Bang bang!

The offensive burst out violently. Zhang pingluan shot one after another and threw three punches at Luo Qingyao. One punch was stronger than the other. Long Wei was breaking out, and the strength of his right arm was constantly improving with the continuous fight.

This evil dragon hand bone is stronger and stronger!

In his fist strength, there was even a void phenomenon, which erupted into endless fist power, swallowing millions of miles!

Everyone was surprised at the horror of the power shown in his three fists!

He is a strong man who destroys the five levels of Taoism. With this evil dragon hand bone, if he really wants to fight against Tiandao, maybe even heaven will be blown out of a big hole!

It's amazing!

However, what's more amazing is that even in this situation, Zhang pingluan's three fists with the evil dragon's hand bone were resisted by Luo Qingyao.

Luo Qingyao once again turned the Tai Chi Gang body, but gathered its strength on her right arm, rushed forward directly and faced Zhang pingluan with three fists!

It is also three fists, and one fist is better than one. Luo Qingyao has not lost the game at all. Even, in the application of the law, she has won Zhang pingluan. If there is no evil dragon hand bone, Zhang pingluan may still suffer from these three fists!

"What a powerful fist, what a strong woman!"

Zhang Ping frowned disorderly and looked very dignified.

It's amazing that Luo Qingyao can share equally with him in boxing power when using the evil dragon hand bone. Even Zhou Sheng's boxing is not as strong as Luo Qingyao!

Qin Feng sighed endlessly!

Worthy of being Luo Qingyao, she walked out of her own way!

Flexible and changeable, she can actually use a defense method to this extent, which is enough to show her deep understanding of this method!

She has been able to use the law power for herself, and even reshape the law herself!

Worthy of the name of peerless Tianjiao!

"Xiao Yao er..."

When Zhou Sheng saw this scene, he sighed and sighed.

Qin Feng is also sighing, but at the same time, he is also a little puzzled.

Why does Luo Qingyao always adhere to the "Taiji Gang body". Although this method is strong and is the top method, in the final analysis, this "Taiji Gang body" is always a defense method. She doesn't need to spend her efforts to study the rules and origin, and then modify it by herself, so as to flexibly change the "Taiji Gang body" into an offensive and defensive method!

This time is used for the most other things, which will certainly enhance her!

It seemed that he was aware of the confusion in Qin Feng's heart. Zhou Sheng explained: "this' Taiji Gang body 'was the first method she learned after I brought her into Zhongling University, and it was your mother Zhao who taught her!"

Qin Feng is relieved. No wonder Luo Qingyao has been persistent in this method. It turns out that there is such a reason!

Although she didn't say it on the surface, Qin Feng could see that she always felt that Zhao Zhiyun's death had something to do with her.

Cynicism is just her mask. Perhaps the deepest part of her heart is still the girl with a sword on her back, wearing a simple Taoist clothes, not talkative and devoted to cultivation!

The offensive broke out continuously. Luo Qingyao and Zhang pingluan fought fiercely and always maintained a balance of power.

Although Zhang pingluan turned his right arm into an evil dragon hand bone, which has been enhanced a lot, as Luo Qingyao said before, this evil dragon hand bone is not his own, and he can't give full play to his power!

Even, as the offensive continued, because there was no way to suppress Luo Qingyao, the evil dragon hand bone had begun to affect his mind and made him more and more eager.

Evil dragon, evil dragon, the word evil, has never been said!

Finally, after another punch was blocked, Zhang pingluan suddenly found that his right arm began to be a little out of his control, as if his right arm had really become another creature.

That evil dragon hand bone is generating consciousness!

Luo Qingyao saw the clue at a glance. Immediately, lotus feet stepped into the air and jumped forward. An amazing Qi gathered in his right hand.

She broke out directly, and there was a vision around her. Thousands of blue and white trees emerged in the vision. At the same time, an amazing palm power turned out in her right hand and rushed to Zhang pingluan. Where she passed, the blue and white petals spread and bloomed all the way.

Blue and white prisoner's palm!

Those blue and white flowers, naturally, are not real blue and white flowers, but the power of their laws. Each bloom of blue and white flowers can enhance the power of this palm by one point.

This is a slap against the sky!

Rao is Zhang pingluan. He has changed his face at this moment!

This slap is too terrible. If he gets this slap, even he can't carry it. He will probably die!

What's more, he found that he couldn't move!

Not only his right hand, but also his whole body could not move. Just for a moment, he was surprised that blue and white trees had grown all around him. These blue and white trees kept blooming and emitting fragrance, as if they had produced countless law chains, which had completely wrapped them together, but he didn't know!

Seeing this palm hit, his pupils contracted and his expression was distorted!

At the critical moment, the blue and white tree vision in the sky was covered by a piece of stars Qiongyu. At the same time, in the vision of stars Qiongyu, a colorful stone appeared in the sky, shining with divine power.


The characters condensed by a law were directly smashed from the colorful stones towards Luoqing Yao.

This character is terrible. It has a seal power, which can block the real Qi in the human body, even the flesh itself.

Even Luo Qingyao, when he saw this scene, also looked dignified and retreated directly. Without hesitation, he accepted the move and avoided the blow.

But at the same time, it also lost the opportunity to directly destroy Zhang pingluan!

It was Sikong Yue who shot!

At the moment when Zhang pingluan was almost killed by Luo Qingyao, he shot in time, saved him and didn't let him die!

At this moment, the colorful stone also returned to his hands, shining with glow, lifelike and extremely extraordinary. Although the breath is not strong, its charm is more amazing than all the treasures present!

"How close!"

Zhang pingluan has lingering palpitations.

Just now, if Luo Qingyao's palm really hit him, it's no exaggeration to say that he's basically going to die!

At that moment, he even had an impulse to directly abandon the flesh and retain the spirit. At least in that way, he would not die, retain the spirit and restore the flesh in the future!

But obviously not now.

The advantage of more people is too big for them!

"What a pity!"

Even Luo Qingyao couldn't help sighing. He lost this opportunity. It's hard to find another opportunity to kill people of this level!

Qin Feng, on the other side, set his eyes on the colorful stone in Si Kongyue's hand.

It's a pity that Zhang pingluan didn't die, but the stone in Si Kongyue's hand is eye-catching.

He recognized the stone, too.

The legendary Wanfa stone is a treasure left over from the ancient earth period!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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