
In an instant, the cold white flame ignited sharply and burned to the Tianshi ant, as if to devour it. It was powerful and terrible.

The Tianshi ant startled the empress Cang, and the colorful light of various rule runes lit up on her, trying to resist the ghost fire. The rule is amazing.

But in the end, most of his body was burned by the ghost fire, and the spirit itself was rapidly disintegrated by the ghost fire. Only in the end, he reluctantly resisted the power of the ghost fire, and his body recovered reluctantly, so that he would not be completely burned.

But although the body recovered, it still had problems. The source in the body was burned away, and the state was very poor.

However, Qin Feng, who is opposite to him, is obviously not in a particularly good state at the moment. His mouth is bleeding, his face is pale, and his breath is very unstable.

"You are very cruel!"

Tianshi ant made a deep voice and looked at Qin Feng coldly.

"I forced my true Qi to retrograde and forced a steady stream of true Qi out of my body. Unexpectedly, I solved my treasure curse in this way!"

"Aren't you afraid to die and be possessed on the spot?"

Qin Feng covered his chest, coughed twice, sneered and said, "possessed?"

"You don't have that strength!"

"No accident, this spell consumes you a lot. You shouldn't be able to use it for the second time in a short time. Without this spell, I can kill you with one hand!"

Tianshi ant was angry in his heart, but he didn't say much. He looked dignified and stared at Qin Feng with cold eyes.

This treasure mantra was created by him after he studied in Fengdu city for many years and understood the road. It is also one of the treasure mantras he is most proud of!

With this treasure mantra, he doesn't know how many Tianjiao Juncai and all kinds of experienced old people in the starry sky fall down and their spirits scatter. This is a treasure mantra certified by years, which is almost invincible.

With this precious spell alone, he will be famous in history.

Even guixiong once said that if this curse can be understood and honed all the time, it will have great potential. In the future, he may surpass the general and become the existence second only to guixiong himself.

But now, the mortal in front of him just met for the first time. When he saw his treasure curse for the first time, he broke his treasure curse!

Although the method is not correct, it depends on him to forcibly disperse the treasure curse, not to crack it directly, but if it is broken, it is broken. His invincible treasure curse is not invincible from this moment on!


Suddenly, he smiled.

"You're proud to break my peerless spell, but if you think this treasure spell is all I have, you'll underestimate me!"

Qin Feng was too lazy to pay attention to him: "waste what words, fight if you want. Does the Tianshi ant family's understanding of the Tao depend on blowing it out with their mouth?"

The look of the Tianshi ant sank suddenly. Obviously, he also moved the real fire: "complete you!"

There is no doubt about the understanding of the avenue of the Tianshi ant tribe. He no longer said much and broke out directly to show his real divine power.

The atmosphere was tense. All the dead were short of breath. Staring at the Tianshi ant envoy and Qin Feng, a shower was coming, and a meaningful war was about to start.

On the one hand, there are three envoys representing the power of ghost Xiong, and on the other hand, Qin Feng, who attacked the overlord of Fengdu City shortly after he first entered Fengdu city. Both are extraordinary.

This war has a symbol, implying the authority of the ghost overlord.

If the three envoys are defeated, the overlord status of guixiong may become loose, and Fengdu city may change!

It took ghost Xiong countless years to make hundreds of millions of dead people in the city completely afraid of him. Now there is such a person with the ability to fight at the level of three envoys under his command, which is enough to make people have some different thoughts.

They will feel that the big men under guixiong are not so invincible and can still be defeated.

The eyes around him were blazing. They were all staring at Qin Feng. Seeing this scene, the Tianshi ant envoy looked more and more dignified.

There is no way back in this war. They have to win, otherwise they will be really prized by the new Terran to be the overlord of ghost Xiong.

Some dead souls may breed some fire of resistance in their hearts. Once lit, this fire will not be extinguished again, enough to burn everything!


Suddenly, a killing intention swept across the area like a big wave hitting the sky. The Tianshi ant stood in place like a demon God, full of evil spirit and bright ghost spirit, and the breath of the avenue moved from him.

Many dead spirits felt this smell, and they were frightened. They had to use their Qi to resist the body and prevent the killing intention of the Tianshi ant from spreading to themselves.


Qin Feng drank fiercely and was not afraid at all. He let his killing thoughts attack and stood still.


The Shinto reaches heaven, and the sound trembles.

The Tianshi ant stood there with his palm shining. An ancient and vigorous Rune condensed. Then he slapped it violently. The bone text was covered and bloomed in the air. It turned into a rainbow and swept it down. It was gorgeous and terrible.

Qin Feng's eyes were cold, and he drank directly. An extreme suction was drawn from the palm of his hand. Unexpectedly, he grabbed the blood demon sword of the black pig envoy from his front.

Then, in an instant, tens of thousands of sword Qi scattered from the sword, flowing with five-color Shenxia, and the vision was even more amazing.

Clang clang!

When the attack collided, hongmang constantly attacked these sword Qi and destroyed them one after another. However, in the end, hongmang's divine power was exhausted, but Qin Feng's sword Qi remained for thousands of times, and all rushed to the Tianshi ant envoy to pierce his body.

The Tianshi Ant looked cold, tied the Dharma seal in his hand, and directly formed a vigorous wind cyclone around his body, which cleared everything. No sword Qi could approach him until all the sword Qi dispersed, so he also dispersed the vigorous wind cyclone.

"Your dog is lucky enough to let you hide!"

Qin Feng couldn't help laughing.

The ant squinted and looked colder and colder.

Qin Feng was afraid that he could forcibly seize the blood demon sword and use it for him.

Although there is no saying that the Yin divine soldiers recognize the Lord, there are still some specificities under the use of endless years, which can not be used by any dead spirit.

But Qin Feng did it. He took the blood demon sword directly and used it for him!

The black pig envoy was dying. He watched the blood demon sword taken away by Qin Feng and was also used to deal with the Tianshi ant envoy. His face changed. He was angry and attacked his heart. He fainted directly, and the spirit was floating in the air.

Seeing this, Tianshi ant glanced at the ground silkworm over there. His eyes were slightly frozen. He waved his hand and sent them away. However, he stayed here and continued to fight Qin Feng.

"Now it's just you and me. Come and fight!"

He murmured.

Qin Feng said coldly, "this place is not good. You can't show it. Change a place and fight to the death!"

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