Gu Yifei immediately looked back -

a very familiar face came into view.

Tang Xiaoxiao.

This face is as delicate as before.

On her body, she was wearing a black bra dress, seaweed like curly hair scattered randomly on her left shoulder, her face was painted with exquisite makeup, and expensive diamond jewelry was hung on her neck, ears, arms and fingers. At a glance, she is living a good life now.

Time, let her fade - to have the green, a bit more women's charm.

However, no matter how beautiful the face is, it won't make her happy.

Tang Xiaoxiao was her former high school classmate, plus her rival.

Up to now, she still clearly remembers that she was bullied by Tang Xiaoxiao in high school.

In high school, she was a transfer student.

When I go to school, the class flower and the school flower are all Tang Xiaoxiao.

After she went, the students held her to the position of class flower and school flower.

Because of this, she offended Tang Xiaoxiao.

Tang Xiaoxiao thinks that her appearance takes away her glory, so she starts to trouble her every day.

In high school, her parents gave her five yuan for lunch every day. When it was time for dinner, Tang Xiaoxiao would take a group of school girls with her to rob her of lunch money.

Even occasionally, she would be blocked in the woods next to the school, direct group fighting.

This girl was a nightmare for her three years in high school.

Until now, when she saw this face, she felt creepy.

She said with a cold smile, "hello..."

Then she turned around and began to drink. Without saying a word, she put on the appearance of "I don't want to chat with you, please go away".

However, Tang Xiaoxiao didn't mean to leave at all. She just smile charmingly. Then she twisted her hips and walked to Gu Yifei's side and sat down.

Glancing at the wine on the table, Tang Xiaoxiao naturally put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Gu Yifei, who are you with? The man who can order this kind of wine should have a lot of money, right? Yes? You're on the big money list? To be a junior

Gu Yifei knew as soon as she heard that she certainly didn't watch microblog, news or TV tonight

She didn't know, and she didn't plan to tell her how she was doing in a high profile.

She just smiles and doesn't speak.

"However, it seems that you are not as powerful as my man, my man Every time I drink, it's no less than three million. " Tang Xiaoxiao put on a high posture and glared at her, "look at what you are wearing. Your man is really mean to you. Gu Yifei, once you beat me at school, now I'm going to beat you..."

"Well, you're happy." Gu Yifei said with a smile.

"I'm really happy. Now I have everything. How about you? What did your man give you? " Tang Xiaoxiao asked with a proud face.

Gu Yifei said, "give me a lot of love."

"Love? What's the use of love? Money is useful. My man bought me a luxury car and a villa. They all wrote my name and gave me an unlimited black card This is the most practical Did your man give you these? " Tang Xiao asked.

Gu Yifei shook his head, "no..."

"Then you are really mean as a man..."

"It's not that he's stingy, it's that I don't want him to buy these for me..." Gu Yifei said.

"It's clear that people don't love you, so they don't buy it for you. What are you still wearing here?" Tang said with a sneer.

Gu Yifei smiles and is too lazy to fight with such people. In the face of the people she used to hate most, she is now too lazy to say a word to her.

I just hope that she will leave soon and not be around her any more.

No matter how good or bad she is now, it has nothing to do with her Gu Yifei.

She really can't stand Tang Xiaoxiao's personality. No matter what, she always likes to compare with others. She always likes to compete with others. Isn't that sick?

She really can't understand this kind of woman's mind.

"Well, you think so. That's it." Gu Yifei said coldly.

"How can I say you're not happy? I tell you, your man obviously doesn't love you. A man is willing to give you money only if he loves you. Look at my man, because he loves me, he will give me so many things. You man, even if you have money, it's really useless. Why don't you dump it earlier... " Tang Xiaoxiao said again.

Gu Yifei said with a smile, "smile, aren't you busy? Don't you go dancing? "

"I'm not busy. My old classmates finally met. Let's have a chat..." Tang Xiaoxiao gracefully folded her legs and put one hand on Gu Yifei's shoulder naturally, just like she was going to talk to her.Gu Yifei knows her personality very well. The reason why she is like this is that she feels that Gu Yifei's life is not as good as her, so she deliberately shows off in front of her, that's all.

She really felt that Tang Xiaoxiao was so boring.

"Smile, my man will come soon, you are here, not so good?" Gu Yifei said.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Yifei was very cold and didn't want to chat with her.

"Just come here. Let me have a look. Who is your man See if my man knows your man Gu Yifei also said, "maybe it's my man's business partner, and it's the one who will flatter my man, you know? My man is really good. Many people in business want to do business with him. They all want to flatter him... "

"Yes? Is it so powerful? " Gu Yifei asked with a smile, looking indifferent.

Even in her heart, no matter how dissatisfied she is, Gu Yifei is tolerant and doesn't want to be superficial.

After all, this is a public place. If you have any trouble with her and are seen by others, song Mingyang will be humiliated.

"Well, it's really great. Do you know who my man is? My man is... "

As soon as the sound of Tang Xiao's joke fell, he caught a glimpse of song Mingyang walking towards their position.

Seeing song Mingyang, Tang Xiaoxiao was really shocked.

She immediately pinched Gu Yifei's arm, pointed to the elegant and noble song Mingyang and said, "do you see that man? Song Mingyang, the famous King of diamonds in the capital, is my man. He and I are friends... "

Friends? The word "friend" made Gu Yifei sneer.

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