About Luo Erchen, master Jing heard the news early in the morning. Luo Suran found it on this point. He knew that it was for that matter.

He knows better that Russell ran came to him to make an alliance with him and fight with Fu Jingbao.

Anyway, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Master Jing doesn't care about Russell's character. He is vicious or not. Now the only thing he cares about is whether Russell has any use value for himself.

As long as this person has value, that's enough.

But even if we make use of each other, what else should we pay attention to?

Hearing master Jing ask himself, Russell Ran's tears can't stop immediately.

In front of master Jing, Russell ran cried more and more.

"Uncle Jing, my brother had a car accident last night, and now he has become a vegetable. It's all because of Jing bao'er Because Jing bao'er failed my brother and made him feel bad, my brother drove and drank at the same time. Finally, he had a serious car accident and became a vegetable... "

"Uncle Jing, it's all because of jingbao'er. I really hate jingbao'er..."

Russell said as he wiped away such tears.

As soon as master Jing heard this, he immediately raised a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

He knew that Russell was here for this.

"So," asked master Jing.

When Luo Suran heard the speech, he immediately dried the tears on his face, held Jing Aotian's hands in a serious manner, and said, "Uncle Jing, I know that you have been very popular with brother Rong and Jing Baoer recently I also know that your hatred for Jing bao'er must be deeper than before, so let's cooperate Shall we trip Jing bao'er together? "

What Russell said is very simple and direct.

What Luo Suran said is what master Jing is most willing to hear.

Master Jing is just as simple and direct. After listening to Russell Ran's words, he feels better.

"It's just that my old man is old now. He can't run many things by himself. I can help you with some things, but you have to run errands by yourself..." Mr. Jing said.

"Good." Russell nodded his head.

"Uncle Jing, I think the first thing we should do now is to find a way to break up brother Rong and Jing bao'er. Only when Jing bao'er has completely lost the protection of brother Rong, we can deal with Jing bao'er casually. With the protection of brother Rong, it's really hard for us to hurt Jing bao'er." Said Russell.

Jing Ao is very cold. "That's nature. You are very smart, plain girl."

"Uncle Jing, do you have any good ideas?" Asked Russell.

"There's a good way, of course, but it's not the time yet. Let's wait for a while. When the time comes, I'll tell you how to do it." Jing Aotian pretends to be mysterious and says.

Master Jing's words add to Russell's curiosity.

"Uncle Jing, what is the solution? I'm more and more curious about what you said. " Said Russell.

"At that time, you will naturally know, Su ran girl, don't act rashly now, just stay at home and wait for my orders." The scenery is proud of the sky.

Russell nodded.

Knowing that master Jing couldn't tell him more now, Russell didn't go into it any more.

"At noon, your favorite seafood will be made at home. Why don't you stay for dinner?" Asked master Jing.

Russell immediately nodded, "good..."

Now, what Russell has to do is to get close to master Jing and screw him into a rope.

Of course, what Russell thought was exactly what master Jing thought.

"Uncle Jing, what's your relationship with brother Rong now? I've heard that there's a lot of trouble between brother Rong and you now. " Said Russell.

As soon as master Jing heard this, his face immediately cooled down, "who did you listen to?"

"It's just the rumor outside..." Said Russell.

"In my opinion, the servants in my family should be changed. They always spread out the family affairs to show us jokes." The old man hummed coldly, and his eyes were filled with strong anger.

"Brother Rong has done too much to you. When the servant sees you, he will be angry. When he is angry, he will tell others secretly. If they listen to you, they will go to other people to talk about it..." Said Russell.

"Uncle Jing, you have to say that jingbao'er really has a way to make brother Rong break away from the father son relationship for her. This girl's method is really admirable." Said Russell.

Mentioning jingbao'er, the old man's hatred at the bottom of his eyes and eyebrows deepened a lot.The old man's face darkened in an instant.

It's as gloomy as the sky before the snowstorm.

"It's also my fault that I have a poor son, and I listen to that cheap girl every day." Mr. Jing hummed coldly. Every word was loud and gritted his teeth.

For Jing bao'er, master Jing really hates the itching teeth. He wants to eat the girl's meat and drink the girl's blood.

"Before that girl appeared, my son was always obedient and respectful to me, but with that girl, everything changed...!" Master Jing said again.

Master Jing, now I really miss that Jingrong who was respectful to him.

Jingrong, because of jingbao'er, disappeared so thoroughly.

Now, the scenery has changed so much that Mr. Jing himself is not familiar with it.

He's really going too far now!

"Is it true? In fact, it's no wonder that there are some men who don't have soft ears. Men can't stand the wind in women's ears. As long as the woman has the heart to stir up the relationship between your father and son, there's nothing that can't be done..."

"Jingbao'er is not only thoughtful, but also vicious. Uncle Jing, brother Rong, it's really your great misfortune to mix with such a woman."

Luo Suran looks at the gloomy face of master Jing and instigates him word by word.

What Russell wants to do now is to increase the hatred of master Jing for Jing bao'er.

The more master Jing hates Jing bao'er, the better it will be for her.


Master Jing didn't speak any more, but with a gloomy face, he lit a cigar and began to smoke.

Between the smoke, the old man's face became colder and colder.

It's cold and frightening!

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