"Qin Feng, you can. Almost all the experts in the black tiger hall are present. You can retreat all by yourself. Are you allowed to break through the dragon's pool and tiger's den?"

After walking out of the club, Qin Wei couldn't help admiring Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled and waved his hand, pretending to be modest: "I'm not afraid of the black tiger hall, but I don't dare to break into the dragon pool and tiger's den!"

"Oh, modesty is not your consistent style!" Qin Weile smiled: "but seriously, your blinking Kung Fu just now is a little handsome to me. How did you do it? Did you practice magic? "

"Magic?" Qin Feng was stunned and immediately smiled and shook his head: "Bobo Wei, your mother-in-law's imagination is OK. What age is it to return spells?"

"What else can it be if it's not a spell?" Qin Wei glanced: "is it difficult to rely on speed alone?"

"Otherwise?" Qin Feng lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. Suddenly, there was a martial arts master's style: "the world's martial arts are invincible, only fast. If your speed reaches a certain level, it is difficult for the naked eye to see your action track."

Qin Wei was thoughtful after listening.

The next second, she stared at Qin Feng angrily: "all right, all right, praise you. Who can see such a smelly look? The image of a martial artist is not my dish! "

"Not your dish?" Qin Feng hurried back to nature: "it's not your food. I said it earlier. I'm still playing here. It's very hard!"


Qin Wei couldn't help laughing. She was amused by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was stunned: "Bobo Wei, I didn't see it. Your mother-in-law smiles very well. Tut Tut, you'd better smile more in the future. You're fierce all day. You'll regret if you can't get married in the future!"

"Fuck you. What does it have to do with you whether I marry or not?" Qin Wei immediately restrained her smile, stared at Qin Feng fiercely and said, "with this time, you'd better care more about the one in your family!"

Qin Feng was stunned. Why does this sound a little sour?

How strange!

"Come on, my family is very proud. Where will I get a chance to relate to her?" However, Qin Feng didn't think much about it. After a sigh, he decided to put aside the topic: "don't mention it. It's tears if you talk too much. Where are we going now? Continue drinking or take you home? "

"Hmm..." Qin Wei thought about it with her chin, and suddenly smiled cunningly: "do you want to continue drinking or take me home?"

Qin Feng: "I can."

"All right? That won't work. You have to choose one! " Qin Wei said with a smile, "if you continue to drink, if you are drunk, I will fulfill what I just said and have a good night's sleep.

If you send me home directly, my promise won't count overnight. Even if you get drunk next time, whether you sleep or not depends on my mood at that time! "

Qin Feng's eyes brightened: "what's the nonsense? Keep drinking! "

Qin Wei's smiling face changed: "OK, then take me home."

Qin Feng: "

Looking at Qin Wei's back, Qin Feng was angry. He knew that it would not be a good thing to meet Qin Wei again. The woman clearly remembered the gratitude and resentment of that year and deliberately tortured him!

After taking a few steps, Qin Wei stopped, turned her head and looked at Qin Feng, who was uncomfortable and motionless. She was unhappy and said, "what are you doing? Didn't you agree to take me home? "

Qin Feng's mouth is straight. He agreed to continue drinking, Auntie and grandma!

"Where is your home?" Qin Feng asked.

"It's nearby, a few steps."

"Well, I'll send it."

Qin Feng was disheartened and thought that since he was close, he would give it away. After all, he had just come out of the territory of the black tiger hall. No one was sure whether anyone was following him secretly. If he and Qin Wei were separated, he would hear the death of this beautiful woman tomorrow, it would be too inappropriate.

In an hour.

Qin Feng regretted his kindness to Qin Wei. This woman doesn't deserve his trust at all!

Everything is routine!

I've been walking for an hour, but I haven't got home yet? Little sister, are you playing with me?

Qin Feng was very angry and quit on the spot: "Qin Bo, you deceive people too much!"

"What deceives people too much?" Qin Wei also stopped, tilted her head and said strangely on her face.

"You know!" Qin Feng was wronged like a little resentful woman: "after several steps, why haven't you come to your house for more than an hour? Do you mean to play with me? "

"Who fooled you?" Qin Wei and Dai Mei moved: "Qin Feng, if you want to say that, I don't like to hear it. If you really want to calculate, you played with me first?"

Qin Feng stared: "when did I fool you?"

Er Di's mother knows that women are not easy to provoke. Qin Feng doesn't dare to play Qin Wei!

"You have been to my house, but you have to ask if my house is far away. Isn't this fooling my IQ?" Qin Wei said, "I said a few steps. It's just flattering you. Talk casually!"

Qin Feng was stunned: "when have I been to your house?"

"I just went there some time ago. Did you forget?" Qin Wei flashed a cunning look in her eyes and said with a smile, "the style of Yangcheng is my home. Didn't you come to my home when you came to my alliance?"

Qin Feng stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Is that ok?

Is the bar your home? Something's wrong!

For a long time, Qin Feng just took a breath. He held his forehead and said weakly, "Bobo Wei, Bobo Wei, we are all adults. Stop being so childish, okay?

Even if I bullied you when I was a child, it has been more than ten years. Should your anger go away? If I'm still angry, I'll apologize and let you punch me. Don't play with me like that, okay?

Anyway, I used to be a genius. You said the bar was your home. Did I humiliate your IQ, or did you treat me as a retarded? "

Qin Feng was convinced. At this moment, he just wanted to open the skylight and tell the truth. It's better to have a good time tonight than to continue to be teased and tortured by Qin Wei in the future.

Even if she wants to strip off her clothes and insult him on the spot, he will recognize it!

"What? I treat you as retarded, and you humiliate me? Yangcheng style is really my home! " Qin Wei turned her eyes helplessly and said, "I usually live in Yangcheng style, not at home. What is that? Can I go back to my hometown this big night? "

Qin Feng still looked at Qin Wei suspiciously. He felt that what the woman said was not credible.

Qin Wei was so worried that she opened her mouth to speak.

But at this time.

Qin Wei's face suddenly changed, and a strong color of panic appeared in her eyes.

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