Seeing purple Liuyue's firm attitude, Qin Feng stopped more.

One more person and one more helper. Since ziliuyue is willing to go together, it is better to go together.

"Just think I owe you a bigger favor, but if you have any problems, I won't be responsible!"

Qin Feng warned, give ziliuyue a wake-up call!

"Don't worry, I won't be reduced to the point of relying on human protection!" The purple moon smiled: "let's go!"

They set out and headed east.

After crossing several valleys, what appeared in front of them was a dark space. The earth was lifeless and dead, just like the desolate Gobi desert. Other areas could not see their fingers!

This is the end of duanxu valley. It was close to the starry sky, but now it has become what it is now after the evolution of unknown years.

Space turbulence everywhere, very dangerous, each can instantly strangle people to death, which makes everyone feel a burst of panic.

When duanxu valley was just opened, there was a space turbulence, but there was only one space turbulence at that time. Just like this, we don't know how many people died in it and blood flowed into a river.

At present, there are hundreds of them just in front of their eyes. The power of each is very good, very terrible and shocking!

"It's terrible to have so much space turbulence!"

Miao fanyin exclaimed.

"There is so much space turbulence here. How should we get there?"

Shangguan Yue said, "my master once said that spatial turbulence and spatial downstream coexist. Where there is spatial turbulence, there must be spatial downstream. Through spatial downstream, you can pass through this area!"

"However, the space downstream in this broken void Valley is covered by the Qi of nothingness, which is difficult to find unless we can suppress all the Qi of nothingness around us!"

"The best way to suppress the Qi of nothingness is to refine the virtual spirit flower. Just right, this is the same as the purpose of our trip!"

"But where is the virtual spirit flower?" Miao fanyin asked puzzled.

Miaoyin Pavilion rarely appears in the public, so they don't know everything in duanxu valley.

"Virtual spirit flowers grow everywhere at the end of duanxu valley. Now we are just at the east end of duanxu valley. It should be full of virtual spirit flowers all around!" Shangguan Yue explained.

"It's just that the virtual spirit flower is not a normal flower. It doesn't exist in itself. Naturally, it won't appear. We can only use our own perception to perceive the surrounding virtual spirit flowers, and then refine them!"

Qin Feng nodded without any more nonsense. He sat down with his knees crossed, closed his eyes and began to perceive the existence of the ethereal flowers around him.

The others also sat down one after another when they saw the potential and began to feel the virtual spirit flower.

Soon, in the darkness, people felt that there was a little golden light in the darkness.

"Is that the spirit flower?"

They concentrated and magnified their perception. Then they saw the specific appearance of the golden light.

It is indeed the shape of a flower. The flower is very beautiful, swaying and blooming with bright golden light. However, under this golden light, there are countless nihilistic Qi hidden in it, which is very penetrating.

After perceiving the first virtual spirit flower, there are more and more golden light spots in all directions. You can see that the golden light spots all over the mountains are shining. Each plant is the same as the one they saw at the beginning. There is nothingness in the flower body, which is very terrible!

If it breaks out, there will be big problems. Maybe even the big array covering the broken void valley will be washed away, and then the Qi of nothingness will flow into Hongmeng, which will bring an indelible disaster to Hongmeng!

"This is the virtual spirit flower. The process of perceiving the virtual spirit flower is not difficult, but refining!"

Shangguan Yue said.

"There is a lot of nothingness gas in every ethereal flower here. All we have to do is refine them a little bit, and then the nothingness gas in their bodies will dissipate naturally!"

"Refine one first and try the difficulty!"

Qin Feng opened his mouth, then focused on one of the virtual spirit flowers and began the refining process.

In fact, the refining process itself is not difficult, that is, the process of erasing it by various means, gold, wood, water, fire and earth. What is difficult is the will in the process.

Qin Feng used the fire of mantra pattern to try to refine a virtual spirit flower. Although the refining was successful, Qin Feng felt a feeling of mental fatigue.

The process of refining Xuling flower is very traumatic!

Others also began to refine and use their own means to continuously refine the virtual spirit flowers. Their situation is worse than that of Qin Feng. Qin Feng at least has the fire of mantra patterns to make up for it. Others can only rely on their own means, which is more traumatic than Qin Feng.

"It's hard to refine the virtual spirit flower. Only one flower has made people feel so tired. If we continue to refine like this, I'm afraid it won't take long for us to fall into mental weakness!"

Miao fanyin exclaimed, feeling a lingering palpitation.

"How many virtual spirit flowers do we have to refine in order to make the space manifest downstream?" Ziliuyue asked.

"If it's the total, at least 100000!"

"Every time the valley is opened, it needs to refine 100000 virtual spirit flowers to ensure the balance of nothingness and make the space appear downstream!"

Shangguan Yue responded.


Everyone was surprised!

Even Qin Feng couldn't help staring.

A false spirit flower has made people like this. If you want to refine 100000, won't it be over?

Shangguan Yue explained: "this is the total amount of refining virtual spirit flowers after the opening of duanxu valley. Except us, all other participants have to refine and share them. In fact, there are not many. Each person, about 100, is a range that most people can barely accept!"

"It's just... Too many people speculated maliciously in this process and did not refine the virtual spirit flower, which led others to refine more in order to ensure that the Qi of nothingness in the broken virtual Valley did not leak out!"

"It was OK at first, but over time, some people will be dissatisfied. Slowly, fewer and fewer people come to refine the virtual spirit flower, and even it has reached a blatant level!"

"This result is very bad. There are more and more nihilistic Qi, which almost destroyed Hongmeng. Until that time, the matter of master Zhao Zhiyun's mother fermented in Hongmeng, it made others converge and less brazen!"

"At that time, how many virtual spirit flowers did Mrs. Zhao refine?" Qin Feng asked.

"That time, before Mrs. Zhao entered duanxu Valley, the total refining amount of Xuling flowers in duanxu valley was 68000!"

Shangguan Yue said that he could not help but pinch his fists and looked very moved.

"Later, in order to ensure the safety of Hongmeng, Mrs. Zhao refined 32000 virtual spirit flowers alone!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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