From the picture, the situation in the disaster area is much better than before.

More and more people are being pulled up from under the ruins by search and rescue soldiers.

Looking at those bloody people, Jing bao'er's heart is mixed.


In the evening, the master bedroom is still playing the live broadcast of the disaster area.

Jingrong and Jingbao are in the room. As soon as they have finished their meal, there is a knock on the door.

"Come in, please." As Jing bao'er stood by the bed and cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks on the folding table, she said.

Soon, the housekeeper pushed the door and came in.

As soon as he entered the house, the housekeeper went directly to Jing Rong and nodded respectfully, "Mr President, a group of reporters came to the house to interview you. What do you think we should do?"

"Send them away I don't give interviews. I'm tired. " Jingrong road.

He knows why these people want to interview him.

Just want to praise him in the disaster area, with his own life, protect other people's lives.

In his opinion, there is really no need for this.

He Jing Rong, do not want to rely on these things, to constantly win everyone's favor.

He just wants to do what he wants to do in silence.

"Mr. President, I think you should be interviewed at this time, so that you can brush yourself a wave of favor In this case, you will win the next presidential election. "

The housekeeper said word by word.

He is from the bottom of his heart and cares about Jingrong.

However, Jing Rong shook his head directly with a firm attitude, "no, even if I don't accept the interview, I will win the next presidential election..."

Looking at the whole Z country, where are the people who can compete with him?

Not at all.

His opponents are all small minions with little ability. He will not pay attention to those people at all.

"Well Ok... " The housekeeper nodded reluctantly.

Then he sighed helplessly and went to Jing bao'er to help him clean up the dishes.

After putting all the dishes on the tray, the housekeeper took them away.

After the housekeeper left, Jing bao'er said, "in fact, what the housekeeper said is right. At this time, you should be interviewed..."

"I'm tired. I don't want to deal with those reporters..." Jing Rong and Dao.

Jingrong's mind, jingbao'er very understand, she did not say much, just carefully put the folding table away, and then on the bed, sat beside him


Blue sky private club.

In the luxurious big private room, song Mingyang and Gu Yifei are enjoying a great meal.

There are countless delicacies in the grand round table of low-key and luxurious red sandalwood.

While drinking Maotai, song Mingyang was in a good mood as she enjoyed the meal.

"I really like the abalone and fish soup here. It's really delicious..." Gu Yifei is eating, side way.

Song Mingyang just laughed, "you like it, we often come here..."

Gu Yifei immediately shook his head, "no, it seems that this place is even more up-to-date than last time's" unique cave ". I think the consumption is also more expensive than last time's place, right? I don't want to come here often. What's more, I told you before that we don't want to come back to this kind of place in the future. Why don't you just listen? "

Song Mingyang looked at the girl in front of him with a smile, took a sip of Maotai in the cup, and said, "I just want to bring you to eat some good food. I, song Mingyang's woman, want the best food, live and eat..."

Gu Yifei's heart warms when he hears the words.

Looking at Song Mingyang's warm face, she felt how calm she was.

With this man song Mingyang, she has a special sense of security and happiness.

"In fact, for me, the best food is made at home..." Gu Yifei said.

"Can you cook?" Asked song Mingyang.

Gu Yifei nodded.

"After that, you cook it for me?" Asked song Mingyang.

She is not only as long as Xiao ran, but also as good at cooking as Xiao ran

Up to now, he can still clearly remember Xiao Ran's busy scene in the kitchen with long hair, a snow-white apron and a snow-white skirt.

In the kitchen, it was hot and sunny. The woman was gentle and quiet, and she had outstanding temperament.

Seriously, he really missed that scene.

If Gu Yifei could reproduce this scene, it would be the best.

"Or tomorrow night, we'll go shopping and you'll cook for me at home, OK?" Asked song Mingyang.

Gu Yifei nodded, ate a mouthful of sea cucumber and said, "OK, I'll make it for you tomorrow. Although it's not as delicious as the high-end club, it has the taste of home. I think you will like it."Song Mingyang smiles and nods, "as long as you do it, I like it."

In a word, Gu Yifei's heart is in full bloom.


After dinner, song Mingyang directly took Gu Yifei to the front of his villa in the Huating community of Bihai on the shoal.

This villa, which used to live with Jingrong and jingbao'er, happens to be next to each other.

In front is the former residence of jingbao'er and Jingrong.

At the beginning of spring, the flowers and grasses in front of the villa are back to life, which makes people feel comfortable.

Until now, when Gu Yifei saw the villa, he still felt a little unreal.

Before, she never dreamed that she would have the chance to live in such a big villa.

Although song Mingyang said that this is the smallest property in her name, it's really big for her.

It's really different from the rental house she used to live in.

Here, the face of any master bedroom is bigger than that of the whole rental house they live in.

The car slowly into the courtyard, song Mingyang will soon stop the car in front of the main building.

Looking at the white Porsche super car parked in front of the main building, song Mingyang asked, "I asked you to choose a car. You chose this car in my garage, but you only drove it when you just got it. I never saw you drive it again. What's the matter? Don't you like it? I don't like it. I have other cars in the garage. You can pick one more... "

Gu Yifei immediately shook his head, "Oh, I don't like it, or I think about it. I think it's very ostentatious to drive this sports car to school, so I just..."

Hearing this, song Mingyang immediately stroked her hair and said, "it's nothing to boast about. It's just driving a three million dollar Porsche It's not tens of millions of cars... "

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