From the perspective of practitioners, this garden is not a good place. First, there are no cultivation resources and second, there are no cultivation conditions. It's not too much to say it's a garbage place!

But the owner of the garden didn't want to build this place into a treasure land of cultivation. The congenital conditions are not enough. Compared with cultivation, the most important thing of the garden is to be beautiful enough. Beauty is everything!

This is a place comparable to fairyland, which satisfies the fantasies of most people about practitioners!

The whole garden is surrounded by immortality, clouds and clouds, all kinds of strange stones and wonders stand tall, and there are fairy palace like Qiongyu hall everywhere, which looks very magnificent!

The people inside are also walking with swords. They shuttle through the clouds. They look extraordinary!

In the eyes of the vast majority of people, practitioners should be like this. They parade in these fairyland every day, detached from the world, like immortals!

Although many practitioners scoff at their ideas, they can't hold many of them, and it's impossible for practitioners to really see the same as these ordinary people!

After all, even Hongmeng practitioners are still in a minority. Most people are still ordinary people in the final analysis!

This garden tour was not created for practitioners, but for these ordinary people to meet their fantasies!

Many practitioners despise him for this. They are laughing at him. What benefits can a group of ordinary people bring him?

However, the iron facts tell them that they are wrong, wrong!

The income of this park is much higher than they thought, so high that they can't imagine. It is rumored that the income this park brings to the owner every day is as high as 5000 spirit stones!

Shocked everyone!

The number of five thousand spirit stones per day is amazing. Five thousand spirit stones per day and 150000 spirit stones per month. Over time, the number of spirit stones will be extremely exaggerated!

Also because he founded the garden, he is not only strong in his own combat power, but also terrible in terms of financial resources. He is a famous rich man in Hongmeng!

When entering the garden, a special person is responsible for taking Qin Feng and others to visit the garden.

Famous mountains and rivers, places of interest, rivers and stars, etc. all kinds of beautiful scenery are at the bottom of your eyes, which makes you linger and forget to return. Even Qin Feng can't help lamenting the beauty of the garden and the avant-garde idea of the owner of the garden!

In the laughter, night soon fell.

The sky is covered with stars. The stars are bright. Is it beautiful!

"How beautiful!"

An Zhiya sighed.

Hongmeng does not lack beautiful scenery, but there are few places as beautiful as the garden. The owner of the garden has indeed built the garden into a fairyland among people!

"Thank you, husband. We had a good time today!"

Chang Yunman also smiled sweetly and felt very happy.

"Silly girl!"

Qin Feng touched Chang Yunman's beautiful face, but he was also helpless.

He doesn't want to play with his wives every day, but he knows it's impossible!

He has a lot to do, everything is very important, and he also has a lot of enemies!

Constant strong, waiting for their ending, only one, die!

Therefore, such a situation as today will only be less and less in the future. Until one day, his strength is strong enough to win over everyone. At that time, the world of the heavens will let him go. That's the real carefree!

time lapse.

The day passed quickly.

After a day in the garden, they brought many beautiful memories to the women and Qin Feng himself. These memories are worth cherishing all their lives.

The girls are very sensible. After coming out of the garden, they say goodbye to Qin Feng. They return to Zhongling University and don't keep more Qin Feng. Even if they know that they will keep Qin Feng, he will promise!

This willfulness is enough once, once or twice is love, is a tie, more times, it becomes regardless of weight!

Qin Feng is under so much pressure now. What they have to do is share his worries, not drag him back!

The sensible women, Qin Feng saw in his eyes, but also disappointed in his heart, quite sighed!

If you get a wife like this, you can't ask for a husband.

Fortunately, they are accompanied in Hongmeng, otherwise Qin Feng will be exhausted!

"One day, I will let you live the life you want!"

He said to himself.

After sighing, Qin Feng no longer thought much, but turned his head and looked at the huge garden.

The success of this garden tour inspired Qin Feng.

The higher their accomplishments, the more cultivation resources they need, and the greater the number of cultivation spirit stones they need.

Although he can barely carry it at this stage, when his cultivation reaches the realm of Taoism, his focused and wholehearted cultivation method will certainly not work. He needs to take time to seek resources.

Seeking resources is nothing more than two methods. One is to find resources by yourself, and the other is to buy industries, such as garden tours.

Hongmeng's cultivators are far stronger than those outside the earth. They are not a level at all. After all, for a long time, the aura outside the earth was exhausted and there were no experts.

However, although the depletion of Reiki has cut off the cultivation road of people outside the earth, it has made them fully improved in other aspects.

Like business.

In terms of Commerce, the commercialization of the outside world is far stronger than that of Hongmeng, not only in commerce, but also in science and technology.

Although it is impossible to put most things in Hongmeng, there are always some things that work. If we can find a way to introduce some things from the outside into Hongmeng, it may bring him immeasurable income!

For example, mobile phones, although hongmengzhong can directly transmit sound by itself, if the repair is high, it is easy to cut off the voice of the weak. If it is a mobile phone, there will be no such problem.

For another example, various scientific and technological devices, cars and other things are of little use to powerful practitioners, but if these things can be left in Hongmeng for those who do not practice, their lives will be greatly changed!

For example, for some pictures, practitioners need to use magic powers and strange stones to cut off the pictures they want to leave. If there is a camera or a camera at this time, it will undoubtedly be much more convenient!

Qin Feng has many similar ideas.

He had this method from the very beginning when he entered Hongmeng, but he felt that it didn't work.

One is the material problem. He needs to find the corresponding materials to make these corresponding things.

One is the technical problem. Without basic manufacturing technology, everything is futile!

But now, Qin Feng changed his mind.

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