"One side is my invincible iron cavalry army, and the other side is the iron thorn wall I got from you. Can you stop it?"

Qingjie Sheng asked with a smile, as if he had already won the battle.

Qin Feng frowned. The situation was really bad. The key point was that enough people had died on their side, and they couldn't continue to die. Otherwise, many battle orders would become impossible to execute.

So, he decisively sent another batch of elites.

The same is the bow and arrow team.

The number is about eight thousand.

What they shot were iron arrows with a very small range, about a few hundred meters, which was incomparable to the opponent's crossbow.

Countless iron arrows were shot, but before they hit the opponent, they landed. Many of them fell into the river, and the attack range was too short.

"With such a short range, it's not like the arrows that ordinary soldiers can shoot. Your soldiers..."

"No, that's not an ordinary arrow!"

Qingjiesheng frowned, not believing that Qin Feng's soldiers would be so incompetent, and indeed soon discovered the clue.

The arrows shot by Qin Feng's soldiers are iron arrows!

"It seems that the senior has already discovered it!" Qin Feng smiled: "Yes, this is an iron arrow that I carefully crafted. The weight of the iron arrow will naturally be much heavier than the wooden arrow, so naturally it will not be able to shoot far! "

"But at the same time, my purpose has never been to shoot people!"

The Qingjie Saint was still about to say something, when he saw that the original iron arrows suddenly glowed with white light, and then, they gradually began to freeze.

In an instant.

The whole river was frozen over and frozen.

At the same time, the ice formed on it continued to spread to the surrounding area, and soon, the entire bridge, and even some areas around it, were all frozen into ice.

The consequences are also very obvious.

Many war horses stepped on the ice and slipped directly, or collided heavily with other cavalry, or simply bumped into the iron thorn wall, in short, it was a mess.

"There is such a method!" Qingjie Sheng was surprised.

I thought that the opponent had only one method against his cavalry, but I didn't expect that there was another one, and this one was even more ruthless.

On a piece of ice, his cavalry was almost completely useless, not to mention cavalry, even the infantry, those elite long-armed troops, could hardly be said to be able to maintain stability on the ice.

The river is indeed gone, but the naturally formed ice has become a gully blocking the two sides.

"The river surface is frozen, causing the upper river water to continue to accumulate. If we don't deal with it in time, there may be water spreading and releasing. We are downstream, and we will have to fight in the water, which is not good for us!" Qingjie Sheng frowned. Lock.

"It's reached this level, if I keep hiding it, I can't justify it!"

He no longer holds back, and resorts to other means.

The previous chariot was sacrificed again, and this time, it was no longer oiled wood, but meteorite iron.

This is a remodeled and top-notch chariot with a range farther than before, about 10,000 meters, and the load capacity it can hold is far greater than before.

When pieces of meteorite were transported onto the chariot and thrown out at the same time, something amazing happened.

Surrounding the meteorites, there was a fine fire ignited, and they flew down from the air, like pieces of meteorites flying from the sky, the power was astonishing.

And as the terrible meteorites fell down, the large-scale lethality made the casualties of Qin Feng's army extremely heavy.

Tens of thousands of people were burned to ashes in an instant.

"So ruthless!" Qin Feng's heart palpitations, this is definitely a trump card, it is so powerful that it scares people to death.

He had only 200,000 soldiers left.

At this moment, Qin Feng was also forced to do nothing.

The group of super soldiers who were originally intended to be kept as the bottom line were also forced to fight at this moment.

About a thousand people, this is the sum of Qin Feng's super soldiers.

They are gods of war. Although they didn't rush directly into the enemy pile, they showed extreme lethality.

Some people are good at using arrows, so they can shoot through Yang with a hundred steps, and one arrow can shoot off the head of a top soldier of the opponent.

There are also people who are good at rushing into the enemy, one person can fight a hundred people.

There are also some people who like to use some strange tricks, throw out a bottle of oil bottle, and then ignite it. Every time, they can accurately calculate the various positions of the opponent, and finally send them into the range of the oil bottle. The fire burned it all up.

There are also some people who are very good at using formations. Dozens of people can rush into the crowd and kill randomly. Whenever the opponent wants to attack, they will suddenly change their formations. They cannot catch up or run away. There is nothing they can do about them.

Even those cavalry were difficult to deal with and were easily crushed.

Soldiers are more expensive than elites, and these super soldiers are the elites of the elites, so they are unbelievably powerful.

If they were given enough time, it wouldn't be a problem for a thousand people to kill half a million people.

Only the group of long sword soldiers can cause some troubles to super soldiers, but it's just troubles.

This is not a level of combat power at all, and it will be a matter of time before the regiment of Chang Gebing is wiped out.

"What a bunch of monsters, but since your super soldiers have been sent out, I have no reason to keep mine."

Qingjie Sheng said in a deep voice, and also sacrificed his own 'super soldier'!

This is inspired by Qin Feng's previous super soldiers, and he also devoted a lot of energy to training these super soldiers.

Although the routes he followed were different, they did achieve something in the end, and the rewards were indeed far beyond his expectations.

These super soldiers are almost invincible.

Even Qin Feng couldn't help being startled after seeing this group of super soldiers.

What a bunch of monsters this is.

They were all wearing black armor, and their weapons were different, but with their appearance, they dominated the entire battle situation almost instantly.

There are those with spears, swords, guns, sledgehammers, chains and so on.

Rather than saying that these are super soldiers, it is better to say that this is a group of super generals.

They swept across the battlefield, no one could stop them, crushing everything they passed.

With a total of 3,000 people, killing 30,000 people is more fun, it's too easy.

It is not difficult to foresee that the super soldiers on both sides did match up in the end.

This is no longer an ordinary collision, but a fight between high-level fighters on both sides. Whoever wins will win the final battle.

At first, Qingjiesheng's super warriors had a huge advantage, almost crushing Qin Fengfang's super soldiers, because their combat effectiveness was too fierce.

If it is said that Qin Feng's super soldiers can fight one hundred in a frontal battle, and one thousand in casual detours, then each of these super warriors can fight five thousand.

Three thousand battles will come out, almost killing the battlefield!

However, Qin Feng's super soldiers soon discovered the clues.

That is, although these super warriors are very good at fighting, their tactical awareness is much inferior to that of Qin Feng's super soldiers. Qing Jiesheng did not specially cultivate their tactical awareness.

To be precise, there is actually no time, because there is not enough food and grass.

"From this point of view, burning your granary is simply a great achievement. A group of super generals who have no tactical awareness and no sense of tactical smell are just paper tigers, nothing to worry about!"

Qin Feng said with a smile that he can already see the future, and these super fighters will undoubtedly lose.

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