Meng Yaodong took the lead in opening the conversation, "morning, do you still have work?"

Lan Lan nodded.

He started the car, turning it around and saying, "what time is it?"

"Four in the morning..."

"What? four o'clock? Now it's a little bit, you can't sleep for hours when you go back If I had known this, I would have sent you back earlier... " Meng Yaodong said, "no Why don't you say that? "

Thinking of this little girl, she is going to get up and work at four in the morning, and can't sleep for a few hours at all. He is very distressed and blames herself. He knew that this evening, he would not be playing with us all the time... "

He was really thoughtless.

The main thing is that as soon as he saw her, he felt that he was going crazy, so he thought, stay with her more.

"At that time, you all had a good time. How could I ask you to go first?" Lan Lan said, "besides, tomorrow morning's work is actually OK. I'm not tired. I can still get some sleep when I take an advertisement and have a rest."

"Sleep between breaks, can you sleep well? Surely not? Besides, how long can I give you rest? Half an hour at most... " Meng Yaodong said again.

"I can sleep well. Now I have mastered the skill of sleeping every second when I am tired, no matter how noisy I am in the environment Half an hour at a time, how can we have two breaks in the morning? Isn't that just an hour? In addition, there are two or three hours of rest at noon, which is enough for me to sleep... "

Even if she said so, he still felt very sad.

He frowned and said, "no matter what, this kind of rest is certainly not as good as lying on his own bed and sleeping in the dark. It's so cool..."

Lan Lan smiles, "that's for sure, but isn't it impossible?"

"Which product are you advertising for?" Asked Meng Yaodong.

"That's the Warsaw shampoo..." She added.

"Warsaw? The president of this company and I are good friends. Don't shoot the advertisement in the morning. Sleep well. I'll call him and tell him that the advertisement will be delayed until noon... " Meng Yaodong said again.

Lan Lan immediately shook her head and said, "that's no good. In this way, it will delay my next journey. My time is arranged, so I can't delay a little bit."

"But if you can't have a good rest, I will..." After all, Meng Yaodong didn't have the courage to say the words "I will love you." he took a deep breath. He pretended to be indifferent and continued driving without saying a word.

He didn't know that Lan Lan already knew his mind, so he didn't dare to say a lot to her.

Even though he had decided to tell her, he still didn't dare to say some intimate words.

Lan Lan knew what he wanted to say. He just pretended not to know. He laughed and said, "it's OK. I'm used to it. As a female star, I'm used to staying up late and being busy. I'm used to being like a machine. Sometimes I work 24 hours or 48 hours in a row..."

"The world is really cruel to your female stars." Meng Yaodong road.

Lan Lan said with a smile, "if you want to receive more goods than others, you have to pay several times more efforts than others."

"In the flashy entertainment circle, it's even more so. If you want to live better than ordinary people and shine more brightly than ordinary people, you have to work hard enough Pay your youth and sweat. " Lan Lan also said.

In fact, she never complained about how hard she worked.

In her opinion, she should work hard.

Because she wants to be the most popular person in the entertainment circle, and she wants to shine forever, so she has to work so hard.

Although, for many people, pay does not necessarily have a return, but do not pay, is doomed to no return.

And she has always believed in a truth, that is, heaven rewards diligence, she believes that as long as you work hard enough, then you will have enough luck.

The harder you work, the luckier you are.

She has always believed that God will take care of everyone who is trying to run.

She always believed in it.

Because of her firm belief, she has been working hard, and finally achieved great success, gaining a position unmatched in the entertainment industry.

However, even if she had stood on the top of the mountain, she did not dare to relax.

Because, at the foot of the mountain, there are too many people trying to climb up.

If she doesn't work harder and maintain her position, she will soon be pulled down by those people.

"If you want to live irreplaceable, you have to work hard and try again..." Landau.

Hearing this, Meng Yaodong gave Lan Lan a painful look and said, "you little girl, looking at the soft and weak, your heart is full of stubbornness Seriously, I admire you However, we still need to pay attention to our own body. It's right that people want to pursue more things. However, everything should be done under the condition of ensuring their own health.... "Lan Lan nodded, "I know, I will cherish my body

Meng Yaodong sighed and said nothing more.

He knows that what he says about his work is in vain.

Because although she looks weak, she has her own ideas about her work.

No matter what others say, she will insist on herself.

All these years of getting along with each other have made him know her well enough.

Good times are always short.

Soon -

Meng Yaodong's car stopped in front of Lan Lan's house.

As soon as she stopped, Lan Lan took out the remote control key in her bag and unlocked the door.

Later, Meng Yaodong drove the car into his home steadily.

After the car entered the door, he deliberately slowed down a little.

He wants to spend more time with LAN LAN.

Even more than one minute.

He didn't like to be separated from LAN LAN at all. He wanted to stick with this girl 24 hours a day.

However, no matter how slow it is, the car will soon arrive at the gate of the main building.

After stopping, Meng Yaodong turned to look at her.

Just want to say "after getting off the bus, you have a good bath, go to bed quickly" to see this girl, has fallen asleep.

She was so quiet, leaning against the back of her back, and she fell asleep in his position, looking very tired.

There are no lights in the car.

The light of the street lamp outside reflected on her face, making the lines on her face soft.

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