Qin Feng couldn't help looking at the young man. He was surprised.

The guy in front of him is tall, strong and vigorous. He is at the stage of the youngest and most excellent combat effectiveness. He can't even become a member of the beast race. It can be seen that the forces with a long history are so demanding on the input of fresh blood.

Presumably, it is precisely because of this harshness that their immortal high-strength combat effectiveness is guaranteed?

However, for the young man's wordiness, Qin Feng was helpless at the same time and could only deal with it with a smile.

The young man saw that Qin Feng didn't mean to give up and didn't talk too long. He shook his head and left.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to leave a sentence: "I don't know the height of the earth. When your dream is broken, you know how ridiculous you are!"

Qin Feng shook his head unconsciously. Of course, he would not take the young man's contempt to heart.

As soon as his eyes turned, Qin Feng looked at the direction of the young man just now. There were many snow mountains and several mountains piled with thick snow. They were tall and towering, connected with the sky and towering atmosphere.

That's where the beast tribe is stationed!

"Husband, there is no car leading to the beast race now. Shall we walk over?" Zoe yingzi said aloud.

"It's only thirty miles. For us, it's just a matter of Dongdong's idea. It won't take an hour. What car do you want?" Qin Wei held her chest in her hands and said.

Qin Feng couldn't help turning his eyes: "Bobo Wei, you say you have a big chest and no brain. You don't admit it. After all these years, why haven't you made progress? If we can rush through, what are we doing with so many clothes? "

Qin Wei was stunned when she heard the speech. She blushed and said wrongfully, "what do you say? Do you really go step by step? "

"Otherwise?" Qin Feng touched his nose and said, "the scenery in the far north is so good. It's good to enjoy the scenery while walking."

Qin weinunu said, "you are the biggest. You can do whatever you say."

Looking at Qin Wei's face, Qin Feng couldn't help laughing, slapped him fiercely, and then went directly in the direction of the Yu beast tribe.

If he was in a normal situation, Qin Feng would choose to stay in the far north for a few days to have a good understanding of the situation of controlling the beast family, and then wait for the opportunity to act.

But now, his strength is gradually weakening, and time has become a crucial factor.

He can't waste a minute, so he must go to the beast race as soon as possible to speed up the pace of the plan

Thirty miles, even on foot, is not very long.

It took about half a day for Qin Feng to reach the snow capped mountains. Looking around, it was snow-white and majestic. The scenery was very pleasant.

But here, almost no one is seen!

Qin Wei and Zoe yingzi frowned one after another, turned to Qin Feng and said, "husband, have we been teased by the man just now? This is the beast tribe? "

Qin Feng's sword eyebrows wrinkled slightly. His eyes scanned around for several times, but he shook his head: "you shouldn't have lied to us."

The second daughter was stunned and didn't understand Qin Feng's judgment.

At this time.

In the deep and cold snow mountain canyon, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps.

All three were awestruck and secretly raised their vigilance.

Under Qin Feng's gaze, a figure slowly came out of the quiet snow mountain canyon. To be exact... It should be a tall man riding a wolf.

The man is tall and long, looks rough, and his whole body is full of savage ethnic flavor.

At this time, the big wolf under him is abnormally tall, more than ten feet tall. It is more than enough than the size of an elephant. His scarlet eyes are even more frightening and cruel!

There is no doubt that the man and beast in front of us are members of the beast controlling family.

Moreover, their combat effectiveness is obviously much higher than the members of the beast race killed by Qin Feng near the isolated island some time ago!

Seeing the people who control the beast clan appear, Qin Feng immediately said, "Sir, we want to join the beast clan!"

"You?" The man looked down at Qin Feng, slightly raised his head and made a judgment: "go back, we don't need waste!"

Qin Wei frowned and almost pulled out her sword.

Qin Feng was not surprised or angry. He quickly corrected: "Sir, we are not waste. We are all very belligerent players!"

"Belligerent?" The man sniffed: "you thin little Chinese cubs, how good tactics?"

Qin Feng blushed, scratched his head and said, "now we don't have much ability, but we are very hard and determined. If we are lucky to join the beast race, we will not disappoint adults in the future!"

The man was still not interested: "OK, we don't lack people to control the beast family, and we don't care how many skills you have in the future. Go back wherever you should go!"

Qin Feng said, "please give us a chance!"

The man grinned and looked at Qin Feng's eyes. Suddenly, the cold came down and the killing light loomed.

Qin Feng suddenly didn't feel it, and then said, "also, sir, you may have misunderstood that we are not entirely Chinese. We are a hybrid of China and the far north. Half of our blood comes from the far north!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, the man's face eased a little, his murderous spirit restrained, and said faintly: "well, I'll give you a chance to go into the mountain and find the relevant departments for assessment. After the assessment, you are a member of the beast race."

Qin Feng was stunned and realized that the beast clan was willing to give assessment opportunities no matter who came. He just refused because they were foreigners.

These barbarians really despise people

Qin Feng grinned and said quietly, "thank you for your help. Then... Can you take us to the relevant department of the beast race? We don't know where it is! "

"Find it yourself!"

The man waved his big hand and a map fell in front of Qin Feng. Then he left impatiently without waiting for Qin Feng to speak again.

Qin Feng was stunned. He picked up the map and looked at it. He couldn't help grinning: "these barbarian bastards have a big heart..."

Throw out the tribal map of the beast controlling clan casually, and they are not afraid of being attacked by hostile forces?

However, after careful reading several times, Qin Feng also found that even if the map fell into the hands of hostile forces, it was meaningless.

Because the tribal content carried on it is nothing more than some on the open surface. Even if there is no map and it takes more time, it can be explored and understood.

As for those key departments, they are not displayed on the map at all.

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