When Jing Baoer returns to the master bedroom of the presidential palace, Jing Rong is sitting at the head of the bed, looking at important documents.

When the man looked at the document, he was very attentive. Until jingbao'er came to him, he slowly raised his head and looked at jingbao'er.

He was wearing a dark black silk housecoat with thin white edges at the neckline and trouser legs.

A simple set of home clothes, but he was wearing a noble taste out.

The man's face looks very bad.

Especially through the white light, it looks even paler.

Jingbao'er gently sat beside the man, hugged him and asked, "what are you looking at?"

"I see an important document." Jingrong road.

"I won't disturb you. I'll take a bath..."

Jing Rong nods, reaches out his hand and caresses the little woman's hair. He kisses her on the forehead.


Jing bao'er heard the phone ring, and immediately took out the phone from the bag.

Seeing that it was rolchen's phone, jingbao'er immediately answered it -

"Hello, rolchen, what's the matter?"

"Are you the lover you remember? The owner has suffered a serious traffic accident and is being rescued in our hospital now... "

"We saw that the note in the owner's mobile phone was" my love ", so we called you."

The two simple words on the phone are like two huge stones that hit Jingbao's head. Jingbao's whole brain is in chaos.

Jing Baoer immediately felt her ears began to hum.

Next, the people over there said a lot, but Jing bao'er couldn't hear a word clearly.

At this moment, jingbao'er felt that her sky had collapsed.

Until the people over there finished all the words, Jing bao'er took a deep breath, held his heart tightly and asked, "which hospital are you from?"

"The first people's Hospital..."

When Jing Baoer heard the words, he immediately pressed hang up.

Jingbao'er is very close to Jingrong.

Jing Rong also listened to the phone content clearly.

Jingrong watched jingbao'er hang up, then immediately looked at jingbao'er and said, "don't worry. I'll take you to the first people's hospital now."

Then Jing Rong got out of bed.

The speed of getting out of bed is too fast, pulling the wound on the body, Jingrong immediately can't help "hissing..." He began to cry in pain.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately helped Jing Rong back to bed and cried, "fourth uncle, don't follow me. You're still in this condition. You have to be at home to recover. I'll go there myself..."

"I want to be with you..." Jingrong road.

"I don't have to go by myself..."

"Then I'll call Yeming to accompany you..."

Jingbao'er knows that if he doesn't let the night accompany him, Jingrong will be worried.

So she nodded.

Later, Jing Rong uses his walkie talkie to contact Yeming, who is also in the presidential palace.


When jingbao'er goes out, Yeming is already sitting in the car, waiting for jingbao'er.

Jingbao'er gets on the bus crying.

Yeming didn't speak and started the car directly.

Looking at Jing bao'er, after he drove out of the presidential palace at night, he couldn't help comforting, "Miss Jing, I believe that Luo Shao will be fine. He is such a good man that God will take care of him."

Jing bao'er just nodded, but could not say a word.

When the sadness reaches its peak, it can't say a word.


When Jing bao'er and Ye Ming arrived at the door of the emergency room where rolchen was, the Luo family were already sitting there.

Luo Yaohua, Luo Suran and the drivers and servants of the Luo family are all here.

As soon as jingbao'er came over, Russell got up and rushed to jingbao'er. He raised his hand and slapped jingbao'er in the face.

"Pa --" ground one, heavy slap, fell on the face.

Jing bao'er's right face suddenly swelled into blood steamed bread.

This slap, Russell ran with the strength of the whole body.

A slap down, Jing bao'er's mouth directly out of the blood.

"Just now, the police transferred the surveillance video of my brother's accident. The surveillance video showed that my brother was in the car, drinking and driving with tears! My brother was in a car accident because of this! Jing bao'er, it's all because of you. If it wasn't for your betrayal, how could my brother drive while drinking on the road? If not, how could my brother run through the red light, collide with other cars, cause serious injury and be pushed into the emergency room!! Jingbao, you are a disaster. You really should die! “"Jingbao'er, I tell you, this time, if my brother really has something to do, you can wait to die. No matter what, I will never let you go. I will take revenge for my brother!"

Russell ran pointed to Jing bao'er's face and said.

Although Luo Erchen is not very good to Russell now, at this moment, Russell is really afraid and distressed.

Russell was really afraid that he would lose his brother completely.

If that's the case, she will take revenge for her brother and let Jing bao'er have bad luck.

In the face of Russell Ran's abuse, Jing bao'er is powerless to refute.

There was nothing wrong with what Luo Suran said. Without her, rolchen would not have been like this at all.

It's all because of her that roechen is depressed and paralyzed by alcohol.

Just after drinking together, she should have insisted on sending rolchen home in person, but she didn't insist.

If she had insisted, there would have been nothing wrong with rolchen.

The more she thinks about it, the more she feels remorse.

In the face of this picture, Luo Yaohua did not stop it, and let Luo Suran abuse Jing Baoer like this.

After the wedding snatch, Luo Yaohua's good impression of Jing bao'er has been completely destroyed.

In addition, Luo Yaohua doesn't really like Jing bao'er any more because of this incident this evening. He just has infinite hatred.

After all, all of this is because of a Jing bao'er.

Luo Yaohua also began to feel that Jing bao'er was a disaster star, the disaster star of their Luo family.

If Jing bao'er didn't appear from beginning to end, his favorite son would not come to this miserable end today!

"Sorry..." Jing bao'er choked.

Russell ran smell speech, but raised his hand, once again want to give Jing Baoer a slap.

Jing bao'er doesn't dodge, but the night night on one side reaches out his hand in time and holds Russell Ran's wrist to stop him.

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