The void is dark, and the ghostly breath is rising, like bursts of mist rising, covering everything, and the eyes are blurred.

Qin Feng was the first to enter the world of ghosts, but the darkness and darkness in front of him completely blocked the perspective. This is not fog, so it cannot be dispelled. They are kind enough to show you that these ghost breaths are twitching around, which greatly affects the vision .

Vaguely, Qin Feng seems to be able to see that there seems to be a huge city in front of him, which is very unclear. If it weren't for Qin Feng's small sky eyes, he wouldn't even be able to see this blurry scene clearly.

The miscellaneous qi around him had a great influence on Qin Feng. He realized that after entering the so-called Ghost Realm, he could no longer use Da Luo's true vitality as he would in the outside world. It's too bad, and it's too difficult to draw spiritual energy from it.

Even if it is Qin Feng, even with the blessing of the Witch King Fa Pendant, Qin Feng still feels that it is difficult to learn it.

"It seems that relying on the outside world is not enough. Try to maintain the balance in your body, and try not to consume more than your own production. This is the key!"

Qin Feng said to himself, when he turned his head, there was nothing behind him, the road under his feet was broken, he could only move forward, but could not retreat.

In other words, he was separated from everyone, and now, he is alone, and can only keep moving forward.

"Because I was eager to get something, in order to get the incense of reincarnation in the first place, I rushed in without even thinking about it. I didn't think about anything at all. It's too wrong!"

He said to himself, a little annoyed, he seemed to be a little too impulsive this time, and as a result, he was separated from everyone, and he didn't know when he would be able to reunite.


He scolded himself secretly, this time's move was really stupid!

But after gradually calming down, Qin Feng realized that the situation might not be that bad!

Seeing him rushing in, the others should have rushed in too.

However, judging from the current ghost aura, unless they enter the ghost world at the same time, and cannot be separated by half a step in the whole process, otherwise, they should all dissipate.

Under such circumstances, even if someone was around him, within ten steps, he might not be able to find anything!

That is to say, in this world of ghosts, most of the people should be separated, all on their own.

"In this way, we can only hope that nothing will happen to them before they rendezvous. This is the key!"

"As for me, although I am a little impulsive, I have come, so I can only bite the bullet and go forward, there is no way out!"

Qin Feng walked forward for three days, all the way forward, he felt that although he had been moving forward, this so-called small world was really too big, in three days, even if he could vaguely see the giant However, after three days, he felt that he was still far away from that giant city.

If he hadn't used his little heavenly eyes to spy a little more clearly than three days ago, he would have doubted whether he was standing still.

It's a pity that he still couldn't see the whole picture clearly, the view was too blocked, and the little sky eye was not very useful at this time, and it could barely be used as a pointer to confirm whether he had gone astray!


Two days later, there was a loud noise in the giant city, ranging from silent silence to violent vibration, which suddenly caught Qin Feng's attention.

"No way, could it be that someone has arrived at that giant city?" Qin Feng was surprised.

But soon, he dismissed this idea. It wasn't that someone arrived before him, but a huge monster appeared in the city. With his small sky eyes, he could barely see its outline. It only had one foot, and it was moving there. .

It's a pity, the problem is still the same, the ghostly atmosphere is too heavy, the field of vision is too restricted, covering the little sky eye, Qin Feng can't see its clear appearance.

Qin Feng can only see that this is a humanoid creature, but it is huge, with a height of several thousand feet, and it is carrying a mace.


It smashed down with a stick, and many buildings in the city could be seen collapsed and crumbled into pieces.

Qin Feng was a little startled, because it was too powerful. The ancient city's architectural strength was extraordinary, and it was extremely difficult to destroy, but it was too powerful to be knocked out by this unicorn creature with a stick.

"With such a level of strength, not many people can achieve it, even if they are the strongest in the Sky Eye Realm!"

Qin Feng said, he realized that this huge creature should not be an opponent he could deal with.

However, to Qin Feng's surprise, it didn't take long for those destroyed buildings to recover quickly, and the huge humanoid creatures kept repeating and destroying those buildings, but every time they destroyed a piece, they would remain the same. Recovery, without exception.

Even Qin Feng, under this situation, is completely at a loss as to what is going on right now!

He continued on, and along the way, he had been listening to those human creatures keep attacking, destroying these buildings, and letting them recover.

At first, Qin Feng was a little terrified, but gradually, Qin Feng got used to it, and it was not so abnormal.

Seven or eight days passed like this, and suddenly, Qin Feng found that the voice that had been destroying the ancient city before disappeared.

He used his small sky eyes to investigate, and found that that kind of human creature had left the ancient city at some point, and he could no longer be found, and the ancient city barely had a clear appearance now, which could be spied by Qin Feng Yes, it looks normal.

As if nothing had happened.

"Where did that huge humanoid creature go?" Qin Feng couldn't help thinking to himself, a little confused.

Of course, if you are confused, you can at least be sure that that kind of human creature did not come towards you, because whenever it moves, it must be heard by Qin Feng. Now there is no sound, at least it means that it has been away from Qin Feng for a long time a distance.

Another two or three days passed.

Qin Feng's hard work along the way finally paid off.

He finally arrived at this huge ancient city.

The city is dead silent, and it's normal not to feel any breath of living things, after all, the ghost world is a place where strangers are not allowed to enter!

The ancient city is majestic and huge, but for some reason, Qin Feng still feels a kind of loneliness and desolation from it.

He didn't know what happened to this ancient city, but this city obviously once had its own glory, but now it has fallen to this point, something must have happened, and most of it was miserable!

Of course, he obviously had no way of knowing the answer.

Entering the city, one can clearly feel that a certain atmosphere in the city has become stronger. Even Qin Feng can clearly feel the pressure while walking in the city, which is not very comfortable.

He tried to find a city wall to attack, but was completely resisted by the runes on the city wall, which confirmed his thoughts. The huge humanoid creature before was really scary. Fortunately, he had already left, otherwise he I really dare not enter the city!

Continuing to walk in the city, suddenly, there were bursts of painful howls in the distance.

This howling sound affects people's mind very much. Even Qin Feng felt very painful after hearing this howling sound. There was a breath stuck in his chest, and he wanted to vent his power wantonly.

Fortunately, Qinglian found out that something was wrong, and exerted her strength in time to suppress Qin Feng's impulsiveness, making him gradually calm down.

This kind of place can't waste power indiscriminately, it will cause big problems!

When Qin Feng came back to his senses, he also felt lingering fear. It was too scary!

This is more emotional than those beautiful bones before, at least they use confusing methods to influence others, but now these howling sounds are simple and rude, directly interfering with force, and he is completely awake.

In this way, he almost fell into the trap, which shows that it is terrible.

"You must suppress yourself!"

Qin Feng said to himself, and also warned himself that he should not be led by the nose anymore.

Not long after, the mournful cry sounded, and the sound became louder and louder. Obviously, the source of the sound was gradually approaching Qin Feng.

Qin Feng originally wanted to leave, but after thinking about it, he felt that if he had to leave like this, it would be even more impossible for him to overcome the difficulties in the future, and he would not need to look for any reincarnation tree.

At the moment, he also bit the bullet and approached actively.

Finally, he saw the source of these screams and howls.

They were corpses of ghosts one after another. There were about a hundred of them swimming around in the city. The cold air was so overwhelming that Qin Feng felt his scalp go numb!

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