The offensive continued.

The battle on the scene was too tense.

Tianshi ant's understanding of the avenue is so profound that it is very difficult for Qin Feng to win.

You know, he has become a ghost emissary and mastered his power. Although he has not really demonstrated his power, even if he fights with his own combat power, he has such a repressive power. It is reasonable to say that his combat power must be many times stronger. Now it is still difficult to defeat the Tianshi ant emissary.

In a short period of time, the Tianshi ant envoy has performed seven or eight thousand kinds of Taoism, one more strange than the other. Although it is not as good as the spell of "Heaven kills" before, it is also absolutely powerful. Many times, it will make Qin Feng fall into a Jedi.

Fortunately, Qin Feng is not weak. He can always turn over in the Jedi, and then turn over to force the Tianshi ant into the Jedi, but he can turn over in the same way.

"Tianshi ant envoy, really strong!"

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and said to himself.

He is now a ghost emissary, but he just fought with the Tianshi ant emissary to a draw. It is difficult to prove defeat. This problem is too big.

There are a lot of generals above the Tianshi ant envoy. With his current combat power, it is estimated that it is difficult to pose a threat to them without sacrificing treasures to expose his identity.

Not to mention, there are three overlords above that pile of generals.

Their strength absolutely crushed Qin Feng.

"Still too weak!"

He said to himself.

However, he did not know that when he was dissatisfied with his strength, Tianshi ant made him more dissatisfied with himself.

A newcomer, a young newcomer, unexpectedly launched an impact on the top figures who had been in Fengdu city for many years. Moreover, they still played like this and repeatedly threatened him, which made him a little difficult to accept.

In Fengdu City, there are many dead spirits who were geniuses before their death, but most geniuses can only climb up from the bottom step by step after they come to Fengdu city. Why can this newcomer fight him.

In that case, what is his understanding in these years in Fengdu city?

Round of genius, he was also a genius before he died. Why?

He is very unwilling.

However, at present, even if he is unwilling, the facts are in front of him.

The opponent in front of him does have the capital to fight head-on with him!

"No, I won't allow it!"

He shouted angrily and was completely crazy.

In an instant, the light of the avenue moved the sky, and the Tianshi ant rushed directly into the sky and killed Qin Feng. On both sides of his body, two amazing lights scattered and spiraled around himself.

At this moment, his breath changed and became peerless and sharp. Two lights, like two natural killing skills, can not only resist attack, but also attack and kill.

His speed was faster. When Qin Feng came near, he waved daomang and hit Qin Feng with a buzzing sound. The void was trembling. Hundreds of daomang swept over together. Because it was too sharp, the temperature here became colder, comparable to ice and snow!

This is the result of cold killing.

Qin Feng's eyes were wide open, and he also burst out endless sword Qi. One sword after another startled the sky. The sword Qi swept out, and the edge was stronger than before.

At his current level of swordsmanship, any sword he cuts contains profound and complex meanings. In addition to some specific sword moves, it is comparable to most sword moves!

When they collide, the sound is shocking.

In addition to the clank of the sword, there is also a powerful magic method, which explodes into incomparable waves, contacts in an instant, and the light is blazing like the sun explodes.

Finally, the two crossed, showing different colors.

But immediately, the Tianshi ant hovered, and the Dao mang turned like two wings, and rushed directly to Qin Feng. The momentum was even more terrible.

The red wings of hundreds of Taoist mans are like the wings of a Phoenix, bright red, dazzling and suffocating.

"My God!"

There was an uproar in the audience. All the dead were cold on their backs and startled.

The wings of the Boulevard, woven by the Boulevard, are the essence of their wings.

When the wings become 10%, not only the speed increases rapidly, but also the combat power increases sharply, which is difficult to parry. The main reason is that it has too much edge and can cut through all obstacles. It is also an invincible road.

However, it is not easy to turn the avenue into two wings and increase itself.

The requirements and degree of self understanding are high and terrible.

Even Qin Feng is far from this point. Of course, what he lacks is not talent, but time. How can he make up for the gap.

He felt that given the same time, he could do the same, and he could do better than the Tianshi ant!

However, at present, the other side's Avenue has become mature. He can no longer be so general. He only needs to fight by himself. He needs to use some cards.

His eyes were like torches. He stared at the Tianshi ant envoy and directly imitated him. With his own thunder method and the combination of Avenue, he also turned into a pair of wings. They were as bright as gold. They were also flapping. There was an amazing smell between his wings.

The whole audience throbbed.

It's the avenue wings again. Qin Feng actually did it and turned into the avenue wings!

Although all the dead can see that he is not old enough, no matter how talented he is, he can only imitate.

However, although we all know that Qin Feng imitated it according to the Tianshi ant envoy, it is enough to prove his strength and talent that he can imitate this kind of Avenue wings just by looking at it.


Tianshi ant made Leng hum and rushed directly to Qin Feng. The runes intertwined between his feet, which was amazing.

Qin Feng was also happy and unafraid. He incited his wings and rushed over. The two collided violently, sonorous and shocking.

The wings attack each other, the sword Qi rushes into the sky, and the mana is as turbulent as the ocean. The sky is submerged by the light. You can only vaguely see that the two figures are constantly colliding and the divine wings are roaring.

In the end, they both backed out.

The audience was silent and stunned.

It's amazing that Qin Feng's imitated Avenue wings can withstand the attack of Tianshi ant envoy.

Although it is downwind, it does not reflect the strength of the two wings of the avenue made by Tianshi ant.

"But so!"

Qin Feng sneered and teased.

The face of the termite is cold and unimaginable.

Even the wings of the avenue can be imitated. What else can the Terran in front of us not do?

At the moment, it was hard for him to calm down. All kinds of killing moves were broken by Qin Feng, which moved him and made him very uncomfortable.

Can't he really kill this man?

Qin Feng's eyes were cold and he said in a deep voice, "if there are no other killing moves, it's my turn next!"

The voice fell, and in a moment, Qin Feng broke out an amazing breath directly. The silver light was bright and spread in all directions, as if to swallow everything., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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