it can't save the situation, if I lose everything overnight, Jingbao, will you dislike me?" Jing Rong asked with a smile.

Jingbao'er immediately shook his head.

"Dislike? How can you dislike it? Even if you become completely poor overnight and have nothing, I will not dislike you. " Jingbao'er said, "I love you, not your fame, wealth, power and status..."

"Even if you can't earn a dime in the future, you really have nothing. It doesn't matter. I'll support you With my present ability, it's more than enough to support you. " Jing bao'er said again.

Jing bao'er said these words, only the straightforward "I raise you" to let Jing Rong moved.

Jingrong, a tough man, was moved by this sentence and tears filled his eyes.

The most touching thing is that during the low period, my pillow side person said to himself, "I support you..."

Such words, though simple and unadorned, can surpass all the good things in the world.

This is the most beautiful love story Jingrong has ever heard in his life.

Jingbao'er is definitely one of the best women he has ever seen in his life.

In this life, it's really his luck to be able to stay with this woman all the way to Baitou.All the way through, I just hope to be with the woman around me, all the way to the white head.

Jing Rong smiles, dotes on Jing bao'er's face, and says, "silly, melon, a thin camel is bigger than a horse, don't you know? Over the years, I have also saved 10 billion yuan Enough for you Whatever... "

"What? You have so much money now? You can, Jingrong You are so good. How did you double your assets in two years Jing Baoer's face is unbelievable.

I'm really worthy of being the God of war. This man is really a little money maker.

Now I have saved so much money secretly.

"Investment How else can it be done? " Jing Rong said with a smile.

"You can A real investment expert. " Jing Baoer couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Jingrong's ability is really admired by jingbao'er.

This man has been her role model all her life.

"Fourth uncle, you will be my idol. Oh, I really found a treasure. My man is not only handsome, but also super capable. He is the best man in the world Jingbaoer road.

Jing Rong smiles, caresses Jing bao'er's face lightly, and says, "little sample, little mouth, it's still as sweet as before."

By Jing bao'er such a boast, Jing Rong seems happy to close his mouth.

No matter before or now, Jingrong can't help being praised by Jingbao. As long as Jingbao praises himself, he will be excited

"Well I think it's ok Hey, hey... " Jingbao'er laughs happily.

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