"What's wrong with her? I think she's doing well recently. It was a good performance. " Jingrong carefully took out the layers of vegetables in the thermos, and said.

It is reasonable to say that this mother taught her daughter a lesson, and he really shouldn't interfere.

But every time song Li Mei talks about Jing bao'er, he feels very upset.

"Old four! Get used to it! Every time you say she, you stop! I see if you can get used to her all your life! " Song Li Mei frowned and said, looking at Jing Rong.

"Why not?" The scenery is light and the wind is light.

Jingrong's words make Jingbao's heart warm in an instant.

His words, just like the wind in May and June, are neither hot nor cold, neither quick nor slow, scattered in my heart, very comfortable!

Well It's comfort!

With Jing Rong's support, Jing bao'er is happy and comfortable. He doesn't talk. He just takes chopsticks and takes a big bite of food.

"Honey, eat quickly. I'll take you home by the way and do your homework at home." Song Li Mei said again.

Jing Baoer smell speech, immediately heavy key a head, "good, Ms. song."


After dinner, jingbao'er takes song Limei's black Audi car and goes back to Jingjia's mansion.

In the courtyard, after the black Audi stopped steadily, as soon as jingbao'er was ready to get off, song Limei said, "bao'er, wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

Jing bao'er frowned slightly, cocked her legs, looked at Song Li Mei and asked, "if you have something to say, I have to do my homework. I'll be very busy this evening."

"I think you have a good relationship with your fourth uncle. Honey, you have done a good job. In the future, you should continue to maintain Now, our Jing family, apart from the old man, belongs to your fourth uncle. If you have a good relationship with him, you won't worry that he won't cover you in the future. His care can determine the general direction of your life, such as what kind of school to study, where to work, and what kind of husband to marry... "

When Jing bao'er heard the speech, she just gave a cold smile, looked at Song Li Mei and said, "Ms. song, what you think is really long-term..."

"My wife and I are now in such an awkward position in the Jing family. Can I not think about it a little longer? Baby, in a word, flatter your fourth uncle well, so that your future can be bright. "

"By the way, there's another thing I want to tell you. Qianrong and Youran will go to your school next Monday. They will be in the same class with you then."

Song Limei's words didn't shock Jingbao much.

She is as smart as she is. When Duan qianrong and Leng Youran, two dead girls, insisted on studying in China, she knew that they might enter the first high school and be in the same class with her.

These two bullies are addictive. It's estimated that by that time, they will have a lot of problems with her.

"I see." Jingbao'er responded indifferently.

"Originally, I didn't agree that they were in the same class as you. The old man agreed. They always pestered the old man and begged him to arrange them into class A. you know that the old man always dotes on his two granddaughters, baby. If they do anything too much, you can let them do it. Don't make trouble with them every day."

Song Limei's words, like a knife, are mercilessly inserted into Jing Baoer's heart.

"From childhood to adulthood, what else would you say, Ms. song, except that you let me endure and let me let them?"

With that, Jing bao'er quickly pushed the door open, got out of the car and ran into the house.


Go back to the room, take a bath and finish homework. It's more than eleven o'clock.

A person lies on the bed, but Jing bao'er tosses and turns, how also can't sleep.

These days, she has been used to having him around.

After tossing and turning, Jing bao'er makes a phone call to Jing Rong -

soon, he answers.

"What's the matter?" His voice came to her ears, stirring her heart and liver!

Jing bao'er buried the whole person in the quilt and said, "I just miss you. I'll call you. Hey, do you miss me?"

"Go to bed, there's class tomorrow!" Over there, he whispered orders.

Jingbao'er laughs, "I asked if you miss me. You haven't answered me yet..."

"I think so."

Over there, words are precious.

The simple two words make jingbao'er happy.

"Hey, fourth uncle, do you think we haven't seen each other for a second

"Virtue! Go to sleep. If you don't sleep, I'll go back and kill you. Good night... "

After that, he hung up the phone.

After taking a long breath, Jing bao'er hung up.


This day is Saturday

"Dong Dong Dong --"

"Dong Dong Dong --"

in the early morning, before Jing bao'er had enough sleep, there was a knock on the door, which seemed to knock into her brainJing bao'er got up impatiently, rubbed his messy hair, and asked at the door, "who is that?"

"Honey, it's me..."

Song Li Mei's voice came to my ears.

"Come in!" With that, Jing bao'er fell down again and covered her head with the quilt.

Don't bother, big Saturday, disturbing people's dreams!


After entering the door, song Limei sat down beside jingbao'er's bed, gently opened the quilt, looked at her sleepy eyes, and said, "get up quickly, Mr. President will come to our house in a moment..."

Jing bao'er yawned and staggered up. Looking at Song Li Mei, she was a little surprised. "What? Is the president coming? "

Song Li Mei nodded, "the president heard that your fourth uncle and grandfather were discharged from the hospital today, so she said that she would come and have a look He will arrive around noon. You should get up, clean up and dress up. I'll go to the kitchen first

With that, song Limei got up and went out.

Go to the door, Song Li Mei and exhort a way, "baby, today, you can be obedient, must not make any trouble."

"All right, all right..." Jing bao'er frowned, waved her hand impatiently, and lay down again.


Jing bao'er finished washing and changing clothes. As soon as he got out of the room, he just ran into Jing Rong.

He is about to open the door of his room.

He was still dressed in a simple black suit and trousers, cool and awe inspiring, and extremely expensive.

Looking around, jingbao'er immediately chuckles, jumps up to him, takes a look at him, and then pushes the door straight in.

Jingrong followed her closely -

after entering the door, he put her on the door with one hand, covering her softness and softness. He rubbed and rubbed her repeatedly through the thin clothing material, "haven't you caused any trouble for me these two days?"

The girl in front of her is wearing a red turtleneck, a pair of light blue skinny jeans, and a tall ball. She is beautiful without any powder

Familiar with the girl's fragrance breath, let him intoxicated, can't stop!

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