"After a while, follow me up. I'll pay for all the things you like, OK?" The man said.

Jing bao'er rolled his eyes and said, "hum, do you think I'm the kind of person who can be easily bought?"

"Besides, if you come here for inspection, I'll go shopping with you. What's that like? So many people are watching. " Jingbaoer road.

"I'm Jingrong's woman. She can do whatever she wants. No one else can control her." Jing Rong added, "in fact, if you look at it from the perspective of the person in charge of the shopping mall, they are Babel. When you buy something at this time, the president's woman's favorite thing will become a hot money every minute. No matter how expensive it is, it will be sold out in a few minutes. If you can spend money here, they will be very happy, and other people won't think that you can't buy anything It's just making trouble blindly. Others will only think that you are doing your best to publicize this shopping mall. "

After hearing this, Jing bao'er found it quite reasonable.

"Is it really all right?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"If there's anything wrong, I'll make sure it's all right." The man said.

"Well It's just that you have a lot of people today. No matter how many you buy, I don't have to be afraid that no one will carry it. " Jingbaoer road.

"Come on, my little girl." Jing Rong's eyes are full of doting. As he says this, he naturally tilts his elbow to Jing bao'er's position, indicating that Jing bao'er will hold it.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately took the man's elbow and said, "let's go, fourth uncle."

When jingbao'er started to walk forward with Jingrong, the person in charge of the shopping mall, a group of bodyguards and customers of the shopping mall all gathered around.

Fortunately, the quality of customers is still high. They just follow the crowd, but they don't push.

Jingrong and jingbao'er took the lead in the luxury women's wear area. When they arrived at the women's wear area, Jingrong began to hang out with jingbao'er.

Every time Jingbao bought a piece of clothing, the people present took a picture.

Then, that dress will become the focus of netizens' hot discussion on Weibo.

At this time, Jing bao'er, who accompanied the president, became the target of all female customers in the shopping mall.

Jing Rong's thoughtfulness and his doting eyes on his wife really fascinated the women present.

In the shopping mall, the two people were intimate, throwing dog food wildly, which made the netizens on Weibo yell that they were abusing dogs, that they wanted to fall in love, and that they wanted to be a scene type male god.

came out of Xintiandi. There were six bags in his hand.

In the spotlight, jingbao'er also knew to keep a low profile, not to buy too much, so he bought six clothes.

Because there are few things, Jingrong is always carrying them.

For a while, the topic of "President Jing Rong incarnated as a bag man" suddenly occupied the first place in microblog hot search. In just ten minutes, the number of people discussing it reached millions!

Netizens left messages under the topic one after another, expressing their admiration for jingbao'er and jealousy for jingbao'er, saying that they also want to become jingbao'er.

There are even some people who have been shouting, "Jingbao, please give me back my God" and so on

After Jing bao'er and Jing Rong got on the bus, they logged into their microblog and planned to hang out.

As soon as I log in to Weibo, I see that I have been hot searched with Jingrong.

This is expected. Jing bao'er went in and simply looked at what the netizens said, and then dropped out of the topic.

"Fourth uncle, people say you are a loyal dog type man." Jingbaoer road.

"Well, in front of you, it's true."

"People say that when you look at me, the look in your eyes is called wife's eye."

"Well, I think so."

"Fourth uncle, people say I'm not good enough for you."

"Who said that? What's the ID? I will sue her now! "

Looking at Jing Rong so angry and so serious, Jing bao'er couldn't help laughing.

"Don't be so serious. Don't netizens just say that on the Internet? What are you doing? "

"They have too many casual times. They are so casual all the time. I don't know how to restrain them. I don't think it's good. I want to give them a warning."

"Come on, you're the president of a country. You have a little grace."

"What happened to the president? Is the president going to be silent when the woman he loves is said

Jingbao'er coughs gently, "cough Yes The president just wants to keep a low profile

"Low key mystery, does not mean the popularity of swallowing, who scolded you? "Tell me..."

"Don't No, if you want me to be less scolded, you can keep a low profile... "

"I hate women who call me names." The man said, serious and serious.

What Jing Rong hates most is that others attack Jing bao'er with some bad words.

Even if it's just on the Internet, Jingrong can't tolerate it at all.

Why should he be talked about by those people who eat melons? Why?What kind of thing is this?

Looking at Jing Rong's angry appearance, Jing bao'er feels warm as spring.

A few simple words fully show his care for himself.

"Bear it. The more excited you are, the more they hate me It's better to be quiet and low-key In this way, everyone's scolding will be over. Netizens, they are all hot for three minutes.... " Jingbaoer road.

"Next time, if anyone dares to scold you, I will never forgive you." Jingrong road.

Jingbao'er smiles, "next time, Mr. President, where are you going next?"

"Go to Ginza shopping center." The man said.

"Then I won't hang out with you next? I'll go home and read myself

"Since they are all in the same car with me, why don't they go?"

"Well, I just feel a little tired." Jingbaoer road.

Shopping bar, although it looks more relaxed, but it is really a matter of great physical strength.

At this moment, Jing bao'er really feels a little tired and wants to go home and have a rest.

When Jing Rong heard the speech, he said, "well, since you want to go home to have a rest, I'll take you home first..."

"Don't worry, it will delay you. When and where are you going? The person in charge of Ginza shopping center over there must have been waiting for you now. If you specially send me home, it will take nearly an hour this time... "

"So what What happened when I took my woman home? "

"Or you can stop any bodyguard car and take me home." Jingbaoer road.

Jing Rong was silent for a second, then nodded his head, "OK, if you have to, it's up to you..."

"Xiao Liu, tell everyone to stop..." Jingrong road.

When the driver heard the speech, he immediately took the walkie talkie, pointed to the microphone and said, "everyone pull over..."

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