"Empty terrain?"

Ding Qi touched her little head, but she was a little confused.

"Lord Qin Feng, what is empty terrain?"

"Right away, you'll know!"

Qin Feng said with a smile, and then made a move to directly force Zhenqi into these boulders.

The next second, something amazing happened.

A few boulders glittered with bright blue light, which rose into the sky and fell into a huge light curtain. It quickly shrouded the cave and blocked the whole cave!

Then, he saw that the huge cave, shrouded in the huge light curtain, disappeared directly out of thin air. The whole cave disappeared, and even the breath inside disappeared completely.

"Wow, Lord Qin Feng is so powerful!"

Ding Qi's little sister's eyes lit up and looked at the scene in front of her. She was very shocked.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "the reason why I called you out from the inside is that you also have a little talent in terrain technology, so let me show you how I arranged the terrain. Remember this scene. In the future, if you have the opportunity to learn terrain technology, this scene should be of great help to you!"


Ding Qi nodded and smiled sweetly: "thank you, Lord Qin Feng!"

She thought Qin Feng was good. Because she saw that she had some talent for terrain art, she specially demonstrated terrain art to her, which was better than some relatives in her family.

"Let's go!"

Qin Feng smiled, directly greeted Ding Qi, turned away and began to look for purple grass around!

Purple grass, a precious herb specially used to dilute the impact of medicine bath, has extraordinary effect. It is one of the most popular herbs in Hongmeng, because medicine bath is needed regardless of cultivation level, and medicine bath is inseparable from purple grass!

The strength of some herbs can't be carried by physical strength or willpower. There must be this kind of dilutive medicine to alleviate it. Otherwise, it's bad for itself and may even die!

Therefore, ziqingcao, a precious medicine, has naturally become a hot spot!

However, hot is hot. This purple grass is not always available. There is often a price without a market!

This herb is rare and common, but it is also common.

The common thing is that there are a lot of purple grass, which can be found in the depths of many mountains. It is not a rare thing.

It is rare because although there are a large number of purple grass, its growth is often in crisis everywhere. The stronger the place, the more the number of purple grass, the better it will grow.

Therefore, the value of purple grass in the outside world is still quite expensive. Not everyone is willing to risk life and death to enter the dangerous land to pick purple grass. The profit is directly proportional to the risk.

But if someone dares to play with his life, purple grass is undoubtedly a big business for the people's Congress. As long as he has life to pick it!

Along the way, Qin Feng and his companions came to a cliff. The cliff was not deep, but the terrain was also steep. The bottom was surrounded by white fog and could not see the things below.

But Qin Feng clearly felt that the breath below was very extraordinary. There might be something terrible below.

"Lord Qin Feng, look, purple grass!"

Ding Qi pointed to the purple grass on the cliff and said happily.

"A lot of purple grass, so many purple grass, even a hundred people's medicine bath is enough!"

Although she is young, she knows the value of purple grass. With so many purple grass, she is naturally happy.

Qin Feng was not happy.

The more dangerous the place is, the more purple grass grows, and the better it grows. The purple grass here is covered with the whole cliff, which is enough for hundreds of people. Moreover, each purple grass is so vigorous and vibrant, which means that this place is quite dangerous!

However, the purple grass is right in front of him, and he will not give up because of the possible danger.

"Wait here. I'll pick some purple grass."

He said, letting Ding Qi watch.

People in Liuli territory can't help at all in places like Shenyu mountain. Qin Feng took her out and didn't expect her to help. He just wanted her to read and learn more.

Ding Qi nodded, very clever.

Qin Feng used his nine secrets of origin to fly through the cliff quickly. At the same time, he collected the purple grass and stored it in another container for standby!

His speed is very fast. With the blessing of the nine secrets of the origin and his own cultivation, he can pick purple grass at a rate of 100 plants. In this place, it is very rare to have such a picking speed. I'm afraid that few people in the whole Hongmeng can reach the point of Qin Feng!

Most of the strong people who do not destroy the environment do not believe it. Without his perfect body method, it is difficult to be as comfortable as him!

"It seems that the picking of purple grass is going well this time!"

Qin Feng said to himself.

I thought it would not be easy for him to pick purple grass in a place full of purple grass, but now it seems to be easier than he thought!

However, when Qin Feng lamented that the picking of purple grass was very smooth, Ding Qi suddenly changed her face and roared.

"Lord Qin Feng, be careful!"

At the same time, under the cliff bottom, the swirling white fog dispersed.

There is a green liquid pool at the bottom. The green liquid pool keeps bubbling and bursts of fog rise.

That's the beast pool. Many beast creatures cultivate in this kind of beast pool. Its importance is self-evident!

The place where the animal pool can appear is often the nest of an animal family!

At present, there is a creature crawling in the animal pool. It has red skin, blue eyes and ten legs. It looks like a toad, but it is bigger than a python. It appears in the animal pool.

This creature generates wind all over the body, and its regular veins are constantly shining. Even its breath contains the ultimate power of wind, which is very terrible.

"Unexpectedly, the creature below is a wind toad!"

Qin Feng frowned and looked very dignified.

Wind toad, a variant of the tiantoad family, not only has the terrible fighting power of the tiantoad family itself. A mouthful of phlegm can shake a mountain, but also has the power of wind. It is a very terrible family.

Moreover, this family has another characteristic, that is, it is never single. Within 500 miles, there must be a second or more wind toads nearby.

"No wonder there are so many purple grass here. I didn't expect to break into the nest of the wind toads!"

Qin Feng said to himself and looked at the wind toad below. He was very steady and didn't provoke it.

This kind of race, can not provoke, it is best not to provoke, if you can pick the purple grass before provoking it, it is best!

He slowed down and picked the purple grass carefully.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

At the next moment, the wind toad turned his eyes and directly swept to Qin Feng. He caught a glimpse of the rock wall that had spread all the way and had become bare. He suddenly became angry!

It jumped directly and jumped at Qin Feng.

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