Qin Feng slowly withdrew from ye Dongqing's residence and took the door with him, but he didn't leave in a hurry.

Looking up at the starry sky, the past events are vivid.

At first sight, it was in Li qiuxue's office. The last time we met, it was a little faint, because Qin Feng didn't think about it. After that meeting, ye Dongqing turned into another person.

So strange, so powerful.

Once, noisy, angry.

Once, there was a constant beauty, which was spelled on the wine table.

Once, once

Qin Feng thought that these had been the past. As a result, he knew that all this had not passed.

Because ye Dongqing didn't forget.

Qin Feng asked her if she had played wechat. She asked what wechat was.

Qin Feng intentionally mentioned her real age. Her reaction was flat, as if she was not surprised at all. Qin Feng knew this... This explains everything.

If ye Dongqing didn't know that Qin Feng and she met in the sixth reincarnation, how could it be no surprise that Qin Feng knew her real age?

Put yourself in your shoes. If ye Dongqing really loses her memory, Qin Feng suddenly tells her true age. The normal reaction should be to question Qin Feng. Then Qin Feng says that this is the news revealed to him by Zhenshan.

Why did Wen Renzhen mountain tell Qin Feng all this? Ye Dongqing's real age, but looking at the whole family, is absolutely confidential. Even if you smell the autumn moon, you don't know it.

Because when Qin Feng was treating Ye Dongqing, he saw the familiar face and was shocked on the spot. When he heard that Zhenshan was worried about Qin Feng's performance and aroused others' suspicion, he told Qin Feng all the secrets

It's a big secret.

Qin Feng is an outsider who hears others, but he knows such a secret. Why is Ye Dongqing not surprised at all?

There is only one possibility.

That is, she knows Qin Feng's reaction to seeing her again and how Qin Feng knows all these secrets.

Since we all know why, the memory of her sixth reincarnation naturally still exists

Details determine success or failure.

Qin Feng used the details to dig a hole for ye Dongqing, so he learned all the truth.

At first, Qin Feng thought he just wanted an answer and the truth. He didn't like the feeling of fog.

But when all the facts were revealed, he was surprised that what he wanted was not just the answer.

If the answer is that ye Dongqing does have amnesia, he will have some regrets and some comfort. At least, she forgot him, which is force majeure.

But the real answer is that she didn't forget, just pretending to forget.

It made him feel sad.

"I'm really a scum man..."

Qin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. It turned out that in those years in Yangcheng, unconsciously, his friendship with Ye Dongqing was not so simple.

Maybe it's not love, but at least it must be emotional.

Otherwise, he won't be so sad to learn that ye Dongqing has no memory loss, but pretends not to know him

Why did she pretend?

Even if it's never possible between them, it's good to be a pair of ordinary friends, just like before?

Qin Feng couldn't help thinking of the old ancestor who heard of others and the fool who wanted to see her again before he died

Not long ago, Qin Feng was still laughing at the old ancestor in his heart. Now it seems that he was laughing at himself.

"Just, it's good not to know. It's also a headache."

Qin Feng shook his head, returned to himself, amused himself with a smile, and then raised his feet to the distant Wenren Zhenshan.

This guy has been waiting.

Hearing that Zhenshan saw Qin Feng come out in a daze for a long time, his face was not very good-looking. He was very frightened and said: "brother Qin Feng, look at your depressed look, is it... Is it the situation of my ancestors, isn't it very good?"

"Huh?" Qin Feng was stunned, then smiled and said, "no, she's fine."

"Er..." Wen Zhenshan was stunned: "what's the matter with you? How do you feel... It's different from the mood when you go in? "

"Yes?" Qin Feng smiled dumbly, looked up at heaven and said, "probably like a woman, inexplicably, I'm not happy."

Wen Renzhen mountain: "

Brother Qin Feng, what a strange man.


In the house.

Ye Dongqing stood beside the wooden window and looked at the two gradually disappearing figures outside the window with negative hands. Dai Mei frowned slightly and her beautiful eyes twinkled, which was a little flustered.

She didn't expect that she would be exposed so soon.

He's still too smart.

"Maybe it's providence."

Ye Dong's beautiful eyes drooped and sighed faintly: "Qin Feng, you have clearly seen everything, but you don't ask me, dare you or don't you want to?"

Ye Dongqing closed her eyes, and there were tears at the corners of her eyes.

Such days make her feel painful.

Such a situation made her feel chagrined.

The smell made her want to escape.

Sudden changes make her want to be selfish once, abandon her mission, put down her dream, do what she wants to do and love the people she wants to love.

But his silence made her timid and flinch.



This sky always likes to echo the mood of some people. Thunder and dragons are intertwined, thunder is loud, and it rains cats and dogs without saying hello.

Qin Feng lies in a strange room, looking at the raindrops outside the window. There are dark clouds in his heart, which will not disperse for a long time.

Ye Dongqing stood under the heavy rain, alone, no one cared, no one knew. The rapid rain line fell vertically, often close to her body, but it disappeared in an instant as if she had suffered ultra-high temperature evaporation.

It rained for hours. Ye Dongqing stood here for hours, but she was stunned that she didn't even wet a hair.

Ye Dongqing looked up at the sky. Her beautiful eyes blinked and thought: "is he afraid? Afraid of my strength, like these raindrops... Or really just don't want to? "

Ye Dongqing closed her eyes.

She seemed calm. Suddenly, her petite and explosive body was like a terrible melting pot of heaven and earth. The vast and majestic Qigong force broke out. The ground under her feet cracked inch by inch. Even the house behind her seemed to be frightened and collapsed.

Messy scene, messy heart.


Cang Xiuzhu stood by the windowsill, enjoying the sudden storm, and his mouth tilted a strange arc: "do you see it?"

The old servant standing behind Cang Xiuzhu looked out of the window: "I see, the storm."


Cang Xiuzhu smiled and shook his head: "it's the blood of Qin Feng."

Old servant: "

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