The blood is red and the fire is overwhelming, and the momentum is like a rainbow!

But in an instant, Qin Feng was mercilessly submerged by the torrent of fire, and the dark world suddenly became red and hot.

At this moment, Qin Feng realized that he was still alive.

Because he felt the heat, the heat he had never experienced.

This hot, from the outside to the inside, and from the inside to the outside, fur, flesh and blood, all limbs and bones, all internal organs are experiencing unimaginable high-temperature torture.

This made Qin Feng quickly realize that whether he was alive or dead at the moment, the final outcome was the same.

Despair, powerlessness, grief and anger.

With reluctance, he closed his eyes and gradually lost consciousness

In the dark world, the torrent of fire madly impacted Qin Feng. As the source of fire, the fire of Jiyang looked at the scene in front of him. There was no pity in his beautiful eyes.

Yes, it's just the contempt, indifference and pride of the gods towards mortals.

In her opinion, swallowing a mortal is equivalent to cleaning up garbage.

She also particularly hates these humble mortals who enter the fire world and don't know whether they live or die. They don't know the greatness of heaven and earth. They all deserve to die!

Therefore, for thousands of years, all those who entered the fire world have died.

If it were not for the disguised protection of the Xiongnu people, she would have even genocide rather than protect them... She is indeed such a cruel and cruel existence.

The shocking fire lotus and the extreme Yang fire were originally one, but on the contrary, showing two extremes, which is also very ironic.

It seems to tell a truth.

A good man may not have hidden a devil, an evil man, or a good side in his heart

In this world, good and evil coexist. Everyone is double faced

"Stupid and ridiculous human beings, enjoy the taste of extreme Yang fire!" The fire of the extreme sun looked coldly at Qin Feng in the sea of fire, his face full of excitement and bloodthirsty.

She likes to look at the tiny human being, a little refining process in her sea of fire, because this can release her depression for tens of thousands of years.

Release her inner resentment!

She hates the world shaking fire lotus as the main body, and even more hates the son of the Heavenly Emperor who came down to earth to experience!

If the amazing fire lotus is not the life thing of the son of the emperor of heaven, if she is not a fire in the heart of the amazing fire lotus, she should exist in the divine heaven forever, and will never deal with these small low creatures every day in this low plane.

She hates it!!

Looking at Qin Feng, who is as small as a mole ant in the sea of fire, the fire of Jiyang is more and more excited, and the beautiful face is more and more ferocious, crazy and cruel.

The twisted look is a terrible devil!

It didn't take long.

The expression on the face of extreme Yang fire suddenly froze.

Madness and arrogance dissipate with the trend visible to the naked eye, and are replaced by a touch of shock and fear from the soul.

Her pupils are constricted.

In her pupil, the golden awn was reflected.

The golden awn is incomparably sacred and domineering. It seems that it comes from the sky and has no two through the ages. It is also the only one in the sky and the earth!

"Day... Day..."

The fire of the extreme Yang turned white and looked at the scene in front of him with great fear. His tongue trembled and he couldn't even speak clearly.

There's no chance for her to make it clear.

The golden awn was like a storm in the sea, but in an instant, it swept the whole dark space with an absolutely overbearing attitude.

The vast sea of fire is extinguished.

The human form of the extreme Yang fire also collapsed and turned into a fire the size of a head. The weak one was like a mole ant, and was submerged by the golden light without half the resistance.

Silent, not intense at all.

Completely rolling, rolling without suspense!!


Ice and snow, boundless.

Under the leadership of Kidd, demon Ji and Xue Qiaoqiao entered the deepest part of the Hun tribe.

This is a vast plain glacier, which is flat for miles, and at the deepest part of the glacier square, there is a huge monument standing.

A huge blood red monument.

The giant monument is hundreds of feet tall. From beginning to end, it is engraved with extremely mysterious runes. Each Rune seems to contain a powerful force that the world can't understand.

Even if the distance is several miles away, people can still clearly feel the terrible power of the huge monument and an extremely strange hot breath.

It was the breath of the extreme Yang fire, just like the giant eye in the sky not long ago.

The difference is that although the monument exudes the same breath, it does not have the terrible high temperature of the dome eye that day, so it has little impact on the surrounding environment.

It's weird and exaggerated.

The witch looked deeply at the huge monument and asked, "why does this huge monument make people feel extremely hot, but the surrounding glaciers are not affected at all?"

Xue Qiaoqiao also looked at Kidd in confusion, also curious.

Kidd looked deeply at the huge monument and explained in a condensing voice: "I don't know why. I only know that the huge monument has stood in this glacier for many years. At the beginning, our ancestors of the Huns were able to get the fire of the extreme sun because they came here by mistake.

Later, the Xiongnu ancestors guessed that the reason why the huge monument did not affect the surrounding environment was that the fire of the extreme Yang deliberately hid itself, making it difficult for the outside world to detect.

I don't quite agree with this statement. The fire of extreme Yang is so divine that heaven and earth are unique. How can I be afraid of being discovered by the outside world? If it doesn't want to, who in the world can endanger half of it? "

Kidd has almost no brain belief in the flame of the Huns for thousands of years.

In fact, the Xiongnu people have always believed in the fire of the extreme sun since the past dynasties. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, such divine fire is omnipotent.

Just like in the eyes of beggars, rich people are omnipotent

The two women pondered for a moment, but they were not too curious about the mystery of the giant monument. As soon as their beautiful eyes turned, they asked one after another: "if Qin Feng succeeds in being recognized by the fire of extreme Yang, he will appear from here?"

"Yes!" Kidd Ning said, "our ancestors came back from here. This is not the entrance of the fire world, but the exit of the fire world!"

Dai Mei frowned: "how long will it take to know the result?"

"Three days, three days at most!" Kidd said, "if Qin Feng still doesn't come back three days later, it means... He failed."

Hearing this, the demon girl and Xue Qiaoqiao were shocked one after another.

A day has passed since Qin Feng entered the fire world, but the blood red giant monument still seems to have no movement!!

But at this time.


Between heaven and earth, there was a deafening hum., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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