The star dome is vast and thousands of stars stand side by side. Bathed in the golden light emitted by the stars, it turns into a stream of stars flowing on the starry sky, like a fairy land!

It is in this extreme view of the starry sky that a huge starry sky crack seems to appear out of thin air and pierce the whole area. The meteorites are broken. It is obvious that a terrible breath can be felt from the huge crack.

For the creatures in the primitive ancient land, they can't help but compete with the largest number of creatures in the poorest resource areas. What's more, they should prevent the impact of meteorites that may fall at any time, or they can be directly absorbed by the terrible existence in the star crack and directly turn into dust.

Along the way, Qin Feng and others also roughly appreciated the area here. In addition to the top, most of the original ancient lands are also desolate, less prosperous and barren than other places.

It can be seen that there are flags everywhere along the way. These flags represent an area and a base area with stars as units.

Simo star, Yihan star, qiongshi star, qiuliuzuo and so on. Looking all the way, there are countless flags representing the star domain.

Hongmeng is a unique existence among them.

Hongmeng's arrogance is absolutely competitive. At Hongmeng's level, in theory, even in Shangling district and even holy land, it is qualified enough.

In fact, Hongmeng did stay in Shangling district at the beginning. At that time, Hongmeng's Tianjiao came to prominence one after another. For a time, it was in the spotlight and amazed a lot of star regions.

Until later, forces such as demon prison day spread the news about Hongmeng, so after that, Hongmeng's status deteriorated sharply and was severely suppressed, not to mention the Shangling area. It's good to survive.

Especially the creatures who have benefited from the ancient earth in the past, and those who are the direct attackers of the ancient earth, they are full of hostility to Hongmeng and often target him.

In the face of such large-scale targeting, no matter how strong the star domain will have problems, let alone Hongmeng.

Many Tianjiao and some of the top strongmen in Hongmeng have died. If it were not for the help of some races who had received the grace of the ancient earth, Hongmeng would have been completely destroyed!

But even so, their situation is not good. They have migrated all the way from the original Shangling district. Now they can only camp and set up temples at the edge of the primitive ancient land. If there are some undercurrents surging in the cracks in the starry sky, the first one to swallow is Hongmeng!

When Qin Feng and others came to the territory marked with the banner of Hongmeng, everyone's heart sank.

It's too miserable here. The broken city walls, broken flags and meteorites that may fall at any time all prove the embarrassment and dilemma of Hongmeng here.

Tianjiao people all feel blocked. They know that Hongmeng will be miserable at the Tianxing event. They didn't expect it to be worse than they thought.

"Although it's a little poor in comparison, it's also our base area after all. Go in!"

Seeing Tianjiao's hesitation, Qin Feng also signaled.

"But it's just a living root base. It doesn't affect anything. If we really want to turn over, it depends on what we can do at the star event!"

Qin Feng continued.

Tianjiao nodded without saying anything more and entered the territory of Hongmeng together.

It has to be said that Hongmeng is really terrible. At least there are special military guards in other places. They patrol every day. Even if there are no Shinto people, they also have the ability to guard.

But Hongmeng territory didn't, and it was empty at a glance.

No one took the lead. Qin Feng and others went straight all the way to the entrance of the hall, and only then did a ray of killing appear.

Then a figure also appeared from the temple. He had only one arm. Now there is a scar on his original strange face, which destroys the overall beauty.

"Mu Sheng?"

Qin Feng was stunned. Unexpectedly, it was Mu Sheng who guarded the hall.

Hongmeng only put the garrison around this hall. As for the peripheral territory, there is nothing good anyway, so no one will guard it. In this way, some manpower can be left.

But what Qin Feng and others didn't expect is that even the military guards of Hongmeng need their own disciples. It's really terrible.

As for mu Sheng, as early as in the past, the relationship between Qin Feng and Mu Sheng was not good, and there had been tit for tat in Zhongling University.

However, this is a thing of the past. Now, many years later, when they meet again in this ancient celestial region, they don't have the feeling of enemy. On the contrary, they have a feeling of goodbye.

"Qin Feng!"

When Sheng saw Qin Feng in that scene, he was also stunned. Unexpectedly, he saw Qin Feng here.

Like Qin Feng, now he has no hatred for Qin Feng in the past. After all, he has experienced more at the Tianxing event. Now he misses everything about Hongmeng.

Many things in the past, in his view now, are really not worth mentioning.

But his mind is relatively complex. After all, generally speaking, in the past, they were sorry for Qin Feng. He still had a trace of guilt.

"Long time no see!"

It seemed that he saw Mu Sheng's mind. Qin Feng greeted with a smile.

"Yes, long time no see!" Mu Sheng smiled back.

"Unexpectedly, you came too!"

His eyes, swept among a group of people behind Qin Feng, were also slightly surprised.

"But the second batch of people seem a little immature!"

In addition to Qin Feng and Zhu Tianzong, others belong to the younger generation or even more. Zhou Zi is simply a disciple of Qin Feng.

It's good to see talent, but I'm so young. I'm afraid I don't have much competitiveness at the Tianxing event.

"It doesn't matter, they come to the Star Festival, more just for training, not for competition!" Qin Feng waved his hand, and then his eyes fell on Mu Sheng's left arm.

"What's the matter with your arm and your face?"

"Alas!" Mu Sheng sighed: "don't mention it. I was unlucky. I met a top Tianjiao from the Holy Land and was abandoned by him. As for the scar on my face, it was left in the confrontation with an ancient fierce bird!"

"Really!" Qin Feng touched his chin and was still thinking.

Mu Sheng's strength, he still has points, he is definitely not weak!

In the starry sky, there should not be many Tianjiao who can deal with him. No matter how bad it is, he can run!

But judging from the wasted arm, the Tianjiao he met obviously has some terrible existence. After all, he can completely fly away Mu Sheng's arm and can't recover. This is definitely not what ordinary means can do.

He was lost in thought!

Mu Sheng motioned, "don't stand yet. If you have anything to say, go in and talk about it!"

"If President Zhou sees you, he must be very happy!"

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