"Well, I swear that from next year, every Spring Festival, I will accompany you well." Jingrong road.

"Well, spend 99 months with me." Jing bao'er said again.

"Good..." Jing Rong smiles.

"By the way, fourth uncle, there's one more thing I didn't tell you..." Jingbaoer road.


"Good new year, fourth uncle..."

When Jing Rong heard the words, he just gave a little smile, then petted Jing bao'er's forehead and said, "good new year, dear..."

"This year's lucky money, I'll give it to you when I get out of this ward." Jingrong road.

Jingbao'er immediately shook his head, "no, how old am I? I don't want your lucky money. It's only children who want lucky money. I'm not a child long ago."

"In my heart, you will always be a child. You will always be my child." Jingrong road.

With that, Jingrong hugged jingbao'er tightly. "Jingbao'er, would you like to be my child all your life?"

Jingbao'er nodded heavily, "yes, I would..."

"Good..." Jingrong road.

The opening of the door interrupted two people.

Then the sound of the collision between the shoes and the ground, they crowded into the ward.

As soon as jingbao'er heard a voice, she immediately released Jingrong and looked at the door.

Meng Yaodong and song Mingyang came in one by one.

Two people's eyes, light swept one eye on Jing bao'er's body, then then all the time fixed frame on Jing Rong's body.

They look at Jingrong's face and go to Jingbao's side.

Jing bao'er saw their indifference from their eyes.

Feeling their indifference, Jing bao'er was not angry.

Because Jing bao'er can understand their feelings.

She treated Jingrong like that before, and even killed Jingrong. They must be angry with her.

"Brother Dong, brother song." Jingbao'er smiles and greets them.

Although they ignore her, Jing bao'er will not ignore them.

Jing bao'er doesn't want the relationship with them to cool down like this. Jing bao'er still hopes to return to the way they used to be.

From the beginning to the end, Meng Yaodong didn't look at jingbao'er, as if he didn't hear jingbao'er's words. He looked directly at Jingrong and asked, "how are you? Why don't you call to tell us about such a big accident? If I hadn't just called Yeming and asked about you, I would still be in the cupboard... "

Song Mingyang was more polite than Meng Yaodong. He just nodded to Jing bao'er. Then he looked at Jing Rong and said, "yes, you have such a big event. You really don't take us as brothers, do you?"

"Before, when you went to get married, we called you after watching the news, but we couldn't get through at all. You turned it off. Later, we called Yeming. Yeming told us that you brought her here Later, I saw more and more voices scolding you, so I called Yeming again to ask what you were going to do. As a result, Yeming ignored me and didn't answer my phone at all... "

"At first, I thought you were busy and didn't care about me. Unexpectedly, when I called Yeming again, I heard Yeming tell me that you were stabbed by her and just woke up He said you could hardly live any longer

Meng Yaodong's sword eyebrows frowned and said word by word.

When he spoke, his eyes didn't bother to look at jingbao'er.

Meng Yaodong's indifference and alienation seem particularly obvious.

Seeing jingbao'er, I feel very sour.

"How are you? Now? How do you feel about yourself? Does it hurt? " Meng Yaodong asked again.

Jing Rong light response, "no pain, much better."

"It's silly of me to say that you are so stupid. Why do you want to hurt yourself for a woman? Don't be dignified, even if you don't want your own life. If you lose your own life because of a woman, how unworthy is it? " Meng Yaodong said again.

Meng Yaodong had thorns between the lines.

Jing Baoer knows that Meng Yaodong said these words on purpose.

Meng Yaodong is deliberately taking words to answer her, because he is dissatisfied with her, so he has been taking words to stab people.

Jing bao'er just listened, but did not respond, just quietly lowered his head.

No matter how much Meng Yaodong said, Jing Baoer would not be angry.

Because the things she did before should be scolded.

She knew how much she had gone before.

Jing Rong hears speech, but a face is immediately cold down.

Jing Rong's eyebrows were frowning. He looked at Meng Yaodong discontentedly and said, "you're too modest to talk to me. Please pay attention to me!""Why don't I have any sense of propriety? Is that not right? " Meng Yaodong glances at Jing bao'er coldly and says,

even if he hears Yeming tell himself that Jing bao'er and Jing Rong are reconciled now, he can't forgive Jing bao'er immediately.

Meng Yaodong couldn't easily forgive this woman for hurting his good brother like this again and again.

"Well, fourth uncle, let brother Dong say that he is not satisfied with me If he wants to say it, let him say it... " Jing bao'er gently pulls the corner of Jing Rong's clothes and looks at Jing Rong and says.

Jingbao'er doesn't dare to let Jingrong continue to argue with Meng Yaodong. In this atmosphere, jingbao'er is afraid that if the argument continues, the two people will directly fight on the spot.

Jingbao'er doesn't want Jingrong to really tear his face with his brother because of himself.

Because Jing bao'er is very clear about how worthy Meng Yaodong is to Jing Rong.

Meng Yaodong didn't look at Jing bao'er. He just looked at Jing Rong and said, "I don't say this because I care about you Can you understand my feelings? "

Jing Rong took a deep breath, then looked at Meng Yaodong with a serious face and said, "I can understand your mood, but Dongzi, I'll warn you again. You should be a little careful when you speak. Jing bao'er is my woman. I don't allow you to disgust her like that."

As soon as Meng Yaodong heard this, he got up with the fire in his heart.

Rao Shi was distressed to see Jingrong's weakness. He didn't want to stimulate Jingrong any more, so he took a deep breath and sat down on the sofa.

As soon as Meng Yaodong sat down, he took out a cigarette directly from his pocket. He was just so upset that he wanted to light a cigarette and take a puff. However, he thought that Jing Rong was still weak. He threw the cigarette into the cigarette box again, and then threw the whole cigarette box into the garbage can.

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