Then a female reporter wiped her tears and looked at Jing Rong and said, "but Mr. President, we want to photograph you..."

"Don't shoot me. Go. It's an order." Jingrong ordered coldly.

Looking at the scene, Rong was really angry. The reporters quickly took a breath of air conditioning, held their camera and ran away.

After the reporters ran away, the medical staff came.

Soon, the medical staff directly put the mother and son on the emergency stretcher.

After the mother and son were carried away, Jing bao'er directly sat on the ruins.

As she wiped her tears, she looked at Jingrong and said in a low voice, "if you can, I really hope that there will never be a disaster in this world. Such a disaster is really terrible. How many people, because of such a disaster, have their wives and children separated, their families broken, and how many people, because of such a disaster, end up disabled for life..."

Jingrong sighed, frowned and said, "yes No one wants such a thing to happen, but natural disasters are inevitable... "

"Every time when a disaster happens, I feel that we human beings are really small, so small. Although we human beings look very powerful and seem to be at the top of the food chain, we are omnipotent, but in front of nature, we are really small. No matter how hard we do, we can't fight nature..." Jingbaoer road.

"Yes Well, stop talking, let's go on... " Jingrong road.

Jing bao'er was unable to support his tired body and forced to stand up.

Together with God, she felt the darkness in front of her eyes.

A soft foot, she almost fainted, but did not.

Taking a deep breath, she quickly recovered, looked at Jingrong and said, "let's go, let's continue..."

"You look at the situation is very bad, you are very tired, go to find a tent to have a rest, I can search and rescue myself..." Jingrong road.

"No, fourth uncle, I still can't sleep. Now I don't know how many people are buried and how many people are waiting for us to search and rescue. I really can't sleep. Maybe when I sleep at this time, I will lose a person's life." Jingbaoer road.

"But you can't hold on any longer." Jing Rong said solemnly.

Looking at the disheartened Jing bao'er, Jing Rong's heart is really moved.

This woman is really different from other women.

There is not a bit of pettiness in her.

She is full of great love.

She loves this country and all the people in this country. Every time, when the country needs it, she will always stand up and go out, for the sake of the people, even at all costs

Such a girl, really let him like.

How can he not love such a girl?

"Well, don't delay chatting. Hurry up and continue..." As Jing bao'er said this, she led the search and rescue dog straight ahead

Jing Rong frowned, but shook his head, and then directly followed Jing bao'er's steps.

Looking at Jing bao'er's tired back, Jing Rong's heart is dripping blood.

But he knew that she would not go away and rest at this time.

But the woman who has a mouthful of strength will not go to rest.

She's stubborn, at a time like this.

Therefore, he had no choice but to follow her.

Jingbao'er's back at this time is the best he has ever seen


At noon, jingbao'er and Jingrong pulled out two people from the ruins, and they couldn't support them completely.

Two people, both directly backward, lay on the ruins.

A night of fatigue, coupled with a morning of fasting search and rescue, did not eat a meal, at this moment, two people are really weak.

When the medical staff saw this, they immediately became nervous

"Mr. President, Miss Jing, you really can't continue. Go back and have a rest as soon as possible. It's important for you to have a good health. I've heard people say that you haven't had a rest in the evening, and you haven't eaten a mouthful of food or drunk a mouthful of water. If you do, your body will collapse. Search and rescue is important, but your body is also important, especially your health It's you, Mr. President. Your body is the foundation of our country A female nurse said.

Looking at Jing Rong and Jing bao'er, the female nurse really felt very sad.

Jing Rong took a deep breath, then slowly got up, looked at Jing bao'er, who was more powerless than him, and said, "come on, let's go to eat and have a rest first..."

Jing bao'er nodded, and then got up. Together with Jing Rong, he was unable to move towards the location of the material supply.

Looking at the two people supporting each other, unable to leave the back, the medical staff on the scene, are a look of heartache"Our president is really different from other presidents. He really loves the victims..."

"Yes, a whole night, plus a morning, no sleep, no food, no drink of search and rescue, he is really not easy..."

"Looking at the president like this, I really feel sad..."

Medical staff, word by word sigh.

When jingbao'er and Jingrong arrive at the food supply site, some victims sitting in tents immediately get up and rush to their sides.

Everyone's eyes were filled with excitement.

My face is full of emotion

Looking at Jingrong and jingbao'er, who are both disheartened and tired, how can we not be excited and moved.

Who are the two of them.

One is the president of today, the man on the cloud.

One is the president's first girlfriend, a woman in the cloud.

It's really incredible that these two people, together with the search and rescue officers and soldiers in the disaster area, can search and rescue all night without eating or drinking.

"Mr. President, I've heard that you and miss bao'er, in order to save people, do not sleep for one night and do not eat or drink for one morning. Thank you very much, thank you very much. For all the work done in the disaster area, I'll take the place of all the victims. Thank you very much..."

"Yes, Mr President, Miss Jing, thank you very much..."

"Thank you Thank you... "

Thank you to Jingrong and Jingbao.

Although we have just experienced a disaster, our hearts are turbulent, but the full efforts of jingbao'er and Jingrong are really warm to our hearts.

"This is what I should do. As the president of a country, I should do. You don't need to thank me. OK, everyone, go back and have a rest. Don't be polite to me. I have to eat something with bao'er..." Jingrong road.

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