Never thought, never thought!

The cave looks shabby and shabby. There are so many hidden treasures!

Sure enough, it should be a folk rumor.

The richer a man is, the more he likes to pretend to be poor.

If Qin Feng hadn't accidentally stepped on the mechanism, he would have been fooled by the master of the psychic realm and missed such a batch of amazing treasures!

Looking at the dazzling array of swords and spirit tools, Qin Feng couldn't help breathing heavily again, his eyes shining and his expression was wonderful.

"Calm down, I have to calm down. I can't let the ghosts of my predecessors laugh at me. I'm a bear child who has never seen the world..." Qin Feng quickly adjusted his mood.

Then he took two steps forward and took out a long sword from the dark Pavilion.

This sword is skillful and dark green. It looks like it doesn't even have a blade. It seems that it doesn't open. In fact, it's powerful. If it falls into the hands of Qigong experts, its lethality must be amazing!

"Good sword..."

Qin Feng nodded and exclaimed.

The empty spirit sword hidden in his body sent out some subtle movements at this time, which immediately made Qin Feng feel uncomfortable, but it was only a moment.

Qin Feng said, "what's wrong? Is this jealous? "

He shook his head helplessly. Qin Feng had to put down the long sword without front first. The empty spirit sword is too spiritual. Sometimes it really hurts.

As soon as his eyes turned, Qin Feng found two embroidered spring knives from the messy dark Pavilion.

Xiuchun Dao is very common, but it exudes a faint aura. It is obviously rare in the world. Its structure and feel are similar to the samurai Dao pursued by the martial arts of Ying country.

"Cherry!" Qin Feng grinned: "let's try this pair of embroidered spring knives!"


Zoe yingzi was stunned at first, and then she saw the two embroidered spring knives in Qin Feng's hand. Her eyes immediately burst into an excited and happy look.

With the subtle changes of feelings in his heart, the autumn moon will not be polite to Qin Feng.

Without saying a word, he took the embroidered spring knife and waved it for a while.

It feels great.

With double knives in hand, Zoe yingzi can clearly feel that her combat effectiveness has doubled almost in an instant!

It can be seen that the spirit tool in hand can bring much improvement to a martial artist!

Qin Feng looked at Zoe yingzi and asked with a smile, "how's it going?"

"It feels good!" Zoe yingzi smiled.

"OK, then these embroidered spring knives will be yours in the future." Qin Feng said with a smile, "of course, you can continue to change. There are still many head knives here."

Zoe yingzi looked at the dark Pavilion and shook her head with a smile: "thank you, brother Feng. Don't change it. Yingzi likes these knives very much!"

"Well, you're not picky at all." Qin Feng smiled, then pondered for a moment, took off his clothes and packed up dozens of swords and spirit tools.

Zoe yingzi was stunned and said, "brother Feng, we can't seem to use so many spirit tools?"

"Are you stupid?" Qin Feng turned his eyes and said, "these are all spirit tools. Looking at the whole Hidden Dragon world, they are one of the few treasures. We can't use them ourselves. Can't we give them away? It's a great favor to send these things out! "

"Er..." Zoe yingzi was stunned for a long time, and then suddenly said: "you're right, brother Feng is so smart!"

Qin Feng is speechless. Sometimes, looking at Zoe yingzi's slow response, he really wants to instill some of his wit gene into her

Of course, Qin Feng can only think about it.

Yingzi is so sweet. How could he bear to harm her? Just the little demon Jing and Sao die are enough to keep him from getting out of bed. He really can't add a burden to himself!

In this way, Qin Feng packed all the spirit tools into a package with his clothes, then carried them on his shoulder, stepped away from his relatives, and walked bravely towards the outsiders of the cave.

Can you not be arrogant?

These are dozens of spirit tools!

Qin Feng, who had obvious congenital disadvantages in resources compared with the hidden dragon family, has successively obtained julingshi and so many spirit tools. The typical example is the farmer's name turning over and singing. He is the richest in the world!

This feeling is so cool

As for whether there are other treasures in the cave, Qin Feng has no idea to continue to explore.

It is estimated that there is no more. After all, the amount of treasure Qin Feng got today is far beyond imagination. The elder of the psychic realm is no more local tyrant, can't he be more arrogant?

Qin Feng is an easily satisfied person. In this way, he is very satisfied.


All the way, Qin Feng and Zoe yingzi both walked out of the ruins of the psychic realm with a pile of precious spiritual tools.

It's getting late and night is coming.

Hundreds of prehistoric beasts are still waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Qin Feng weighed the heavy burden in his hand, looked at many giant beasts and said with a smile: "thank you for your generosity, brother beast. I have gained a lot today. I owe you a favor in the future. If you need anything in the future, you can speak!"

Many prehistoric giants were stunned when they heard the speech, as if they were thinking about how to speak to Qin Feng because they couldn't speak human words.

However, they are very simple. Naturally, they don't think Qin Feng is a hypocrite, so they don't think much and send out enthusiastic responses one after another.

Qin Feng smiled, looked up at the sky, and then said, "it's getting late. I should go home, brother Niu. Can you give me another ride?"

"Whine --"

The bull beast raised his head and showed enthusiasm.

Qin Feng was not vague, so he took Zoe yingzi and jumped on the back of the ox shaped beast again and embarked on the road of return.

It wasn't long before Qin Feng returned to the periphery of the island under the escort of a group of prehistoric giants.

Qin Feng jumped off the ox's back and looked back. He found that hundreds of prehistoric giants had been lying down neatly. One after another, he looked at Qin Feng as if he were worshipping or seeing him off.

Qin Feng was stunned and then said with a smile: "don't give up. My house is next door. I'll come and play with you when I have time in the future. Besides, I have to dismantle your needles and threads later. This must not be our last meeting!"

"Woo woo..."

When many beasts heard these words, their low mood immediately rose again, like the children who were going to cry, and they were happy when they got the candy.

Qin Feng looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was inexplicably warm.

For him, he just spent a few days doing something to make up for these innocent giants and lost almost nothing.

But for these giant beasts, now he has become their benefactor, even... Master!

man 's heart is incomprehensible.

But these animals deserve Qin Feng's absolute trust, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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