"What? "Happy pulse?"

Hearing this, Qin Wei herself was shocked: "it means... It means... I'm happy?!"

At that time, in the cold ice cave, the atmosphere fell into silence.

Both Qin Feng and Qin Wei were tongue tied. They were unprepared for the unexpected surprise.

What is Xi pulse?

In traditional Chinese medicine, Xi pulse is the symbol of female pregnancy!!

In today's war, Qin Wei suddenly vomited, and Qin Feng noticed something wrong. Therefore, when he took her pulse, he was especially careful and would never make any mistakes.

This is really the happy pulse, symbolizing the happy pulse of pregnancy!!

Qin Wei, pregnant!!

Before, Qin Wei joked that her IQ was not online recently. Maybe she was pregnant. No one took it to heart. Unexpectedly, she really won the bid!

If Qin Feng was struck by lightning, he couldn't believe it unless he was personally diagnosed!

He suffered from the sequelae of the war. For many years, this psychological disease has not been effectively treated. In theory, it is almost impossible for Qin Feng to get a woman pregnant!

And now, Qin Wei is pregnant?

Whose seed?

Of course, it is Qinfeng!

Even though this makes people feel incredible, Qin Feng will not doubt Qin Wei at all, and Qin Wei can't betray him.

Even if all women betray Qin Feng, Qin Wei will not do anything sorry for Qin Feng, because they grew up together and experienced so many storms. Qin Feng knows Qin Wei very well and trusts her very much.

Her child is definitely Qin Feng's child, and can only be Qin Feng's child!!

In my mind, there was constant thunder.

Qin Feng never imagined that he could have his own children in his lifetime!


In the extreme silence, Qin Weimei's eyes flickered twice, and finally returned to her senses. Looking at Qin Feng, she also couldn't believe it: "is it true? I... did I really break your child? "

For a woman, it is the happiest thing to give birth to a baby for her beloved man.

Although Qin Wei has never told Qin Feng about having children, she has been trying to get pregnant and has never taken contraceptive measures.

Because she is a woman, ordinary, a woman with a lover

At present, Qin Feng suddenly told her about it, which made her feel extremely surprised, even unbelievable!

Qin Feng woke up with a start, but nodded with great certainty: "yes, we have children!"

"My God..."

Qin Wei's pupils contracted and she was surprised, frightened and frightened.

This is a happy event, a big one!

It was an accident, a big accident!

This is definitely something that makes the whole Qin family ecstatic, but suddenly it happens at this time, which makes people a little flustered.

During the war, such a sudden event is directly equivalent to exploiting Qin Wei's combat effectiveness. Should we be happy or worried?

"If you are right, our child is already one month old. It will be difficult for you to go to the battlefield in the next two months, because the pregnancy reaction from time to time will make your situation very dangerous. That scene just now is the most direct manifestation."

Qin Feng grinned and said, "even if you can go to the battlefield, you can't go, because you're not alone now, okay?"

Qin Weihao clenched her teeth and gently stroked her flat abdomen, as if she could feel the lovely little life in it. For a time, she couldn't help tears.

"So..." Qin Wei wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiled: "I didn't help you in this battle of life and death, but would drag you down?"

"Fool." Qin Feng couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand and gently took Qin Wei into his arms: "this is the will of heaven. It's the will of heaven. No one can change it. Now that things have happened, we naturally have to keep looking forward, so..."

Qin Wei seemed to feel something and looked up at Qin Feng: "so what?"

"So, for your children, you have to leave the far north and go back to Yangcheng immediately."

Qin Feng gently touched Qin Wei's belly and said in a voice: "the people who control the beast clan are approaching from south to north. Although this place is located in a deep mountain, it's not difficult for me to intercept the beast clan's troops here. With your strength, it's not difficult to climb over the snow mountains. At that time, you just need to dress up, disguise as a local resident, take a detour, and you can return to Yangcheng smoothly, And then... A few months later, give birth to our child. "

"No!" Qin Wei didn't even think about it. She said firmly, "I won't go. I'll go back to Yangcheng with you and go home together!"

Qin Feng smiled: "Weiwei, the situation is special now. Don't be capricious."

"I'm not capricious!" Qin Wei said, "Qin Feng, don't think I'm a fool. You've been seriously injured. How can you resist thousands of troops alone? If you're gone, even if I go back to Yangcheng and give birth to a child, it's just an orphan and widowed mother. What's the meaning of everything without you? "

Qin Feng frowned slightly: "as long as the child is well, everything is meaningful!"

"I don't want it!" Qin Wei resisted: "I'm not as great as you, and I'm not as kind as mothers in the world. I just want you. If I don't have you, I don't want anything, I just want you!"

"Qin Wei!"

Qin Feng suddenly drank violently.

Qin Wei was so frightened that she suddenly calmed down.

Qin Feng's sword eyebrows wrinkled tightly. Looking at Qin Wei's eyes, there was a rare coldness and seriousness. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "I'm not discussing anything with you. I'm ordering you to leave the far north immediately and immediately!"

Qin Weihao clenched her teeth and was never firm: "I won't go!"


Qin Fengqi's scalp explodes, this woman!

The two people fell into a stalemate, opposing each other's positions. No one was willing to give in, and everyone wanted the other party to comply with their wishes, because they all knew that after the war, it was likely that there would be no people like Qin Feng in the world.

Qin Feng wants Qin Wei to leave and live with their children.

But Qin Wei doesn't have such a great man's Motherly heart. She just wants to be with Qin Feng forever, no matter life or death, everything else is floating clouds.

However, facts have proved that their dispute is meaningless.

Because tens of thousands of troops of the beast family have been pursued. Even if Qin Wei promised Qin Feng just now, she can't escape

Ho ho!!

Outside the cave, the fierce roar of animals broke through the sky and shocked people's soul. It seemed to be laughing or provoking. It was full of anger, bloodthirsty and cruel.

Qin Feng and Qin Wei turned pale one after another.

"Damn it, how did you come so fast!"

Qin Feng pulled at the corners of his mouth and clenched his teeth angrily: "silly woman, now you just want to go, and you don't have a chance to go!"

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