71000 spirit stones, the record of the bright material stage, have a new improvement again.

Different from Zhu Rao's fifty spirit stones to Yin Ke'er, this time, Gu wanyang asked for 71000 spirit stones, which is a little higher than Yan Ke'er.

This shows that his treasure must be at least 70000 spirit stones to succeed. If it is successful, the valley wanyang will directly press Yin Ke'er and Zhu Rao in this round.

"My ghost, 71000 spirit stones, will the record be broken again?"

"It's too exaggerated. The young gamblers of this session are really exaggerating one by one. There are too many experts!"

"Yes, Gu wanyang, ten years ago, although he was also a master of gambling, he was just a suckling boy. Unexpectedly, only ten years later, his gambling skill has been so terrible that it is really amazing!"

The hot discussion started again. The whole venue was full of hot discussions about Gu wanyang.

The record of the last gambling stone conference has been impacted again and again, which has already provoked the hearts of the audience.

"Speaking of Yin Ke'er, Zhu Rao and Gu wanyang, in fact, only Gu wanyang grew up alone."

"Zhu Rao said nothing. If we only talk about the gambling stone family in Hongmeng, the Zhu family must be the strongest. The family details are here."

"As for Yin Ke'er, it's more direct. Master Lu Yuman, the legendary gambler, is her direct mentor. Whether Zhu Rao or Yin Ke'er, they are more or less exposed to the light of their own background."

"There is only Gu wanyang. Although the background is the extreme Heaven Gate, the extreme Heaven Gate is not the gambling stone sect. Therefore, Gu wanyang's attainments in gambling stone are completely honed by himself. It has to be amazing!"

"From this point, Gu wanyang is obviously stronger than Yin Ke'er and Zhu Rao."

Someone suddenly mentioned this and commented on the three young stone gamblers. He felt that Gu wanyang was better than the other two.

"You can't say it so early. The background is important, but in the final analysis, you still have to practice hard. You can't completely deny Yin Ke'er and Zhu Rao because of the background. It's unknown which is stronger or weaker!"

"That's true. Even if the value of Gu wanyang's purple turtle stone is really higher than the treasures of Yin Ke'er and Zhu Rao, it doesn't mean that his strength must be stronger than them. The one who laughs to the end is the strongest!"

Some people argue that this does not represent anything. The real strength is not known until the end.

"But anyway, once Gu wanyang's treasure value estimation is successful, he will be promoted successfully. At least for now, he really has a small pressure on Yin Ke'er and Zhu Rao!"

Others said that they felt that at least for now, Gu wanyang had put a small pressure on the other two.

Soon, the estimation results of the elders of the gambling Stone Association came out.

The purple turtle stone itself is worth 60000 spirit stones, and the purple pattern on the turtle stone is a special Taoist pattern, worth 10000 ling200 spirit stones. The total value added up to 70200 spirit stones.

In other words, Gu wanyang was successfully promoted.

The heated discussion of the whole audience became louder and talked about the three young experts endlessly.

Until the four legendary gamblers shot one after another, the discussion about the three stopped slowly.

I don't know if they did it deliberately. This time, their treasure value is not as high as that of the three young experts, and the treasure value of the four people is all fixed at 69960 spirit stones, which is exactly the same.

This caused a lot of heated discussion in the field.

Some people think that this is a sign that the strength of the four legendary gamblers can't keep up, and they want to make way for young people.

However, this view has not been recognized by the public, because not long ago, these four people easily suppressed three young people, and it is impossible to catch up in this moment.

More people still think that the four legendary gamblers are paving the way for these young experts and lifting their hands.

Because everything is as like as two peas, the stones chosen by the four people are not only of equal value, but also the price they estimate, which makes it difficult for them not to feel that they have not been discussed in advance.

In fact, it makes sense, because they are already legendary gamblers. With honor, they don't need to chase young people in such places. It's better to leave these small records to their young people.

As for the value of the spirit stone among treasures, although it is indeed very important, it is only limited to the level of gambling stone.

The three young masters have strong strength and are the geniuses among the geniuses, but the legendary gamblers are here. Their strength is unfathomable, and they can still beat the young masters.

So even if they give a little profit to several young masters, they can catch up in the competition in the subsequent stage. In the final analysis, the champion will still be produced from several legendary gamblers. Although they dare not say 100%, this probability is undoubtedly the greatest.

After the four legendary gamblers, others finally came to light one after another. However, compared with these top figures, others are much dwarfed, and most of them are between 30000 and 40000 on average.

A treasure worth more than 50000 spirit stones comes out occasionally, which can't be compared with the top experts.

The atmosphere also gradually picked up from the previous upsurge and returned to calm.

Normally speaking, the level of gambling skills of these people behind is really not bad. The average value of this session of gambling skills can even reach about 367000, which is quite high.

However, even so, with the three young masters and the four legendary gamblers in front, it is difficult for others to arouse the exclamation and discussion of the audience no matter what they do.

They just calmly watched one person after another pass the test of explicit materials, and they were no longer in any mood.

What 40000 spirit stones and 50000 spirit stones can no longer let them have new mood fluctuations. Their eyes are raised!

Until Gu Qianyang's move, the atmosphere of the whole gambling stone conference was lit up again.

Yes, Gu Qianyang, Gu wanyang's brother, is a ten star gambler.

A person who everyone can't think of, in this round, the treasure estimated by mingliao is actually a soul meditation stone.

"Soul meditation stone is one of the best treasures of Hongmeng. With its understanding, you can understand the way of heaven, understand all kinds of powerful ways and methods, enter, kill and retreat the imperial guard!"

"If you don't cultivate it, but refine it, you can forge its spirit. It's a rare treasure in Hongmeng. It's worth 80000 spirit stones!"

As soon as the voice came out, the whole audience was in an uproar, full of incredible. They looked at Gu Qianyang and looked very surprised.

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