Jingbao'er, guiding the crowd to the rose shed, said, "well, I like red roses, so He specially ordered people to plant some roses in the yard. In order to let me see red roses all the year round, he specially ordered people to build a rose shed. The temperature in the rose shed is constant all the year round. Even in winter, the roses can bloom... "

Hearing what Jing bao'er said, everyone was even more envious.

"Miss Jing, before I saw that there were many secrets about Beijing on the Internet. Everyone said that because you like fireworks, one year on your birthday, President Jing Rong let the fireworks in Beijing go on all night. You like red roses, and he airlifted a lot of red roses to you abroad. Are these rumors true?" The wife of President y asked as she followed in everyone's footsteps.

Mentioning these things, jingbao'er feels warm in her heart again.

Those happy past, once again in his mind, repeated again.

In the curious eyes of the crowd, Jing bao'er nodded and said, "it's all true That's true. "

When they heard this, their admiration for jingbao'er deepened a lot.

"God, President Jingrong is so romantic. He's just a model boyfriend." The wife of the president of the Y country said again.

Jingbao'er smiles happily, "well, he's really romantic, and he's really a model boyfriend. I admit that."

"Miss Jing, what do you feel when he lets the fireworks in Beijing go on all night, or airlifts you countless red roses? I've lived most of my life, and no one has ever treated me like this. " Asked the wife of the president of T with a curious look on her face.

After hearing the speech, Jing Baoer carefully recalled the scene at that time and thought about it. In her heart, she really felt very happy, satisfied and moved.

"Well, I feel very happy, satisfied and moved." Jingbaoer road.

"Think about it, too If I were you, I would be moved to cry. Miss Jing, you are so lucky. You are so lucky. Ordinary people can't match you. " The wife of the president of the T state added.

"Oh, if anyone could do this to me once in his life, I would be willing to die for him." The wife of the president of country y sighed.

"Well, it's the first time I've seen such a perfect male God as president Jingrong since I've lived most of my life. In the upper class, there are few dignified people like President Jingrong..." The president of the state of W said.

"That's right. President Jingrong is really a rare species in the world. He is the only luxury man in the world. People who have such a man must have saved the galaxy in their last life." The wife of President P sighed with envy.

"Miss Jing, do you know how much I envy you? If I can live the same life as you one day, even if I live one day, I will die the next day The wife of the president of P added.

There is no woman who doesn't want to live like Jing bao'er.

Jingbao'er's life is the envy and yearning of all women.

Being so envied by so many people, jingbao'er's inner happiness is stronger.

Jing bao'er didn't speak, just laughed.

Then, jingbao'er took everyone into the rose shed.

The flower shed is made of toughened glass, covering an area of about 30 mu.

There is the most perfect automatic temperature control system in the flower shed. The system will automatically control the temperature in the flower shed according to the external temperature.

The flower shed is full of red roses. Now every rose has blossomed. Every flower is beautiful and beautiful.

Take a broad view, the huge flower shed, a romantic red.

Inside the flower shed, the temperature is as comfortable as warm spring, and the air is filled with rich rose fragrance, refreshing!

Several wives of the president, seeing this picture, were amazed.

"God It's really beautiful. It's a big flower shed and a big rose field. Miss Jing, President Jing Rong is so kind to you. " The wife of the president of the w country, looking at the red roses in full bloom, said.

With that, the woman leaned gracefully over a rose and sniffed it. It was really fragrant and she liked it very much.

"Yes, Miss Jing, your life is really enviable..." Said the wife of the president of P.

"Thanks to miss Jing, it's amazing that we can still see such a large area of rose field on a cold day." Said the wife of the president of Y.

Jingbao'er smiles, leans down to pick a few roses and gives them to several of them one by one.

Then Jing bao'er began to take them for a walk in the flower field

A few women, walking in such a romantic place, everyone's mood is not to mention how good.

In this world, few women can refuse the temptation of red rose.

Outside the shed, several women are chatting and enjoying the beautiful flowers. Inside, several men are talking about business.They are talking about cooperation projects between their countries.

Several men were drinking tea and talking about big things. The expression on each man's face was very serious.

After talking about business, several men began to smoke, drink tea and talk about other things.

President y, after a sip of tea, looked at Jing Rong and said, "I think President Jing Rong is a hundred good to miss Jing. I didn't expect that you are such a gentle and considerate man in life."

"My tenderness and consideration is only for her. I've never treated others like this before." Jing Rong light response, finish saying is you smoked a cigarette.

His gentleness is only for the person he loves.

In this life, he would never be so gentle to the second woman besides Jing bao'er.

"It seems that you really love miss Jing. She is so beautiful. A man would love her." President P added, "if I could have a beautiful wife like Miss Jing, I would hold her in my hand."

Jing Rong just a faint smile, did not speak, continue to smoke.

That is to say, in front of jingbao'er, Jingrong will speak a little more. In front of others, Jingrong will always be cold and awe inspiring, just like an independent lotus, with the indifference of strangers.

Jingbao'er is good-looking, Jingrong admits, but he is good to jingbao'er not only because she is good-looking, but also because of her personality. Jingrong likes jingbao'er's personality very much. He is straightforward, dare to love and hate, fearless, can go to the hall, can enter the kitchen, can fight xiaosan'er, and can fight rogue.

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