Facing these six Colossus, Qin Feng sighed. He was as powerful as these six colossus and was killed in the end. Who in heaven and earth will not die!

Although there were only six giant statues left, Qin Feng realized that they were the six top heavenly statues, and their strength was not weaker than that of the previous ancestors of the Qingling clan. They should be the strongest in another era.

However, they are somewhat different from the ancestors of the Qingling nationality. The ancestors of the Qingling nationality finally died by crashing into the supreme realm. Qin Feng felt that they wanted to find a new way, not to pursue the supreme realm, but to pursue a more direct step, that is, eternal life.

But obviously, they failed, otherwise they would not be here. Their bodies were refined into corpse puppets, and now they are directly made into these six colossus.

But there is no doubt that these six people have brought some shock to Qin Feng. Their demeanor is amazing. Although they do not pursue the supreme realm, they actually have the will to pursue eternal life, and even have taken action for it. It is touching.

No matter whether there is real eternal life or not, many avenues were originally created from scratch. Before I don't know how many years ago, and before the first Supreme appeared, no one knew that there was a realm of supreme above the supreme.

At least they dare to take that step, which is already admirable!

Of course, Qin Feng also had doubts.

How did they die and pursue eternal life? Obviously, this road did not go through, but these six people obviously did not die because of this. There were other reasons.

With a wisp, Qin Feng continued to spy deeply.

The result was an astonishing situation.

He saw the young man's arrogance. A shocking arrow hole was left in the back of his head, and there was half a broken arrow. It was dark and quiet, as if it came from hell!

And the middle-aged man, whose eyebrows and hearts split like a spider's silk, although they now overlap, it is clear that his head was split by someone, but his body instinctively healed later, but he was too badly injured to recover completely, leaving a spider's silk like crack.

And the old man, who died the most miserably, was directly stripped of his body and consciousness by life. When he died, he was angry and wailing. It must be where the pain is. Just thinking about it is enough to make Qin Feng's heart bristle!

After that, he saw the tragic scene of another person's death, which was equally painful, but to Qin Feng's surprise, he seemed to spy on the shooter.

It's a nightmare.

It was Ying Yan who killed the six strongest men of an unknown era.

"It's a shadow nightmare again. Every time it's a shadow nightmare!" Qin Feng was angry. It seemed that many times' tragedies happened because of the shadow nightmare.

It seems that these damned creatures from the ancient demon world have not done a good thing except invading and killing!

On reflection, Qin Feng found a rule.

The ancestors of the Qingling clan, the six strong men, and later, or the era of the ancient era, or even the later emperor stars, all seem to have one thing in common. They all seem to be the strongest men of their own times. In the end, they are all targeted by Yingyan, who will appear and destroy them.

Among them, their strength is strong and weak, but they are all the strongest in the contemporary era.

It seems that Yingyan is particularly interested in the strongest people standing in the starry sky.

"What is the reason?"

Qin Feng could not help thinking.

Thinking about it, he suddenly saw another amazing scene.

He saw a shadow nightmare. From a special point of view, he actually had a head and a face, and like the human race, it was not the strange appearance he had seen in the past.

From that point of view, Yingyan is more like a normal creature. However, the creatures from the starry sky look very strange. They all wear a kind of cloak. They can't see their faces clearly and have no hands and feet. It seems even more frightening than Yingyan!

"This is..."

Qin Feng was shocked.

He suddenly realized a terrible fact.

From their perspective, the shadow nightmare is the shape like a strange thing, but from the perspective of the shadow nightmare, they are the shape and the real strange thing!

This is the perspective of the old man before he died.

Qin Feng realized that the ferocity of the old man's face when he was stripped by the spirit seemed to come not only from pain, but also because he might have discovered this terrible fact.

However, he was still dead. The news never came out again. If it weren't for the moment, Qin Feng peeped into his perspective, he would never be here!

Qin Feng was shocked and frightened. What should the ancient world of magic be like in their eyes, and what are the stars in the eyes of the shadow nightmare of the ancient world of magic?

Qin Feng suddenly had a creepy feeling!

How does it feel like all creatures are led by the nose like puppets?

Somewhere, is there some kind of existence that guides the war between the stars and the ancient demon world?

He did not dare to think any more because he was afraid of coming up with problems. This is not something he can understand at present.

Suddenly, a mysterious attack came. Qin Feng's surroundings were suddenly contaminated by the nether world. He was dragged into a terrible world. The ancient water of the nether world rushed towards him and wanted to see him swallow it.

Qin Feng's eyes were wide open, and his pupils seemed to double at this moment, feeling an unprecedented crisis.

At the moment of crisis, there seemed to be a ray of light in the dark.

Without hesitation, Qin Feng hurried to the light spot to escape from the terrible boundary and avoid being swallowed up by those ancient waters.

It was miaoyunyan who saved him. Fortunately, he asked miaoyunyan to play the zither in advance. Otherwise, it is estimated that it is not timely enough. He will still be swallowed by the ancient water of the nether world!

If he was swallowed up by the ancient water of the nether world, he would die miserably without accident!

"Fortunately!" He sighed with a lingering fear.

"What do you see?" Shangguan Yue asked with concern.

"Just now, your expression is very wrong. Your whole body is infected by the evil spirit!"

"Maybe I saw some terrible truth!" Qin Feng sighed and told what he had seen and heard.

After hearing this, everyone was thrilled.

They don't know what this means, but even so, it's a bit scary.

What kind of world are they in?

Not only they, but also Qin Feng himself. He even had a terrible guess.

Will they be just like those creatures in the taixuan Chen star chart, just some creature in the supreme existence chart?

The creature in the ancient world of magic is also another creature in the supreme existence diagram.

They fought fiercely and competed with each other for their own treasure map, so they fought again and again.

Each confrontation is just fun for them, but it is undoubtedly a world-class existence for the creatures in the starry sky and the ancient demon world.

If so, how desperate it would be!

"After all, it's just a guess, not necessarily true. No one knows what the facts are. The key is to be good at yourself!" Qin Feng said to himself, completely dispelling the thoughts in his mind. He didn't dare to think any more.

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