There is no limit to the road of cultivation. The king is the ultimate!

Theoretically, the limit of self-cultivation should be the king level strong.

The way up is the supreme Road, but the supreme road can not be completed by yourself alone. It has nothing to do with talent or even chance, but with the way of heaven itself.

Only by truly casting the way of heaven, turning itself into a road and refining the fruit of the supreme way, can we become the supreme. In a sense, the supreme is the way of heaven itself.

Because of this, in most times, there is basically no birth of the supreme between heaven and earth.

Although there is a supreme being today, it can not be the same era. For example, in the past, the three supreme masters Su Xuan, Tong Yan and Rong Shu came out together. It is estimated that it is only once in the whole history that it is possible to do it before the real end of the world.

If you want to be supreme, you can't do without favorable weather, place and people.

The time of day is the avenue itself!

Only when there is an incomplete Avenue somewhere between heaven and earth, can there be the basic soil for the birth of the supreme!

If there is no incomplete road in the world, there can be no birth of the supreme. The existence of the supreme is to understand the fundamental road in the incomplete Heaven Road, master the infinite, steal cause and effect, and form the supreme Road fruit. In this way, it is the supreme.

The difficulty is high enough to imagine.

Moreover, even if there is an incomplete Avenue, it does not mean that you can understand the avenue. You also need the best environment to make a breakthrough.

Not every place where the avenue is incomplete can understand the avenue.

This is the right place!

The most crucial point is to reach the extreme in the realm below the supreme. Every supreme has no time and no defects in the past. This is the most basic condition, which is human harmony.

In addition, there are countless top natural materials and earth treasures in the chaotic starry sky, and countless elements can be combined to make a supreme master.

In some eras, it may not be possible to produce a Supreme Master in the whole era, which is too difficult.

However, the supreme way is not the only way!

Apart from this road, there is another road that can go through, help people to the end and become invincible.

That is the legendary sage Road, the ancient sage road!

Not only the supreme is supreme, but there is another kind of existence. It has the same great reputation. In terms of reputation, it is not inferior to the supreme. That is the ancient sages.

However, all ancient sages are extremely famous and have made great contributions to the world!

Sages, do sages' things, do what they do, all of them are like sages.

Only when sages reach the extreme can they become ancient sages.

But for those who are called sages, according to ancient history, the weakest of them are king level, because only after they become king level strong, can they have the possibility of doing all kinds of sages and master the way of sages.

Cultivation is too low and there are too few things you can do.

Although the ancient sages have basically the same reputation, their own strength is also different. According to records, among the ancient sages, the strongest group is not inferior to the supreme existence, which shows the limit of this road.

If you practice to the extreme, ancient sages exist at the same level as the supreme. Their strength is basically the same, and the degree of strength is self-evident.

Just the same, the supreme road is misty, but the road of ancient sages is not an easy road, and there are also many difficult elements.

Strength elements, mental elements, Avenue perception elements and so on are indispensable.

Moreover, the most critical point is that if you want to become an ancient sage, you also need to do many things of heaven that are beneficial to the stars and Qiongyu before the horizon of heaven. In addition, its talent must be the top of the stars. In this way, it is possible to lower the robbery of saints.

The sage robbery is equivalent to the ticket like existence of ancient sages. Only those who have lived through the sage robbery can be qualified to take this road.

This difficulty is not lower than the difficulty of becoming the supreme. It is the ultimate road, but it is a little more possible than the supreme road.

"Saint robbery... It's hard to meet forever. I didn't expect that Ao Hong could witness the birth of Saint robbery in this life. It's amazing!"

Ao Hong was stunned. Rao was surprised by his experience and the existence of this Saint robbery.

Qin Feng, what did he do in the past to let him fall into the saint's robbery when he broke through the immortal realm?

Without destroying the Dharma robbery, he can help Qin Feng survive, but to survive the sage robbery is not what he can do. Everything can only depend on Qin Feng himself.

The key is that the sage robbery is more terrible than the immortal Dharma robbery of thunder and fire. It is not something that can be carried without time. It is mainly due to the lack of cultivation of Qin Feng himself. In theory, the sage robbery is more reasonable only when the strong after the extreme situation of the heavenly eye breaks through.

However, this Saint robbery will not appear in the breakthrough after the eye of heaven, but only before. Therefore, it is not that the saint robbery will succeed. On the contrary, the probability of success of the saint robbery is lower than the probability of surviving the immortal Dharma robbery.

Qin Feng had no bottom in his heart before he came to find Ao Hong and asked him to help him get through the immortal realm. As a result, although he helped Qin Feng except dark Liu, there was a saint robbery.

A saint's robbery is more difficult than a hundred immortal Dharma robbers!

Ao Hong is really afraid now. Qin Feng will become a pile of bones in the next second. In this way, everything will be destroyed.

Helping Qin Feng remove the dark gilding has greatly affected his cultivation. He can no longer cross the seabed as before.

What's more, if Qin Feng dies, Ao Qing is bound to suffer all his life, which he doesn't want to see.

"Boy, you must make it!"

He said, even with a tone of prayer, hoping that Qin Feng could succeed.

At this time, Qin Feng can feel some situations. He himself is basically the strength of the immortal environment. There is not much pressure that can bring him.

But the pressure brought to him by the holy robbery was the biggest one in his life, far more than others. He had never felt so much pressure.

"Isn't it only the existence of those saints who are qualified to cross the robbery? How can I Qin Feng lead the sage robbery?"

Qin Feng wailed in his heart and felt too sad.

Sage robbery can be said to be an affirmation of a person, but Qin Feng would rather not.

Because most of the time, the sage robbery is not only an affirmation of a person, but also a talisman, which will only accelerate people's death!

This has nothing to do with the invincible Taoist heart. The talisman is the talisman!

Saint robbery is a hundred deaths without life!

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