Looking at Jing Rong so nervous about herself, she also felt extremely happy in her heart.

The man is cold face, order a way, "anyway is forbid......"

"Well, well, I'll go to Blackhawk Island, and then I'll do some training that I can do by myself, OK?" Jing bao'er said again.

But the man immediately sighed, then pressed out the smoke in his hand, spit out the white smoke, lay beside her, holding her face in both hands, and said softly, "go to the army inspection with me first. After the inspection, I will go to Blackhawk island with you tomorrow, OK?"

When she heard the speech, she nodded, "well, in that case, I'll promise you..."

"You little girl..." The man was overjoyed and could not help pinching her delicate nose. "You are my living ancestor You are the only one in the world who dares to be so presumptuous in front of me... "

"But you just love me, who likes to be presumptuous in front of you, don't you?" Jing bao'er said with a confident face.

"Yes, my little girl My baby... " The man said, then affectionately, in her forehead printed a shallow kiss.

Then he got up first and put on a bath towel.

The snow-white bath towel covered his lower body, but the upper body was completely covered.

That perfect muscle line, at a glance, sex - feeling incomparable

His figure is getting better and better, better than those male stars and models on TV!

This is the figure of the top international supermodel!

Eye care!

It's really eye-catching!

"But I still don't want to move. Didn't you just say you were going to take me to wash?" The little woman is coquettish and pretends to be sore all over.

When the man heard the speech, he sighed helplessly, then shook his head and said, "I'm really afraid of you. I really doubt that I owe you in my last life..."

If it's not that I owe this little girl in my last life, how can I be willing to do anything for her all my life?

As soon as the words fell, he picked her up carefully from the bed.

His movements, especially careful, especially gentle.

It's like holding a valuable treasure.

All his life, he just wanted to love and spoil this little girl.

If it's in your mouth, you're afraid of melting. If you hold it in your hand, you're afraid of dropping it.

Before he was with her, he never thought that one day, he would put himself in the dust for the sake of a woman, and even open a flower in the dust.

Jingbao'er is his nemesis.

The biggest weakness of his life.

He can lose everything, but can not lose, is the arms of the little woman.

Being held in his arms like this, jingbao'er feels extremely happy.

She just like to toss him, like to play coquetry with him, like to see him treat himself so well.

In front of him, she hopes to be a child for her whole life.

Outside, you can be strong or cold-blooded.

But in front of him, she wanted to keep her unique innocence and childishness forever.


After washing, the man carried Jing bao'er into the huge cloakroom.

It's a huge cloakroom with gorgeous decoration.

Split into two sides.

On one side are men's clothes.

On one side there are women's dresses.

Looking around, it's like a special counter in a shopping mall

No, it's much bigger than the general counter

Entering here, all kinds of gorgeous clothes are dazzling.

The man carefully put jingbao'er in the women's clothing area and said softly, "choose clothes Today, on this occasion, if you choose a formal dress, you'd better not expose it too much. It's better that the skirt can reach a centimeter above the knee, or a centimeter below the knee. If the color is too fancy, don't you know? "

Listening to this man's nagging, jingbao'er feels very happy.

Only when a man really loves you and cares about you can he nag you and care about all the little details in your life.

She looked at him with a smile and nodded, "Oh, I know. You're so wordy. I'm not a child. I naturally know what to wear when I go to the army..."

"In my eyes, you are a child You've been my little girl all your life... " The man said.

Jingbao'er is smiling. Her heart seems to be filled with honey.

Sweet to salty.

It's like the air is sweet.

Between the nose and breath, there is a slight sweet smell.

"Hum, they have grown up and are very mature. What kind of little girl are they...""You are, no matter how old you are, you will always be a little girl who needs to be taken care of by me. All your life, you will be my child." The man said again.

Jingbao'er smiles and feels warm.

This sentence is like a breeze in summer and warm sun in early winter, which makes people not to mention how comfortable it is.

Every minute and every second with him is extremely happy.

Such happiness is really precious, very precious.

Therefore, she cherishes ten thousand.

"Well, you should spoil me and love me all your life. If you have a long time in the future, you should not be bored with me..." Jing bao'er pouted and said.

Then, the little woman gently stood on tiptoe and naturally put her arms around the man's neck. She looked at him affectionately with a gentle smile like water on her lips.

"Well, well, my child, I will spoil you and love you all my life, and I will never change. In addition, I will never be bored with you. Not now, not even in the future. You are the person I can't love enough in my life." The man said affectionately.

As soon as his voice fell, he naturally pointed his forehead at the little woman's forehead.

Forehead to forehead, nose to nose.

Between breathing, it's full of the fresh breath of bath gel on two people.

The taste is refreshing!

"Well, don't get tired of it. Let's get dressed and get ready to go out." Jingbaoer road.

Men smell speech, but still did not want to let go of the little woman's meaning.

He took a low breath, then hugged her tightly and imprinted a deep kiss on her lip.

This kiss, once again let the little woman's heart beat disorderly rhythm.

A heart, as if about to jump out of the throat.

Her brain, all followed by a blank.

Ears, too, began to buzz.

They really make life an idol.


Better than idol drama.

After the deep kiss, the man reluctantly released the little woman, gently clasped his hands on her shoulder, and said softly, "well, don't toss about your little thing, hurry to pack up, put on some clothes, and then put on a make-up. We'll go down for breakfast. After eating, we'll go out and do business..."

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