The elder of the gambling Stone Association frowned when he heard the speech.

How did Gu Qianyang get this stone?

He really didn't think about it.

At this time, seeing Qin Feng saying so, he also had some doubts. Is there any clue in this?

"What the hell is going on?" He asked.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "you might as well ask Gu Qianyang himself and how he got the stone."

Gu Qianyang beat the drum in his heart, but now he was forced by Qin Feng. He also knew that he had no way out. He simply crossed his heart and said, "yes, I robbed this stone, so what?"

There was an uproar.

No wonder your ten star gambler somehow got such a treasure, worth 80000 spirit stones, which is more powerful than your eldest brother. Did you rob your feelings?

Even the elder of the gambling stone association was stunned when he heard the speech, and some didn't expect this scene.

"You're too anxious. I haven't said anything yet. You said it yourself. Are you stupid?" Qin Feng smiled faintly.

Gu Qianyang's face was gloomy. His face was very ugly. He wanted to swallow Qin Feng alive.

The surrounding exclamation was no longer heard. Instead, all kinds of abusive voices were scolding Gu Qianyang, which was more cruel than when he scolded Qin Feng before.

However, it seems that it is because Qin Feng has beaten him in the face a few days ago. This time, Gu Qianyang's face is obviously thicker than before. He still stands in place, and his expression has not changed much.

As for the elder of the gambling Stone Association, after being stunned for a short time, he also reacted quickly. First, he took a deep look at Gu Qianyang, and then said, "although Gu Qianyang robbed the stone, the gambling stone association does not stipulate that you can't rob the stone from others."

"Therefore, even if Gu Qianyang robbed the stone, it is also in line with the rules."


Gu Qianyang heard the speech and suddenly snorted proudly and sneered, "unfortunately, your mechanism calculation is useless. My results are still valid!"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "so I said, you are still too anxious. You naturally have no problem with the rules."

"However, in the same sentence, you robbed the stone. You don't know the stone at all. Haven't you thought about whether there will be any problems with the stone itself?"

For a moment, the smile on Gu wanyang's face suddenly stopped.

Instead, a slightly eager ferocious look.

"What are you talking about!"

He angrily said that he had an impulse to come forward to fight Qin Feng, but he was immediately pressed down by the elders of the gambling Stone Association.

He is an elder of the gambling Association. He is not only good at gambling.

"If you have anything to say, it's not too late when things come out!"

He said coldly, and his eyes swept to Qin Feng again.

"Make it clear."

Qin Feng said with a smile: "it's actually very simple. This soul meditation stone is really a treasure. It's good in itself. There's no problem."

"His problem is that he is a mere ten star gambler with insufficient level. He did not achieve perfection and made mistakes in the stage of entering the eye and changing his mouth."

"On the surface, there seems to be no problem with the soul meditation stone, but in fact, the interior of the soul meditation stone is already full of impurities because of his rough technique, which has lost its effectiveness and is a waste stone."

The elder of the gambling Stone Association frowned slightly: "what's your basis?"

"No basis!" Qin Feng responded.

"Hum, it's ridiculous. Do you say there are impurities when there are impurities? What are you?" Hearing that Qin Feng was groundless, Gu Qianyang's face immediately relaxed again and looked at Qin Feng with a sneer.

The elder of the gambling Stone Association also frowned slightly. If there is no basis, it doesn't mean anything.

Obviously, seeing the mood of the elder of the gambling Stone Association, Qin Feng continued to explain: "the elder doesn't have to worry. Although I have no basis, I didn't say there's no way!"

"What do you say?" The elder asked.

"It's very simple. Just give it a try and you'll know that this soul meditation stone with impurities can't stand the oppression of true Qi. You just need to pour the true Qi into it and you'll understand everything." Qin Feng responded and gave his method.

When the elder heard the speech, he didn't say much, so he directly forced Zhenqi into it.

As a result, at the next moment, the soul meditation stone was directly broken and completely disappeared, leaving only a pile of stone debris falling to the ground.

There was another uproar.

The whole process happened too fast. From Gu Qianyang's shouting out the price of 80000 spirit stones to the time when the spirit meditation stones burst, it was too short for many people to react.

When the reaction came, the whole venue exploded.

Curses resounded throughout the meeting.

The face of the elder of the gambling stone association is also a little ugly. It is not only because Gu Qianyang robbed the stone, but also because his improper operation led to the destruction of a soul meditation stone.

What he hates most is that the treasure is destroyed.

Then, he sounded like a flood, and also directly announced the results of Gu Qianyang.

"Gu Qianyang got the soul meditation stone at the stone selection stage of the gambling meeting, but due to improper manipulation, the soul meditation stone was destroyed, unqualified and unable to advance!"

"At the same time, because of his disrespect for the gambling stone, the soul meditation stone was destroyed. Now it is decided to deprive him of the qualification of ten star gambling stone master, and he can't continue the gambling stone assessment all his life!"

Gu Qianyang's face turned pale and he felt like he was falling apart.

He never thought that he would end up in such a miserable situation.

Even if he failed in the promotion, he was even deprived of the qualification of a ten-star gambler, which means that he can no longer be recognized by the gambler Association in the future, which is tantamount to breaking his road.

And all this is because of Qin Feng.

"Beast, I'll kill you!"

For a moment, Gu Qianyang became angry. His palms gathered. Pangran's true Qi condensed out and was about to blow at Qin Feng.

Just the next second, the attack array in the gambling Stone Association had rushed to him, and a big hole was blown out of his chest in an instant. His breath was rapidly withered and half dead.

Then, the people in the gambling stone association directly carried Gu Qianyang out and threw him out of the gambling Stone Association.

The farce ended from then on.

Yan Ke'er and others glanced at Gu wanyang intentionally or unintentionally, with a strange color in their eyes, a trace of sympathy, but more, they mocked.

You helped him so much that you didn't even hesitate to help him get such a soul meditation stone. It's a pity that he is still a Doo who can't stand it. Waste will always be waste.

Gu wanyang was silent and looked flat. It seemed that everything had nothing to do with him.

However, if you look closely, you can clearly see an imperceptible chill in his eyes.

It's as cold as murder!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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