Jing bao'er nodded, "good..."

"Mr. President, it's really lucky this time. Most people, who are buried under the ruins, either break their arms or legs, or need to amputate their limbs due to extensive infection of their wounds It's really rare that people who are buried underneath are just broken bones. " Little C road.

After hearing this, Jing bao'er immediately sighed and said, "yes, it's rare I really didn't expect that he was just broken. "

"Yes, we thought he was finished when we looked at his bloody appearance, but when we untied his clothes, we found that all the injured places on his body were only skin and flesh, and there was no place to do harm..." Little c said, "Mr. President, zhener is a lucky man. They all say that the people who become the president are the real dragon and the son of heaven. I didn't believe it before, but now I really believe it..."

Jing bao'er smiles and doesn't speak.

Now she believes it, too.

She believed that her fourth uncle was a man blessed by heaven.

"Mr. President, it's natural that God would prefer such a nice person After all, in this world, there are very few people like him who are in a high position and care so much about the people at the bottom... " Small C also said.

When it comes to what Jingrong does, little C is full of adoration.

Jing bao'er said with a smile, "he said that as president, he should care about the people below. He also said that as president of a country, when the people are in danger, he must appear around them for the first time..."

To tell you the truth, jingbao'er is full of admiration for Jingrong.

She really adores Jing Rong.

I adore this man very much.

Now, she adores him a little more.

"Miss Jing, it's really lucky and enviable for you to meet such a man as the president in your life. Do you know that many people are envious of you, including me It must be very lucky to meet such a perfect male God as the president in my life. " Little C road.

Every word and sentence she said was the most real thought in her heart.

Jingbao'er nodded, "yes, I admit that it must have cost me a lot of luck to meet him in my life. Maybe all my good luck has been spent in order to meet this man..."

"What are you talking about, Miss Jing? I'm sure you can't spend all of your good luck. After all, you are a very kind and considerate person." Little C road.

Jing bao'er smiles and doesn't speak.

Jing Rong is sleepy and sleeps all day

In the evening, he slowly opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Jing bao'er, followed by little c beside Jing bao'er

Jing bao'er and little C are both staring at him.

Seeing him wake up, their eyes were stained with a layer of strong joy.

"The president wakes up. Great..." Small C excited to stand up, said.

Then Jing bao'er got up trembling, went directly to Jing Rong's bed, hugged him and said, "fourth uncle, you wake up. It's really good You know, I'm really scared to death by you... "

Jingrong patted her on the back carefully and said, "you fool, what are you afraid of? You man, I'm not so easy to die. I'm not so easy to be knocked down by death. "

He is the invincible God of war.

He is not so easily knocked down.

"I have such a good you, guarding by my side, how can I leave this world easily?" The man again way, the voice is gentle infinite, still take a bit weak.

Jingbao'er was crying, not saying a word, but holding him tightly.

Anyway, it's great to see him open his eyes again.

At this time, her mood, excited has no way to use words to describe.

"Miss Jing, you can take your temperature for the president later. I'll wait outside. When you finish speaking, you can call me in. I'll give you a drip..." With that, little c quickly ran out

Two people, that kind of greasy, really sweet fried

She's really sorry to continue to be a light bulb here.

However, looking at their love, she was really envious.

As a single dog, at this moment, she suddenly wanted a boyfriend.

A good boyfriend like Jing Rong.

However, she also knew that what she thought was useless.

Such a perfect man as Jing Rong only exists in novels, but in reality, it is rare.After little c left, jingbao'er released Jingrong, wiped his tears and said, "fourth uncle, do you know how scared I am today? I'm really scared, I'll lose you from now on I'm scared to death... "

Looking at her dirty face and tears, listening to her words, Jing Rong felt warm in her heart.

A whole heart is warm "

" you silly girl, your man is not easy to be knocked down. I am the God of war. Have you been crying for a long time? Huh? Look at you. Your eyes are swollen and your face is full of tears. Haven't you washed your face all day? Huh? Did you eat? Well

Jingbao'er shakes his head. "I wash my face and eat. You've become like this. How can I think about washing my face and eating? If you don't wake up, I won't wash my face and eat..."

"If I don't wake up for seven days, can you stay away from food for seven days?" The man said.

"Bah, bah, bah, what are you talking about? Can you say something nice? Don't say these unlucky things. " Jingbaoer road.

Then she murmured, "it's not working, it's good Bad things don't work, good things work... "

Jing Rong can't help laughing when he hears the words, "you little girl, how can you do that? Well

Jing bao'er couldn't help rolling his eyes. "The words you just said are unlucky. I'll repeat them. It's always good Buy a peace of mind. "

"You are superstitious..." Jingrong road.

With that, he reached out and carefully wiped the dirty things on her face, "hurry up, wash your face, it's so dirty..."

"Hum, people stay by your side all day, and they don't even care to wash their face. Now you know that you dislike me..." Jing bao'er was dissatisfied.

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