Because she had just cried last night, her eyes were more swollen than before.

Now she looks really ugly and ugly.

"Why are your eyes so swollen? Huh? Did you cry again last night? "

The man looked at, really feel distressed to death.

With that, he naturally hugged her in his arms, caressed her back carefully, and comforted, "don't look like this, OK? Even if you cry, you can't change the fact that luoerchen has become a vegetable. Every time you go there, you will cry like this. I think it's really distressing, you know?"

Hearing the man's words, Jing bao'er naturally nodded, "I know, fourth uncle, I will try my best to control my mood in the future, but sometimes, I really can't control it. As long as I see him like that, I can't control my mood and want to cry."

"A good man, because I became like that, how can I not feel distressed, how can I not cry?" Jingbaoer road.

With that, her eyes were red again.

Don't want to stimulate Jing bao'er any more, the man just gently kisses her on the forehead and says, "OK, don't talk about this topic any more. Let's stop here. Let's get up. Let's go to dinner. After dinner, I'll go out with you to relax Let's go for a walk in the back garden... "

"You don't want to work today?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"Work is as important as you I'll accompany you first, then I'll work... "

"That's not good. It's easy to delay things We can't afford to delay the national affairs... "

"It's nothing. It's really important. The Secretary will come to me..." The man said.

Jing bao'er nodded, "OK..."

Then she got up and sat up with Jingrong.


After washing and changing into clean clothes, she pushed Jingrong to take the elevator and went downstairs.

When I entered the restaurant, the servant and the housekeeper were setting the table.

Breakfast is very rich. There are crystal shrimp dumplings, bean curd, steamed buns, hot milk, hot soybean milk, fresh orange juice, some simple cold dishes and two bowls of eight treasure porridge.

When we saw Jing bao'er's eyes, we thought they had a quarrel last night.

At this moment, all of us dare not go out.

I'm afraid the aftereffects of their quarrel will spread to them.

So, we put things more carefully.

Don't even breathe too loud.

These two people, no matter which one, it is not provoking.

After Jing bao'er pushes Jing Rong to the dining table, he sits opposite Jing Rong.

"Ask my sister-in-law to come to dinner." Jingrong looks at the housekeeper.

"She ate it early in the morning, and now she's doing rehabilitation with the doctor." Said the butler.

When the police heard the speech, they nodded and did not speak.

Then he quickly handed the chopsticks to Jingrong and said, "eat."

Jing bao'er took the chopsticks and began to eat

When they had arranged everything, they bowed to them carefully, and then left quickly under the guidance of the housekeeper.

Looking at everyone's caution, as if they were frightened, jingbao'er asked, "did they see that my eyes were swollen and think we had a fight last night?"

"Otherwise, how could you be so nervous..." Jing bao'er said again.

The man glanced at everyone's nervous back and responded coolly, "maybe No matter what they eat You should eat more in the morning and have a good breakfast. "

Jing bao'er nodded, then went to Jing Rong and put a steamed bun in front of him.


After dinner, jingbao'er pushes Jingrong out of the door.

It's sunny and cloudless outside.

The whole world is warm.

The sunshine in spring is the most comfortable in all seasons of the year.

"It's a beautiful day today." As soon as Jing bao'er came out, she felt much better.

In the yard, there are many flowers and trees. In the morning, the air here is really fresh.

Breath, between the nose and breath, is full of light grass green fragrance, very comfortable.

The man said with a smile, "yes It's a lovely day. "

"Come on, let's go to the flower shed and have a look inside..." The man said.

"Well, that's what I want to do. I want to see my roses." Jing bao'er said again.

With that, she pushed Jingrong to the position of the flower shed step by step.

She walked slowly for fear of missing the beautiful scenery around her.

I was in a bad mood.

At this moment, come out for a walk, take a look at the spring color in the hospital, her mood is very good.

Also temporarily forget, a lot of sorrow.Jingrong always has many ways to make her happy.

Even if it is not convenient for him to move, he can still easily make her happy.

"My sister-in-law's legs are much better recently. I feel that she can walk normally in a few days." Jingrong starts to find Jingbao's favorite topic, which can make Jingbao happy.

When Jing Baoer heard the speech, she started to smile at the corner of her mouth. When she mentioned this, her heart became sunny. "Yes, it's really much better I also feel that in a few days, she will be able to walk normally. I'm really happy... "

Think of Song Li Mei before, lying in bed, became a vegetable look, and look at her now, jingbao'er really feel very happy.

"When your sister-in-law is ready, you can take her out to go shopping and have a look around My legs and feet now can't accompany you I'm really sorry. " The man said.

"It's OK. It's still a long time. When your legs are ready, you still have a lot of time to accompany us..." Jingbaoer road.

The man nodded, "well, that's right..."


"You go back and buy a decent gift, preferably jewelry or something, for your sister-in-law to give to her on the day she goes down to the ground Make her happy... " Jing Rong said, "sister-in-law, other things are OK, but she has a special love for jewelry. You can choose a more expensive one, at least a million..."

Jing bao'er nodded, "good..."

To song Limei, Jing Rong is very generous.

Food and clothing are the best.

In his attitude towards song Limei, there is his deep love for her.

Only when a man loves a woman deeply can he treat her parents and relatives so well.

As the saying goes, love your house and love your dog.

"Fourth uncle, thank you for being so kind to my mother..." Jingbaoer road.

"It's all right. She is my sister-in-law and the mother of my favorite woman. I'm not good to her. Who should I be good to? " Jing Rong said, "after all, after breaking off the relationship with the Jing family, my family is left with only her and you..."

Then Jing Rong turned her eyes to her smiling face.

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