As soon as she went out, she went straight to the living room, lay down on the sofa and covered herself with a quilt.

Soon, Jingrong came out.

He half knelt beside her, one hand holding her hand carefully, said, "well, don't be angry, go back with me, it's cold outside, be careful of catching a cold..."

"It's not cold at all. I think it's very good..." Jing Baoer has a firm attitude.

When the man saw that she was determined to stay in the living room, he had no choice but to wring his brow. Then he softened his voice again and said, "Jingbao, what do you want me to do with you? Huh? I'm tired all day. Can you stop bothering me? Well

"I don't want to upset you. You asked for it, didn't you? You have something to do, you call me a task, don't you have so many things? Seriously, which of your staff has my professional quality? In terms of obtaining intelligence, which one of them is my opponent? Don't forget, I'm the first female agent in F country. " Jingbaoer road.

Jing Rong once again put on a surrender posture, raised his hands and said, "OK, OK, I'm wrong. Next time I have a task, I'll call you out, no matter how dangerous it is, OK? I won't overprotect you any more, will I? "

Jing bao'er just closed his eyes and didn't want to talk to him any more.

Don't listen to his sweet words.

Didn't you say that before?

To support her as an agent.

Also told her to be careful at all times, protect themselves and so on.

And then what?

How long has it been?

He forgot what he said.

When something happened, it was secretly carried out behind her back.

Ha ha ha

She would never trust him again.

Never again.

"It's said that if a man's words can be believed, a sow can go up a tree. I think that's right."

"They all said that they would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than the broken mouth of men. I think it's too right."

"You men just can't be trusted, say one thing and do another. You are all big pigs!"

Jing bao'er said word by word, gnashing her teeth.

The man sighed and knelt quietly beside her, looking at her angry face

After a long time, Jingbao didn't want to go back to her room to sleep. The man stood up and wrapped her in the quilt.

She struggled, but to no avail.

She will never be his match.

"Jingrong, what are you doing? What are you doing with the quilt?"

"Jingrong, let me go, get out of here!"

He kept rolling her, trying to put her in the quilt, and she kept struggling.

Like a caterpillar, constantly twisting and twisting in the quilt, swinging left and right.

However, it doesn't work at all.

Soon, he firmly rolled her into the quilt, the body was tightly bound by the quilt, there was no way to move.

The next second, he is strong will her horizontal embrace, said, "back to the room to sleep."

"I don't want to go back to my room to sleep with you. Do ghosts want to go back to my room to sleep with you? Let go of me, Jingrong Jingbao'er roars!

Men turn a deaf ear.

Carry her all the way into the room and close the door with your feet.

Then he put her on the bed and held her in his arms.

She was rolled into a towel and a cake by the quilt, so she couldn't move at all.

Even if she was held tightly by him like this, she could not do more than shake left and right.

Looking at this near face, she gritted her teeth and said, "you let me go, do you hear me? I don't want to sleep with you. I hate to see you. I want to live apart from you!"

"I don't agree. Please don't make noise and sleep..."

The next second, the man is a long arm stretch, a hug her, hands tightly embrace her.

Jing bao'er struggles, and the man pretends to know nothing but closes his eyes.


She was exhausted and gave up struggling.

Accept your fate!

She had no choice but to stay in the quilt and be held by him like this.


She just closed her eyes and went straight to sleep

The next morning, when Jing bao'er opened her eyes, the quilt rolled on her body was gone.

The smell of tobacco came.

She followed the taste and saw that the man was sitting on the head of the bed, overlapping his long legs and smoking quietly.

Obviously, he has finished washing, white shirt, black trousers, with a fresh and proud, cold and expensive.

Between the smoke and the morning light, this face is not to mention beautiful.But no matter how good she looks, she's still angry.

Just angry!

She directly coldly under the face, white his one eye, then then turn around angrily.

I saw her wake up.

The man immediately put out the cigarette end, then bent down, hugged her and said, "it's been a night, haven't you calmed down yet?"

She closed her eyes and said nothing.

"My little ancestor, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. You don't have to ask me to kneel down for you to forgive me, do you?" The man said softly, his chin rubbing against her earlobe.

This action is crisp and numb, which is very uncomfortable.

Jingbao'er was cold and would not say a word.

Anyway, from now on, don't talk to him for ten days.

Today is the first day.

She was determined not to let herself be confused by his sweet words.

He must be treated well.


Looking at Jing bao'er, he just ignored him. He immediately lay down, hugged her from behind and said, "what do you want me to do? You can forgive me, you say I promise to... "

But without saying a word, Jing bao'er broke away from him and went into the bathroom.

Suddenly embrace empty, but the man shook his head.

Looking at Jing bao'er's back, he sighed directly.

This little girl is really difficult.

Shaking his head again, he did not continue to catch up, just sat up and lit a cigarette.

After Jingbao finished washing, she went back to her room and sat in front of the dresser.

The man pressed out the cigarette in his hand, quickly stepped forward and hugged her from behind.

The spotless mirror reflected the two of them at this time.

The expression on his face was warm as spring.

And the expression on her face was as cold as winter.

Two different expressions form a sharp contrast.

"Ancestors, talk to me, eh? If you don't bite me, you can do anything to me, but just ignore me, OK? "

"Who are your ancestors? You go away and I'll tell you. I just can't forgive you for this. Don't hold me. Let me calm down and wait until I want to talk to you... "

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