"Teacher, no, it's clear that Jing bao'er is deliberately looking for trouble. If you don't believe it, ask other students!" Cold leisurely way.

Looking at Leng leisurely's face, Jing bao'er swung up her stool and smashed it directly at her. "Leng leisurely, you talk nonsense again! You and Duan qianrong, these two silly - force things, from small to large, in addition to nothing to look for trouble, but also open their eyes to tell lies, what can you do? "

After Leng leiran subconsciously dodged to the back, the stool passed her and directly hit the glass of the back door -

the next second, the glass fell apart

"Jingbao'er, come with me to your head teacher's office!" Old man Chen yelled.

"I've long heard that you are a student of lawlessness and evil! Today, I really have a long experience! " Old man Chen said again.

"Teacher, it was they who provoked Baoer first. I can testify." Gu meets Bai Dao.

"Teacher, I can too." Lan Lan also said.

Old man Chen turns a deaf ear and drags Jing bao'er out.

As Jing bao'er follows her teacher out, she turns her head and looks at Duan qianrong and Leng leisurely standing there



Jingshi group conference room.

Jing Rong is having an important meeting.

In the conference room, there are all the senior executives of the company.

In the conference room, we are discussing some important issues within the Jingshi group.

"Dudududu -"

the vibration of mobile phones is particularly harsh at such a serious moment.

Jingrong takes a look at the mobile phone on the desk, sees that it's Xu Na's phone, and presses answer -

to get up. He walks out of the meeting room in full view of the public.

"Hello, Mr. Xu."

"Bao'er is beating people again. Mr. Jing, come here quickly. I really can't control this child!"

"Well, I see."

As soon as Jing Rong heard this, he immediately frowned.

You don't have to guess. He knows who Jing bao'er is fighting -

I don't know if the little girl is hurt

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the door of the conference room and said coldly, "OK, let's finish the meeting and continue in the evening..."

Chen Luoluo looked at Jing Rong and asked, "president, where are you going?"


Jing Rong said, then left a meeting room people, directly turned away.

"What's the matter with Rong Si Shao now? If you don't move, the meeting will be open and people will leave..."

"Yes, yes."

There was a lot of discussion in the conference room.

"Well, everyone, don't talk about it. The president must have something important." Chen Luoluo got up and said.

With that, she took the folder and left the conference room.

Just now, when the phone rang, she had a clear glimpse of the remark in Jingrong's phone - Baoer head teacher.

Her heart, an instant "clatter" for a while.


When Jing Rong arrived at the door of the teacher's office, he saw Jing bao'er standing by the wall alone, with her head down. She looked relaxed.

Dead girl!

Jing Rong stepped forward, her forefinger against her eyebrows, forced to raise her head.

The breath of mint and tobacco is refreshing.

Looking at Jingrong's serious face, jingbao'er laughs, "fourth uncle..."

"Fighting with Duan qianrong and Leng Youran?" Jing Rong asked.


"Did you get hurt anywhere?" Jing Rong asked.

Jing Rong's question made Jing bao'er a little stunned.

He didn't blame her, and he didn't ask the cause and effect first. He just asked her if she was hurt

This kind of performance warms Jing bao'er's heart.

"They didn't do it when they were fighting. Just because of their poor fighting power, could they hurt me? However, during the fight, although I was not injured, I was injured when Duan qianrong deliberately scraped me in the morning. Here ~ ~ "

with that, Jing bao'er pointed to her scabby knee and said.

Since she returned to the capital, she didn't know which immortal she had offended. She was injured all day long!

"Does it hurt?" He asked, landing on one knee and looking carefully at her reddish wound.

Jing bao'er kept shaking his head, "Hey, it doesn't hurt. This little injury is nothing."

Without saying a word, Jing Rong turns around and knocks on the door of the teacher's office -

"please come in!"

A teacher's voice came to my ears.

Jingrong pushes the door directly.

As soon as the handsome Jing Rong came in, he immediately attracted the attention of all the teachers in the office.Even if more people were watching him, he was still cold and awe inspiring.

Walking to Xu Na's desk, Jing Rong directly sat down, folded her long legs, looked at Xu Na and said, "I just asked. They bullied bao'er first. Bao'er is right."

Xu Na was stunned for a moment.

This one is his niece, and the other two are his niece. They are all children of their own family. Does Rong Sishao's reaction seem a little eccentric?!

"Mr. Jing, however, the chemistry teacher said that Jing bao'er not only beat Duan qianrong, but also hit Leng Youran with a stool in front of him. As a result, he didn't hit Leng Youran and broke the door of the classroom."

"How much is your door? I'll pay double. " Jing Rong said coldly.

Xu Na looks confused

Well, his focus, why this?

Should he pay more attention to the fact that Jing bao'er beat people with a stool?

"Rong Si Shao, it's not a matter of whether the door is open or not. It's Jing bao'er. He's too bad and hard to manage. I can't stand fighting every two or three days!"

"Mr. Xu, as a head teacher, you have to find out the truth before blaming a child. As far as I know, this time, it's not bao'er's fault It's really the two of them who bully people first. "

"But she can't just do it when people bully her..." Xu Na said.

"If you are bullied and don't do it, when can you do it? Do you move when you're dying? " Jing Rong asked.

"Mr. Jing, this..."

"Mr. Xu, although bao'er is crying every day, she never takes the initiative to bully others. She has always been a person who doesn't offend me, and I don't have the personality of a criminal. Duan qianrong and Leng Youran are different. They like to bully bao'er when they are children. As a parent, I know this better than anyone else. Therefore, I suggest you take charge of Duan qianrong and Leng Youran for me in the future You don't have to be soft hearted to those two girls... "

Xu Na continued to look confused.

Jing Rong finished, then got up and walked out of the office directly.


After walking out of the teacher's office, Jing Rong stopped in front of Jing bao'er and said, "let's go to my car and give you some medicine."

"No, it's all scabby..."

"Be obedient

Jing Rong finished, then walked forward with great strides.

Jingbao'er followed.

They walked all the way to the school gate.

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