"Who are you? Do I know you?"

Listening to zhidora's confused words, zhidais was stunned. Then her face gradually became distorted and even ferocious.

"Are you kidding!"

She shouted hysterically.

"I, Zhi Daisy, have never forgotten the humiliation of that day since I lost to you in the selection of spiritual daughter. I have been working hard and trying to defeat you in the future!"

"I should be the opponent of your life!"

"You don't remember me. Are you kidding?"

She can be sure that zhidora is not pretending, because at this time, zhidora's expression is very confused. It can't be pretended. Zhidora really doesn't recognize her.

It was more humiliating to her than pretending not to know her!


Zhidora was just calm and indifferent to zhidaisy's rage.

"I really want to kill you now!"

Seeing that zhidora was indifferent, zhidaisy was going crazy, her face was distorted, and the whole person was fried. There was no more half of her previous dignified and calm, and she was more like a bitch.

She really moved her heart and wanted to kill zhidora.

On the high platform, the voice of ah kundi also sounded at the right time: "Zhi Daisy, prepare to take over the spirit woman ceremony!"

Ah kundi's voice was very calm, but it gave people an indisputable dignity. Na zhidais was still frying one second before. The next second, after hearing ah kundi's words, she immediately felt a tremor. Her originally restless heart was also calm at once.

She went to one of the eyes of Tai Chi, corresponding to the position where zhidora stood.


Aquindi spoke immediately.

Thirteen witches immediately cast spells and began to cast one of the largest sorcery spells of the Lingwu family. They moved the big curse to transfer zhidora's ability to perceive the will of the God of moloka to zhidais.

The chaos began to wind, and the mist filled the air. It was obvious that zhidora and zhidais had opened their doors, and all kinds of veins were in an expanded form.

This method is so amazing that there are even all kinds of amazing visions in heaven and earth, lightning and thunder, strange forces and gods dancing, and the visions of Python coming out of zhidora's body and entering zhidais's body.

This means that zhidora has lost her ability to sense the will of the God of moloka, and her ability has been connected to zhidais.

Soon, the visions dissipated, and all the visions generated by those scrolls dissipated with them. The sacrificial fire on the altar also disappeared, and everything returned to peace.

It's all over.

"Very good!"

On the high platform, ah kundi nodded with satisfaction.

Zhidora is perfect. Even he has to admit this. If it continues, she has unlimited potential.

However, she can't be used by the new clan, so her perfection has become a stumbling block to the new clan.

If it can't be used by the new clan, eliminate it!

After abolishing her spiritual daughter's position, her cultivation can no longer be improved all her life. She can no longer turn over any waves, which is no different from death, and her appearance can be called Xianzi. It can also be used to comfort those young people in today's family, so that they can be more loyal to the new clan.

As for Zhi Daisy, this simple minded person who is greedy for fame and wealth is too easy to control. With a little interest, she confides in the new clan school and asks her to do anything.

The new clan faction is at its peak. If nothing happens, he will soon become the new mountain master, and Afak is his great grandson. He may succeed him as the new mountain master in the future.

So he promised Zhi Daisy that she would let Afak marry her in the future. At that time, she was not only the woman of the mountain Lord, but also the spiritual woman, and her status was extremely respected.

Under such conditions, Zhi Daisy naturally served them wholeheartedly without considering anything else.

The situation seems to be getting better and better. The new clan is growing stronger and popular. Once one day, he really becomes the mountain master and gets the magic power of the God of moloka, he will not be afraid even if the current mountain master returns.

"Ah kundi smiled like a dog!"

Below, agsu looked at akundi's smile on the high platform and couldn't help scolding.

Qin Feng said with a faint smile, "I guess he should be happy now, not to mention how proud he is."


Agsu snorted coldly and was very dissatisfied with akundi.

"He won't be proud for long!"

"Soon, he will know what cruelty is!"

Qin Feng didn't speak. He just watched quietly and waited for things to develop.

"Zhi Daisy, Zhi Daisy..."

Under the altar, there were bursts of shouts, all shouting Zhi Daisy's name. Although the number was small, the momentum was strong.

Zhi Daisy looked at the tens of thousands of shouts in the sacrificial hall, not to mention how happy she was.

Ten years, almost ten years, she has been waiting for this day for nearly ten years. Now, she has finally done it.

She became the new spirit girl of Lingwu family. Thousands of people shouted for her and cheered for her. She had thought about this scene many times in her dream. Now it has finally come true and reflected into reality.

Even if she knew that these cheerers were actually arranged by ah kundi, just to make her create a sense of popular will when she became a spiritual woman, which is not true.

But so what? She just wants to show her Kung Fu. As for what others think, she doesn't care.

It's enough for her to become a spirit girl. It's enough for her to defeat zhidora.

People in the old school, looking at the scene in front of them, were both angry and self pity, and their hearts were as dead as ashes one by one.

Zhidora did not violate God's punishment. She could have been the spiritual daughter all the time. She abdicated for them. Ah kundi forced her to abdicate. Otherwise, their old school really had no place to live.

They are too weak and hurt zhidora spirit girl!

Under the altar, the old man in charge of the day sacrifice continued to shout: "please let the new spirit woman cast a curse, feel the will issued by the God of moloka, listen to the will and preach the will!"

Zhi Daisy smiled, and in her hand, the witch light of understanding the witch spell shone impressively.

At the next moment, the runes over the whole Lingwu mountain are extremely jumping and surging, with an amazing smell, brilliant and terrible.

She wants to gather the power of thousands of runes over Lingwu mountain to feel the existence of the God of moloka and listen to the will.

The scene was amazing, and there were thousands of visions. After all, it was the first time to understand the will of God moroga. Zhidais dared not underestimate it, so she deliberately created her own potential to the extreme.

It was even more amazing and terrible than when zhidora first realized the will of God moroka.

This is what she did deliberately, so that she can press zhidora in all aspects.

She succeeded, and many people were amazed at these visions.

However, at the next moment, changes occurred abruptly.

The divine punishment came down, turned into a witch thunder, directly split Zhi Daisy, and instantly split her skin and flesh.

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