Qin Feng's sword eyebrows wrinkled tightly and looked at the sky as if thinking.

He knew very well that these were visions, not real, but these visions were very special. The feeling he felt was not a vision, but a real feeling.

He felt that this might not be a vision, but something that had happened, but now it was shown in this form.

The next moment, the vision suddenly changed.

Right above the whole, suddenly it vibrated, noisy and shouting!

They don't know what existence they are fighting. The war is very fierce, but the other side is deliberately blurred by unknown existence and is not allowed to be seen!

However, these warships, those strong ones, fell one after another. Too many strong ones died, which was very exaggerated and miserable!

Suddenly, everything disappeared. Looking back, Qin Feng still stood under the white bone altar and stared at the door of space. Everything had recovered as before!

"This is to explain to me that these bones are the bones of the heroes and powerful in the warships!"

Qin Feng murmured and made a guess. He thought it was very possible. Then, he also seemed a little worried!

"In a large-scale war, how many heroes and powerful people fall, how many heaven and earth resources are consumed, the stars wither, the ground is dilapidated, dead branches and fallen leaves and ruins!"

"As long as the creatures have desires, the war will never stop!"

He knows the pain of war best.

He hoped that there would be no war in the world, but he also knew that it would never be possible!

"The establishment of Fengdu city is mostly related to this!"

Qin Feng said to himself.

He felt that this should be what Fengdu city looked like before its establishment. It may be a huge starry battlefield!

Across the white bone altar, Qin Feng continued to go deep into Purgatory mountain. Qin Feng saw a huge stone tablet in the starry sky, thousands of feet tall, which was very exaggerated.

The material of this starry sky stone tablet is the same as that of the starry sky stone tablet in duanxu Valley, and they are very similar. It is obvious that it was made by the same big man!

However, the characters condensed on the star stone tablet are much deeper than the star stone tablet in the broken void valley. It may be the root of the strong in the whole star battlefield. Compared with the avenue that needs to suppress cultivation to enter the broken void Valley, it is naturally countless times stronger!

It is because of Qin Feng's current understanding of the avenue, it is still difficult to distinguish its fundamental meaning. It is too profound!

"Elder, can you see the implied meaning of these characters?" Qin Feng asked. He thought the magic snake should be able to see something after living so long.

However, he was disappointed. The things on the stone tablet in the starry sky were more amazing than he thought, and it was difficult for the magic snake to pry into its meaning.

"It's too deep and complex to see the specific content!"

Said the magic snake, indicating that it could not see the content.

Qin Feng was very surprised. The demon snake had lived for so long. It was so deep to understand the avenue that it was difficult to pry into the mystery. It was amazing. What was the content on the star stone tablet!

"However, it is certain that this starry stone tablet should not have belonged here. I guess it should have been moved by the magic scorpion from other places through the door of space, but since I can't see the content of this starry stone tablet, he should not have that strength!"

The magic snake continued and made a guess.

Qin Feng also nodded, which is very possible!

He tried to rub down the things on the star stone tablet, but he found that all the characters would disappear. That's still the problem. His level is not enough!

"The content on the stone tablet can't be rubbed. Only when your strength is strong to a certain extent can you have the ability of rubbing, but if you have that ability, you can directly peep into the mystery without rubbing!"

The magic snake explained and explained the reason.

"But since the magic scorpion left it here, it is obvious that it is not simple. Most of the contents above are amazing!"

Qin Feng also echoed: "maybe, but it may not be related to me. Since I can't rub, there's no need to pay attention. At present, the most important thing is poison corpse flower!"

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly, something strange happened. Suddenly, countless corpse bones emerged from the ground and piled up everywhere!

Poof poof!

Accompanied by a strange sound, then I saw countless dark lights on the bones and heads, floating up and down. Under these dark lights, one plant after another, like the black poisonous flowers of ghost faced skeletons, grew from above and grew everywhere. It was very exaggerated, enough to dazzle people!

"This is..."

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and stared at the black poisonous flowers like ghosts and skeletons in front of him, surprised in his heart.

Is this the legendary poisonous corpse flower?

As expected, it is extraordinary. It was born on the bones of the corpse. It is naturally full of death. The key is that it is too toxic!

Qin Feng had no doubt that if he touched it directly, his hand would be poisoned immediately!

"I finally found the poisonous corpse flowers piled up everywhere. However, it's still a problem how to get them!"

Qin Feng said to himself and fell into meditation.

The first thing he thought of was to use a white jade bottle of lanolin!

However, he was afraid that the lanolin white jade bottle would be contaminated with this toxicity, which would lead to corrosion every time he carried things with the lanolin white jade bottle in the future. After all, the number was too large and the amount was too large!

The key is that he is afraid that the lanolin white jade bottle will not hold and eventually break, so he dare not take risks!

But it's obviously impossible for him to pick it himself!

"In fact, it's not difficult. If you have no business fire and wrap your hands, you can stop the spread of its toxicity!" The demon snake warned.

"The key is that you may not be able to control this degree well, but I can pass you a spell, which can make you better control your fire!"

Then, with a surge of clear water, Qin Feng's mind emerged a magic spell out of thin air.

Qin fengdun God, this mantra is called controlling fire mantra, which is specially used to control fire.

Without hesitation, he immediately cast the curse of controlling fire and wrapped the unprofitable fire in his hands. Then, he puffed up his breath and took off a poisonous corpse flower and fell into his hands.

He exerted the mantra of controlling fire to the extreme, just before the naked fire and poisonous corpse flower formed a delicate balance. He neither melted his hands directly by the poison in the poisonous corpse flower, nor burned the poisonous corpse flower because the naked fire was too strong!

"It's very good. It's balanced at one time!"

The magic snake couldn't help admiring Qin Feng's technique.

Qin Feng didn't respond and concentrated. Finally, he put the poisonous corpse flower away and put it into a lifeless barren star in the taixuan Chen star map.

Suddenly, in mid air, an eyeball hundreds of meters big suddenly appeared, just fell on Qin Feng, and a killing opportunity appeared!

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