Shenfeng Baoyu glows with faint light. There is an avenue reflected in it, inlaid with a round of clear moon patterns, which looks holy.

However, around Baoyu, there is a halo wrapped around Baoyu, which has the ultimate spirit of killing and death, which is very terrible.

It can be predicted that if you accidentally get infected with this dead halo, it is estimated that Qin Feng will also die instantly without the second result.

Obviously, without certain means, it is impossible to take away the God Feng Baoyu.

But for Qin Feng, this halo is not difficult to solve.

At this time, he was silent, his hands were shining, wrapped all, and then resolutely extended into the halo of Baoyu.


For a moment, the halo was awe inspiring. It seemed that a real fire spread all over Qin Feng's body and wanted to burn him to ashes. At first glance, the fire was flat, but only Qin Feng knew how terrible the real fire was.

Even his spirit was inevitably impacted by the real fire!


Qin Feng gave a cold drink and broke out completely. He suppressed it with potential. Da Luo Zhen's vitality was sent out suddenly to attack the real fire and resist everything.

It can be seen that at this time, Qin Feng's whole body has been covered by this real fire. If it were someone else, it is estimated that it would have been gone long ago, but Qin Feng is still insisting. He always resists this real fire with great Luo Zhenqi, and the consumption speed is frightening.

At this moment, the magic pendant of the Witch King obviously played a great role in providing him with countless true Qi, which was transformed by himself and evolved into Da Luo true Qi.

If not, even he will not be able to bear it and will soon be exhausted.

For now, at least he can last for a while.

He slowly took out the Shenfeng Baoyu. In a moment, the power of real fire suddenly strengthened dozens of times. Even Qin Feng was almost burned through and his whole body was burned, leaving only one arm holding Baoyu and finally taking Baoyu out.

Then, his body began to recover rapidly, and soon he reshaped a new body. Just for the first time, he led out the taixuan Chenxing map, entered the colorful spring and began to recover himself.

The big woman looked at everything from a distance, and her expression became more and more complicated.

In front of this person, she felt more and more terrible. First, the ghost fire, and then this top Chen star map. In that Chen star map, she clearly saw a star full of countless top spiritual herbs and elixirs, and even the existence of colorful spring.

This man is so mysterious and extraordinary!

So that she even became greedy and wanted to take advantage of Qin Feng's serious injury to rob him of Shenfeng Baoyu and all the top treasures on him at the same time.

But in the end, she restrained herself.

First, she was afraid of Qin Feng's means of counteraction. Second, if she did so, she would be no different from the real Terrans hated by them.

They can't do such a thing!

If you really want a treasure, then fight with a knife and a gun. If you can beat it, the treasure is naturally hers!

She gave up the idea of killing and seizing treasure, but sighed slightly.

But what she didn't know was that the moment Qin Feng entered the multicolored spring, he had already left a means of counteraction around him. He left a spirit jade that could be turned into cutting terrain. He had spent a lot of money in Hongmeng to collect it by various means and put it into this spirit jade.

In short, it is a kind of movable terrain. As long as someone approaches, it will be triggered immediately. It will become a terrible place for deforestation. Once you enter, you can't get out.

Although there is some gap between this movable terrain and its own terrain, it can't support many Qinfeng Lingshi flowers. Make up the gap with the value of materials. Once you start, the terrain in Lingyu is absolutely invincible.

He has been guarding against the big woman. If she came in just now and wanted to kill and seize the treasure, she is dead now.

However, she did not act rashly. Qin Feng was naturally happy to see his success. He slowly recovered his state, and soon returned to the peak state and out of the picture.

After putting away the taixuan Chen star map, Qin Feng also took out the divine Phoenix treasure feather and said, "since you know that the divine Phoenix treasure feather can dissolve the power of those starry flowers, you must also know how to urge it?"

The woman said, "if you don't dislike it, give me Baoyu and I'll escort you directly into the palace of stars!"

Qin Feng was silent and obviously unwilling.

The female man said, "I can't teach you the formula that inspires Shenfeng Baoyu, because I also want to get the chance inside. Without the formula, it's useless even if you have Shenfeng Baoyu!"

"In addition, that group of people have been in for some time. If they don't speed up, it's estimated that they will really succeed. At that time, even if you have divine Feng Baoyu, it's useless. It's all in vain!"

"You can choose not to believe me, and you have to bear the consequences!"

Qin Feng thought for a while, and finally threw Shenfeng Baoyu to the female man, and then said faintly, "don't make small moves. It's easy to kill you with my strength!"

The female man took over Shenfeng Baoyu and didn't care about Qin Feng's threat. She flew directly to the starry palace, then closed her eyes and began to seal the Dharma. At the same time, she said something in her mouth. It's a very obscure spell. Even Qin Feng can't explain it.

However, it is obvious that after the spell came out, the God Feng Baoyu reacted and directly radiated a huge light curtain to wrap the female Han and Qin Feng at the same time.


The female big man said, holding the divine Phoenix treasure feather in her hand, she also began to move forward slowly.

Naturally, Qin Feng will not delay. He will keep up at once.

Sure enough, under this huge curtain of light, the flowers of the starry sky did not continue to draw Shouyuan from him.

Qin Feng knew that this should also be some kind of opportunity that the female big man got before.

What he got was the understanding of the true meaning of the nine character Dharma formula of daozang left by Shenfeng. The woman should also get something else.

I just don't know what the man who killed Qin League got in the end.

Qin Feng can only hope that they have a bad chance.

Soon, she passed through the treasure land smoothly. The woman also directly put Shenfeng Baoyu into her bag and said, "anyway, Shenfeng Baoyu needs to be used in the whole process, so keep it with me all the time. When it's over, I'll return it!"

Qin Feng didn't say much, just followed silently.

In the starry sky hall, there are indeed several dangerous places that need to use this and Shenfeng Baoyu. Naturally, they are all dissolved by the female man.

After passing through several dangerous places, Qin Feng and his companions arrived at a strange place of floating light.

Surrounded by invisible star walls, it can isolate everything.

"Be careful, this is the magic Phoenix lost territory. If you are not careful, you may be lost forever and never get out again!"

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