Jinghua has an appointment. This talk show is live broadcast.

Because this program invited President Jing Rong and his beloved woman Jing bao'er.

So that night, the capital was empty.

Almost all the people were in front of the TV, or in small groups, or in pairs, watching the interviews between the two of them, listening to the two of them sharing, the two of them together bit by bit

Since taking office, President Jing Rong has accepted this type of TV interview program for the first time, which shows the degree of attention.

In front of the TV, we all pay close attention to the interesting things shared by Jing Rong and Jing bao'er.

It's the same with the TV recording scene, the staff.

Everyone was fed by the dog food that they two scattered this evening.

The same is true for the host, Jinghua.

"Well, I'm really curious about one thing. I don't know if I should ask about it." The host Jinghua looks at Jing bao'er and Jing Rong, who are sitting in front of him and nestling together.

Jingbao'er and Jingrong are calm and calm when they speak to Jinghua.

She shrugged at Jinghua and said, "yes, sister Jinghua, if you have any questions, just ask."

It's not easy to see her favorite host. For her questions, as long as it's not that kind of special privacy, she will naturally have questions to answer.

"I want to know, who first pursued each other? Do you belong to love at first sight? Or is it a matter of time? " Asked Jinghua with great interest.

Jing bao'er said with a smile, "we two ah, he fell in love with me at first sight, but I should be in love with him for a long time. The reason why I like him is that he brought me a lot of warmth in his later relationship with me. As for who took the initiative Of course it's me I took the initiative first... "

"Originally, because he thought I was his niece, although he was not related by blood, he was also very afraid of being called Luan Lun by others, so he had been trying to restrain his feelings for me, but I, on the contrary, didn't care about these. In my opinion, we can be together without blood..."

"So I tried every means to pursue him. In the end, he was chased by me..."

Thinking of his pursuit of Jingrong when he was young, Jingbao couldn't help laughing.

And the man sitting beside her, that cold face, also dyed a smile.

His eyes softened as well.

That memory, for both of them, is really very precious and beautiful.

"I didn't expect you to be such an active girl, baby." Jinghua said, "I really like your character It's really good to dare to love and hate. "

"Well I'm such an active person. " Jingbaoer road.

Jing bao'er doesn't think it's bad to talk about women chasing men.

Jinghua smiles, "I envy the relationship between you..."

"One day, you will meet such a feeling." Jingbaoer road.

Jinghua smiles, "hope..."

"Well, Mr. President, actually I have a question for you. I think the audience in front of the TV are very curious. I want to ask you, when you first saw her, what attracted you to her?" Jinghua asked again.

When Jing Rong heard the speech, he was full of spoils. He took a look at Jing bao'er, and then replied, "all Everything... "


After the interview, Jing Baoer and Jing Rong, surrounded by Jinghua, the director of the TV station and countless people, left the TV station and got on the bus.

As soon as they got on the bus, Jing bao'er sighed and naturally put his head on his shoulder.

They are so close.

near to her, she could clearly smell the cool peppermint perfume on him.

The taste is refreshing! It seems to drive away all the fatigue from her.

After staying in the studio for so long, plus being tossed by Jing Rong for so long before the video recording, she is really exhausted now.

The whole person is soft, like a pool of warm water.

"I'm so tired Fourth uncle. " Jingbaoer road.

"Tired? Since you feel tired, we won't take part in such programs next time. I will refuse to invite us to such similar programs in the future. " Jingrong road.

Jingbao nodded heavily.

"Oh, to tell you the truth, fourth uncle, it's really hard to stretch himself in front of the camera. I really admire LAN LAN. I can always be calm and elegant in front of many cameras Besides, I never feel uncomfortable or disgusted. Look at me, I can't do it. Countless cameras are facing me. It's OK for a short time. I can't stand it after a long time... ""Mainly, fourth uncle, when I was facing the camera, I didn't dare to be myself I'm afraid of making mistakes and being told that... "

Jing bao'er said again.

With that, she blinked at Jingrong. Her big eyes were soft and coquettish. "Hey, fourth uncle, there's smoke in your pocket, isn't there? Give me one. I need a cigarette to refresh myself. Otherwise, I'll fall asleep... "

The man a listen to this, originally stretch of brow, instantly tight Cu get up, "want what smoke?"? You're a girl, don't you know? Be honest with me. Don't think about cigarettes and wine every day. "

"What's more, smoking is not good for your health, especially for women's skin. Women who smoke age quickly, don't you know?" The man said solemnly.

Jing bao'er rolled his eyes directly. "I don't smoke all the time, or only smoke one cigarette when I'm tired occasionally. As for you little seven, you won't give me a cigarette. Hum, I don't love you any more."

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately frowned again, extended his long arm, held her in his arms, held her tightly, and gently touched her right cheek with one hand, saying, "hiss No, you little thing, if I don't give you cigarettes, you won't love me, will you? If I don't let you smoke, I'm hurting you

Jing bao'er rolled his eyes and said, "well, if you don't give me cigarettes, I won't love you any more..." And then she said, "Oh, if you don't give me a cigarette, I won't have dinner for a while. I'll starve to death. I'll forget myself Hum... "

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