Time is long, and in the twinkling of an eye it is two months.

Another five strong men came from abroad and entered Hongmeng.

However, this time, these strong people were quickly solved. Their strength was very strong, but they were still easily killed out of the scope that Hongmeng could cope with.

Obviously, this is still a test of Hongmeng from abroad.

Hongmeng knows that this temptation will become a real invasion sooner or later, but fortunately, Hongmeng still has time and can continue to improve.

The key is that although the Hongmeng law is still weakening, it is still there. As long as the strong eye of heaven does not enter, there will be no problem.

More and more people marvel at the past glory. As we all know, Hongmeng is the inheritance place specially opened by those ancient powers after the collapse of the ancient earth, which is made of the world's top Apocalypse stone, but they don't know how much those powers have contributed to keeping Hongmeng in an extreme safety state.

Up to now, in addition to some foreign forces who have made friends with Hongmeng, they can enter Hongmeng through recognition. They know nothing about Hongmeng outside the territory, and there are natural protective barriers to prevent everything.

Seen from the starry sky, it is completely a state of nothingness, which can not be peeped into by any method or instrument.

"At the beginning of Hongmeng's opening up, the development was not smooth, and it is rumored that Hongmeng's cultivation at the beginning was not closed, because it was caused by the great evil god of that year!"

"He almost destroyed Hongmeng, but later, for some unknown reasons, the great evil god disappeared. Instead, three evil forces with similar styles to the great evil god suddenly appeared in Hongmeng!"

"That is, the Blood Moon Palace, the ghost palace and the devil prison day."

"Many people say that the devil wind is the embodiment of the great evil god. Although I don't know whether this speculation is true, there are still some grounds. At least the devil wind is definitely related to the great evil god!"

"Unfortunately, a lot of history has been erased."

"In the age of ancient earth, no one knows what happened to the emperor star. Later, Hongmeng opened up and a great evil God appeared. However, the people only know that the great evil god is terrible, but they don't know why it is terrible!"

"Only the colorful devil dust remains, which has become Quan Hongmeng's taboo!"

"Many things, seemingly without communication, are actually related!"

"This time, the three evil forces sold Hongmeng to foreign forces. Although I don't know their purpose, I guess it is mostly related to some erased history!"

Zitianxia gathered some of the top strongmen in Hongmeng and said something about the past.

He is more than 10000 years old. In today's Hongmeng, he has lived for a long time. Those who live longer than him will either never appear again or leave Hongmeng.

In fact, if you want to know the age of zitianxia, it's also hanging. After all, Hongmeng has existed for 50000 years, while zitianxia has only lived for more than 10000 years.

But there is no way. The purple world has lived for a long time and knows more than others.

The purpose of their gathering together is to share the information known to each other and exchange what they need.

Qin Feng knows some secrets, that is, the ancient earth era, which is also known in Fengdu city.

He said that in the ancient earth period, before the invasion of Wanyu, there was actually a World War I, which was more cruel than the invasion of Wanyu, that is, a bloody battle with Yingyan.

In this war, the ancient earth became famous. Since ancient times, in the face of the existence of shadow nightmare, the whole star sky has always been used as a unit to compete. However, the ancient earth is too brilliant. It suppressed shadow nightmare with its own strength and made great achievements.

But it was precisely because the achievements of the ancient earth were so great that people were a little afraid. Therefore, there was an invasion of thousands of regions. Some existence condemned the ancient earth with various words and launched the battle for thousands of years.

After the war, the ancient earth completely declined, and the original stars became a forgotten place. In order to preserve the blood left behind, the great powers opened up Hongmeng and were devastated by the great evil gods.

In short, the ancient earth achieved great success and scared some big people in the starry sky.

When Qin Feng revealed the news, ziyangshu, shangguansu and others were furious.

I didn't expect that there was such a stubble in the ancient earth period. In this way, those extraterritorial forces are too hateful.

"It's very hateful, but there's no way. Those creatures don't think they are good birds because of their virtue. What's more hateful is the leading Party!"

Shangguan cut me with a calm face.

Of course, cangyang and cangyue also asked Qin Feng about the source of these news.

Qin Feng didn't hide it. He simply said his experience in Fengdu city and made it clear that it was an extremely terrible city built by a supreme master.

Hearing this, all the strong are a thrill.


What an ethereal word.

I didn't expect to have anything to do with Hongmeng.

"Sometimes, those seemingly ethereal beings may be around themselves!" Qin Feng sighed.

He remembered what Feng Buwei had said before that something outside the territory was staring at Hongmeng, and it was likely to be above the heavenly being, that was the supreme being.

The taste of being stared at by the supreme one is thrilling just thinking about it.

Qin Feng sighed: "although Hongmeng seems to be in good condition at present, there are too many enemies to face in the future!"

"One is those forces led by Yujing Magic Lotus clan and other races on the moon star. Their purpose may be to hide some treasure in Hongmeng. We don't know what it is!"

"One is over the sky star event. Many forces that once invaded the ancient earth are now aware of the existence of Hongmeng because of the information about Hongmeng disclosed by the three families of Blood Moon Palace, ghost palace and demon prison. If there is no accident, they will come!"

"After all, what they did in the past was shameful. They were afraid, so they would certainly do something to Hongmeng!"

"There is another one, that is, some existence hidden in the dark, such as the suspected supreme existence. He may really be staring at Hongmeng. Many things are too hanging and too strange!"

"If Hong Meng dies, the inheritance of the ancient earth will be completely broken!"

"They are too afraid of the revival of the ancient earth and will not choose any means!"

"Sometimes, I will be confused. Can Hongmeng really hold on? How long can Hongmeng hold on?"

"In case, I mean in case, Hongmeng is really destroyed, what will happen?"

"Sometimes I dare not think about these answers!"

Everyone was silent.

Yes, in this case, Hongmeng is really too difficult!

Where will Hongmeng go in the future?

No one knows!

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