
As Qin Feng knocked down with a stick, the huge soul sealing chain broke on the spot, rolled down from the air and curled on the ground like a flying snake until it dissipated completely.

As the largest soul sealing chain was broken, the surrounding soul sealing chains suddenly became as if they were no longer aggressive. Although they were still swinging, they would no longer attack Qin Feng and lost coordination like headless flies.


Qin Feng drank fiercely, and the Ruyi stick in his hand burst into golden light, shaking people. The rolling sound was as fast as thunder, which was quite terrible.

He is like a fighter attached to the body. His real martial arts are unparalleled. The Ruyi stick is directly sacrificed to the sky. It becomes bigger at a high speed. Soon it will be hundreds of feet tall, and then a stick knocks down.


With a loud noise, in an instant, the whole Fengling desperate array was destroyed, exploded into countless fragments and flew in all directions.

A large number of fenglingmen were blown up by fragments and died on the spot, turning into pools of blood and mud.

Feng you's face is green.

He never thought that Qin Feng was so fierce. The life gate of this lingjue life array is indeed on the coarsest and largest chain, and other chains can regenerate when destroyed. Once destroyed, the coarsest and largest chain will not regenerate. More importantly, other chains will lose their eyes and can no longer capture the position of the enemy.

But the problem is that the firmness of this chain is comparable to that of Xianjin. At present, under Qin Feng's stick, this spirit sealing chain as strong as Xianjin is unexpectedly broken by a stick.

That stick is terrible!

This is the first time that the Fengling desperate array has been cracked.

It may be the only time!

Because Qin Feng has rushed towards Feng you.

The wishful stick has returned to its normal size. Qin Feng held the wishful stick and smashed it down with a bang. He smashed the source of Feng you's body on the spot, and the spirits were almost scattered.

"Stop and listen to me!"

Seeing Qin Feng, he will do it again. The letter you shouted quickly. If he didn't shout again, he would really be smashed into meat mud by a stick.

Qin Feng stopped and said faintly, "do you have any last words?"

Obviously, he doesn't intend to let off the tour.

The letter slowed down for a while. Suddenly, he looked fierce, lit up a fire in his hand and rushed to Qin Feng.

This is the origin of his combustion. Even if Qin Feng is hit, there will definitely be a big problem.

However, Qin Feng had already expected, and his body withdrew rapidly. At the same time, a thunder emperor's true Qi operated and a sky thunder burst down in an instant.

However, in an instant, Fengyou was blasted into a pile of coke. The Dao fire transformed from its origin was finally used by Qin Feng to warm and raise green lotus.

Qin Feng can't stop and continue to swim.

Along the way, however, all the disciples of Fengling gate were killed one by one. The huge Fengling river was soon full of the corpses of the disciples of Fengling gate.

Finally, even the main hall was destroyed by Qin Feng.

But in the same way, he also gained something.

After finding several core medicine gardens, they were shielded by some kind of great magic power, but Qin Feng had Tianqian perception and easily found them under his prying eyes.

Among these medicine gardens, most of them are miraculous medicines with a millennium history. Of course, there are also several precious medicines with a 10000 year history.

One of them is Xianxia Yuquan flower.

This is a holy treasure to enhance the strength of the divine soul. At present, this one has been for more than 90000 years and is about to make the first breakthrough of King medicine!

This makes Qin Feng feel a little frightened and some have lingering palpitations.

If this plant of Xianxia Yuquan flower evolves to the level of King medicine, it will not take long. The strength of the spirit of the whole disciples of Fengling gate will be greatly increased from top to bottom. It is estimated that the power of their spirit sealing chain will also be increased several times, even dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

At that time, the spirit will grow to a very terrible point.

At present, this soil is also very special. It is ancient fallen soil. This soil has a strong growth in drugs and can greatly increase the level of drugs. If it is completely free of impurities, it is even better than quadrupole soil.

Unfortunately, all ancient fallen soil will basically produce impurities. Even if there are no impurities at the beginning, impurities will also be generated as those herbs grow, and the effect will become worse and worse.

Only by removing these impurities with the fire of spell pattern can they always maintain their prosperity.

He suddenly thought of the past. Feng Gan, the young master of the spirit gate, went to the ancient tribe to look for the fire of the spell pattern. But later, because of his appearance, Feng Gan died and the fire of the spell pattern was cut off by him.

Now think about it, it makes Qin Feng feel cold on his back.

If Qiu Mengdie and Chang Yunman hadn't been caught there at that time, he wouldn't have gone to that tribe, and Feng Gan should have been able to get the fire of spell pattern smoothly, then the ancient fallen earth would always be flawless.

Now, maybe fenglingmen has a Xianxia Yuquan flower that has grown into a king's medicine.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng only felt creepy. It was really thrilling.

Fortunately, it's not too late at the moment.

He also did not hesitate to accept the ancient fallen earth and Xianxia Yuquan flowers.

Later, he saw a hill with a crystal clear fairy bone on the top of the hill.

It's a congenital purple Qi bone. Only the strong person with congenital purple Qi can conceive and raise such a bone. If this bone is refined, it will greatly improve its own physique, and even have a certain probability to feel the existence of purple Qi.

Of course, it is a better way to fish and fish. It is obvious that putting the congenital purple bone into the treasure ground that absorbs the essence of heaven and earth can make the whole gate be inspired by purple spirit and exaggerate its potential.

However, the vast majority of congenital purple Qi bones are not large. It is absolutely rare that they can be so large as to need to build a hill to carry them.

One of the seventeen gates. The inside information is really unusual.

But in other words, in the case of having this congenital purple Qi bone, the Fengling gate can still only be suppressed in the lower position among the 17 gates, which can also explain the problem.

This shows that other forces have stronger details.

Of course, the most important thing is that the innate purple Qi bone enhances the potential, but in Hongmeng, this improvement is not obvious. After all, the Hongmeng law is here, and all those who practice in Hongmeng are suppressed too miserably.

If this level of congenital purple Qi bone is put into those forces in the starry sky, it is definitely not a problem to have three or four giants in the extreme state of the heavenly eye!

Hongmeng is the life-saving treasure of the ancient earth, but it is also a dilapidated and dry land that suppresses everything.

Too many heroes have been suppressed. After more than 50000 years, no matter how tragic the battle is, it's time to recover.

Unfortunately, Hongmeng's innate suppression led to the tragic downfall of those arrogant heroes in the end.

Of course, no matter how, this congenital purple Qi bone is a sacred thing after all, and it can't be better to get nature.

Boom, but at this time, the world around changed and thundered!

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